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  1. you shouldn't need daemon tools for psx games unless you have games with multiple bins, and i have a workaround for that too http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/12269-playstation-cue-with-multiple-bins-tracks-fixed/
  2. thanks for this i will try it out as soon as i can, i'm sorry you have to do all that work :-/
  3. mine looks as it is every time i start it, i think i am going to deletes all my artwork as all i want is full screen preview video playing behind the selected game, and i think the theme doesn't seem to play well with the carts boxes etc, at least not on my system....thanks for you and everyone elses help
  4. hey i am really sorry about the bug comment, it might not be a bug i noticed that in the theme in change view is disabled so maybe i never could change view it changed on it's own after i added the artwork (boxes, carts, titles etc) this is roughly what it used to look like GameEx 2013-01-24 14-05-54-61.bmphat it used to look like this is what it looks like now GameEx 2013-01-24 14-04-35-26.bmp this is what it looks like after re enabling view change and putting it back to the old view is the box art supposed to be in front of the video? GameEx 2013-01-24 14-04-58-13.bmp and there is all kinds of weirdness with the directories being mixed up, all the correct file are in the correct folder both visually inspected and after looking through the config files GameEx 2013-01-24 14-06-34-04.bmp some emulators show screenshot (large where video should be) and video behind it and others show box art behind video what is the correct layout for the view shows in the first screenshot should it be background in the back with large video in front and box art at top right corner? i love the theme i just want it to work for me
  5. yea this theme has a nasty bug imho, i lost the ability to change view also and i get random crashes now really sucks too cause it was my favorite theme
  6. I navne't noticed any diffwrence, but to e honest i haven't played it a whole lot i've been in gameex sentup mode for the past week and a half :-) but everything seeems to run fgine, no missing music etc.... give it a try its a real fast process, i dont think it effects emulators just burning not having the extra tracks
  7. sorry no, this is for games that have one cue file and multiple bins. basically it's games that are cd audio with multiple tracks..
  8. cool thanks, one last question, does gameex download 480P videos or the 240 ones?
  9. think i looked at that one doesnt it need a dat file? how would i get/create one?
  10. that seems to have done it, sorry for all the roadblocks im having i've been configuring gameex for like a week now and i just started the video renaming process if i automatically download video snaps through gameex does it rename them to match my games or no? i am currently using fat renamer just wondering if it would save me some time. what "naming" scheme (no intro, good name etc) does emumovies use
  11. ok ill give it a try and post back
  12. would i need codec packs if the other videos play fine?? thanks a bunch for your reply. it seems the gameex video player is crashing maybe??
  13. ok got vids working but when i play a couple (scrolling through list) they stop working screen goes black except for text and when i quit gameex it hangs having to be killed by task manager i am reposting log file after getting videos working
  14. my tweaks/performance settings don't appear to save, when i tick very high for system configuration it is back on medium whenever i re run the setup wizard. i also just paid for lifetime membership to emumovies and can't get psx vids working, the rest work just not psx and yeas the directory is correct and the names are correct thanks guys
  15. guess it was common knowledge :-)
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