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[AHK SCRIPT] Script to Launch Demon's Tilt in Tate mode
societyab replied to societyab's topic in User Projects
sorry, what happens when you launch it is the script ahk file in the same dir as demon tilt's exe is there a splash.png file in that same dir and make sure the mouse coordinates are correct -
Here is a script to launch Demon's Tilt in tate mode. You will need to compile with autohotkey installed. (Updated, as old script didnt launch right everytime. Now it does.) #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% #SingleInstance Force Run, "DEMON'S TILT.exe" SplashImage, Splash.png, b ;---- DT config window ---- WinWait, ahk_exe DEMON'S TILT.exe Sleep, 50 loop, 4 { Send, {Tab down} Sleep, 50 Send {Tab up} Sleep, 50 } Send, {Space} ;---- Splash ---- SplashImage, Splash.png, b Sleep, 5000 SplashImage, off ; ---- This section uses the mouse to activate tate mode ----- ; Please use the Mouse locate script to change the following coordinates CoordMode, A_ScreenHeight, A_ScreenWidth MouseClick, Left, 0, 0 MouseClick, Left, 843, 946 ;To click on options Sleep, 150 MouseClick, Left, 733, 874 ;To tick Tate mode on Sleep, 150 MouseClick, Left, 941, 1090 :To click accept Sleep, 150 MouseClick, Left, 843, 809 ;To click start Sleep, 50 ; ----- Splash to cover DT loading screen ------ SplashImage, Splash.png, b Sleep, 18000 SplashImage, Off ExitApp The script should work as is if you have your playfield monitor set to 1080x1920 (portrait mode) if not use mouse locate then start the game and write down the values of each click needed in the script then change the coordinates in the script. include a Splash.png image in the DT folder with the script. make it the same resolution as your playfield screen. I will be uploading an animated backglass video and Docklet wheel art in the "Rare media" folder on the ftp. be on the look out. (update: I've added Backglass Image and Video, Table Video and Audio and Wheel art.) Mouse_Locate.exe
Update: I've added 6 more animated Backglass videos for Zaccaria.
societyab changed their profile photo
Update: I've added Table Audio for Zaccaria Pinball.
Slamit Pinball - Big Score is the only Pinball Software I use that doesn't have Joystick nudge support. I made this script to add nudge support. Hopefully this will be useful to someone. Just set Nudge to run before "Slamit" and run CloseNudge after to exit script It works by monitoring the X and Y axis. Sending keyboard inputs that are used in game for nudge. you can edit the source to change varibles if need be. Use joysticktest.exe to see what varibles you need. Joysticktest.exe Nudge.exe CloseNudge.exe Nudge.ahk
I wrote this simple script that will work with any pinball software to make a pinscape plunger act like a button when pressed. It works great I use it with Future Pinball, ProPinball, Slamit Pinball, Pinball Fx, Tpa and Pinball Wicked. (should work with any plunger setup) The option that comes with Pinscape seems to only work with Visual Pinball. It will not affect regular plunger action. Just needs a slight press in of the plunger you do not have to press hard at all. You simply set PlungerButton.exe to run before in PinballX and set the PlungerBkill.exe run after to close the script. If you have any problems I provided the source. Just use Joysticktest.exe to check where your Z axis rest at. If your pinball program uses anything other than the Enter key for the Launch button you will need to change this in the ahk file and compile (needs autohotkey installed) (Or change it in the Pinball Software if possible.) PlungerButton.exe PlungerBkill.exe PlungerButton.ahk Joysticktest.exe
using playfield image loading produces the same result.
It hides future pinball but each table has a different loading time. and Pinballx doesn't show loading video. If it did I could come up with some thing that hid FP based on a file size equation. But WinHide will be useful in my arsenal of Autohotkey knowledge. (which isn't large by any means) Thanks again for the suggestions.
I'm about to crash, but it might work I'll look into in it tomorrow.
I've uploaded everything I had to create as it wasn't already available, some are modified backglasses in order to have them animated, others are from scratch. I'm still working on some Backglasses, I will let you know of any updates via this thread. If anyone needs either an Animated backglass video or Docket style wheel art. Let me know. You will find media for the following in the "Rare Media" folder under Other uploads on the ftp. Future Pinball Pinball Wicked - Black Flaggers Slamit Pinball - Big Score Pro Pinball Zaccaria Timeshock.mp4 Big_Score.mp4 Metal_Slug.mp4
Fullscreen optimizations feature is exclusive to Windows 10 (I'm assuming you are running Windows 10) So no luck for me, But I really appreciate your effort to help me out. I'm glad its not just my setup. My Script Covers up the problem pretty well, the FP loading screen still flashes for a split second but I can fix that by changing the loading image to black and the text on the FP loading screen to black as well. But it sucks I have around 80 tables in FP so it will be time consuming. I hate that I'm a perfectionist Scutters, thanks again for your help.
And now my script doesn't seem to be working?..... I guess once i rebooted I didn't have the same environment? #NoEnv #SingleInstance Force SplashImage, Splash.png, b Loop, 240 { WinSet, Transparent, % Mod(0xffff - A_Index, 256), ahk_class AutoHotkey2 sleep, 20 } until A_Index > 0xffff SplashImage, Off WinWait, Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions ahk_class FuturePinballOpenGL, , 30 Sleep, 1500 SplashImage, Splash.png, b Sleep, 35000 SplashImage, Off ExitApp This works but by Covering the FP loading screen with an image (otherwise it is just black until table loads) This is a better alternative anyways because the FP loading screen was tacky looking. Still hope there is a fix I would love Video loading For every Pinball Software.
Yeah, I know I'm probably the only one using everything but Visual Pinball. But I only have a 22" playfield screen and 15" backglass. with the Playfield on a 30 percent angle instead of flat. I like the camera view 3 in Pinball fx3 and TPA has similar camera views and Future Pinball with BAM has the kick addon which can be set up to emulate pinball fx3 Camera Movement. It gives the system a more Casual Gaming feel than a Enthusiast Pinball Museum feel. (Not saying one is better than the other) And Im trying to use budget parts and VPX takes too much power to run smoothly. And I'm using Vibration Speakers for Force Feedback and mic controlled RGB for under lighting. Simple but Enjoyable. I would like to build a VPX dedicated cab with DOFlinx, and all the bells and whistles in the future. Getting FP to load like PFX3 and TPA is all I need to say the Mini is complete. What I have above is just a bandaid, Hopefully Tom can help me out. He just helped me with another issue and my LOG and Pinballx.ini are the same as that post. Can anyone else duplicate my problem to see if its just me?
Ok I fixed the problem and so far this works best. Updated files attached Splash.ahk Splash.exe
It doesn't seem to work on smaller file size tables but you can just create a new system for those tables until I or someone figures it out. Only a few.