hey i am really sorry about the bug comment, it might not be a bug i noticed that in the theme in change view is disabled so maybe i never could change view it changed on it's own after i added the artwork (boxes, carts, titles etc) this is roughly what it used to look like GameEx 2013-01-24 14-05-54-61.bmphat it used to look like this is what it looks like now GameEx 2013-01-24 14-04-35-26.bmp this is what it looks like after re enabling view change and putting it back to the old view is the box art supposed to be in front of the video? GameEx 2013-01-24 14-04-58-13.bmp and there is all kinds of weirdness with the directories being mixed up, all the correct file are in the correct folder both visually inspected and after looking through the config files GameEx 2013-01-24 14-06-34-04.bmp some emulators show screenshot (large where video should be) and video behind it and others show box art behind video what is the correct layout for the view shows in the first screenshot should it be background in the back with large video in front and box art at top right corner? i love the theme i just want it to work for me