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Everything posted by jperkins79

  1. That sounds interesting. It launches in less than 30 days, correct? I can't wait to see it
  2. So I just tried out the GameroomEx2 theme and swapped the Boxes and Titles path. While it accomplishes what I wanted to do in the most basic sense of it, it is pretty sloppy. The boxes are, of course, cut off at the top and bottom, so it doesn't look good at all. And this particular theme doesn't have any good views that really go well with browsing through the games by looking at the boxes. Are there any themes that would work well with this kind of setup? In my mind, I'm picturing the boxes against a shelved background, like going to a video rental store back in the 80's/90's. A theme like that would be fantastic. Are there any themes like that?
  3. Tom and u-man, thank you both for your responses. I will check into both. GameEx Evolution, never heard of it. I'll read up on it, thanks!
  4. I haven't used GameEx in a couple of years, so I'm well behind the times. Last time I updated though, which was in the 10.x versions I believe, it was not possible to change your games list view to show game carts or boxes, instead of Screenshots. Has this changed? I would REALLY prefer to look at the game boxes when shuffling through the games, instead of screenshots. In my opinion, the screenshots view looks sloppy since there's no border around the screens. Anyway, is this possible now? *fingers crossed*!
  5. epsxe.exe -nogui -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" That is the command I run, and it works for me. Here is the line from my log file: 23:23:56.2 1/25/2013: Running: cmd.exe /c G: epsxe.exe -nogui -loadbin "G:\ROMs\Sony Playstation\Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (USA).iso" Can you post your log file when trying to use the -loadbin option, instead of mounting the ROM via a virtual drive?
  6. So this wouldn't be anything like what I described regarding a game with multiple game discs?
  7. yeah, I kinda figure this will be a "that's just the way it is" scenario, and it's not by any means a big deal. More than anything, I'm just curious if others have experienced it. EDIT: So, looks like it is indeed the recursive folder scan over the network that is causing the delay. I just moved all of the discs out of their own folders into a single folder on the network drive, and disabled Scan Subfolders, and it loads instantly. Well, at least the 'mystery' is solved. I think I'll keep all my discs in a single folder and leave on Merge Sets. It's too nice of a feature to do without, just for the sake slightly better file/folder management.
  8. Yes, when I enter the Playstation game list, that loads normally. However, when going into any game, whether there are merged items or not (not merged meaning a game with a single .iso file), it will take that much longer to load. I just timed it, it seemed to consistently be 11 seconds. It's worth noting, that these ROM files are being loaded from a mapped network drive. If I copy the folders down from the network drive to a local drive, the "loading" screen doesn't show up and the game description page loads immediately. But also worth noting, that if I disable the Merge Sets option, the same files on the same drive will load immediately as well. It's something about enabling Merge Sets on files stored on a network drive. Other info worth mentioning... the mapped network drive is on a server in my home, behind my router, on a gigabit network connection. Here is my Playstation emulator .ini: And here is my game log:
  9. I just found out about the Merge Sets option. So, I have turned it on for my Playstation emulator. (It works wonderfully, btw). But when I go click into "Final Fantasy VII", it shows a "loading" screen for about 7 or 8 seconds. It doesn't take that long to load on startup, or when going into the initial Playstation emulated games screen. I have verified that the loading is coming from the Merge Sets option being enabled. I can go into a game that has only 1 .iso file and no subfolders, and it will do the same thing. Disabling Merge Sets stops the loading screen from showing up. I'm just curious if the behavior I'm experiencing is normal, or not. If it's not normal, I can post up my .ini and log files. Just let me know.
  10. I'm looking for some clarification on this. What is the use? Are you saying I could take Final Fantasy VII, which has 3 discs - meaning 3 .cue's and 3 .bin's - and merge them all into 1 .cue file, that would play the 3 .bin files? If that is what you're saying, how would I play the individual discs? If that is not what you're saying, can you give an example of what you would do with this?
  11. Thanks for this, that worked and is allowing me to browse the data correctly now. However, I can't save my changes. The 'Post' (checkmark) button appears to work (no errors), but when I switch over to the Configuration table list, and then back to the Gamedata table list, the change I made disappears. EDIT: Not sure what was going on with the SQLite Database Browser, but I tried out the SQLite Manager addin for Firefox, and that is allowing to save the data I change, so it looks like I'm good. I was able to add "Final Fantasy VII" into the Goodname field, and then GameEx correctly displayed the game info for Final Fantasy VII! Thanks so much guys!
  12. Ok, so after changing the name of my Castlevania rom to "eliminator", it correctly displayed the game info for that game! So you guys are right, it's either that the database is not complete, or my ROM names need to be updated to a compatible scheme. I'm hoping the names need to be updated, but we'll see, hehe. Thanks for the help guys, I'll update the thread when I have a final answer on what I needed to do. Btw, nullPointer, I downloaded that database browser program you suggested, but I couldn't see any tables to be updated. The 'SQL' window at the top showed the same info I would see in my text viewer (i.e., some plain english surrounded by a lot of nonsense characters). The section below that was empty, and I couldn't see any way to show the list of tables so I could tweak it. Do you know what I might be doing wrong?
  13. Can you give me one example? I should be able to match it to one that works for you as long as I have a file by that name, right?
  14. After trying that, GameEx recreates the 'EMU_4.dbcachenodata' file in that folder.
  15. I can see that would be an issue for some games, but the games I have in my list are quite common. Some examples: Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy IX Castlevania: Symphony of the Night I have to imagine there are GameEx users out there with a Playstation game list that shows the game info for these games correctly. I even opened up the .db3 file ([Console] Sony Playstation.db3), and in that file you can search for and find these games. Not sure why the data is not showing up... From the log file - "20:36:06.9 1/20/2013: No Database Data: 4" - This looks like the problem, but why would it not find any data?
  16. Apparently you're seeing something different than me. It's showing up exactly as it does in notepad. There is literally no difference, other than possibly word wrap, which can be fixed my widening your window if it's not maximized. What do you mean by the Playstation database is not complete? Do you mean to say the particular file I have? Or that the database itself that is available for download is not complete? EDIT: I reformatted the ini and log files I posted above, and wrapped them in a quote (as shown in the 'How to ask for help' thread), instead of code snippet. Hope this helps.
  17. I disabled the Game Info Plugin, and checked the playstation emu info again, still no game description. Here is the log file now: Btw, Emulators 4 and 5 are BOTH playstation emulators, I only posted the config ini for one of them (#4). #5 was created to see if I could fix the problem with another emulator, but it exhibits the same behavior, and the log shows it too.
  18. Thanks for the response nullPointer Here the Playstation emulator portion of my Config file: And here is my log file, from today, after I opened the program and browsed to the "Playstation" emulator: I do see the error, but not sure what to make of it.
  19. Hi all, hopefully someone can help me with this issue. I currently have GameEx setup with 4 different emulators, 1 for NES, SNES, Genesis and Playstation. There's a description that comes up for nearly every game in my NES, SNES and Genesis rom lists in GameEx (save for the non-standard ROMs). However, there is no description for any of the Playstation games I have. The Playstation roms will show up (they are mostly in .iso and .cue/.bin format), but when you open them up, no description for the game, as though it were not in the [Console] Sony Playstation game database. I updated the database files just now, and no change. Has anyone seen this issue? How do I fix it, so that the game descriptions for my PSX games show up? I'm sure I haven't given you enough info, so if you need anymore, please just ask and I will provide it.
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