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Tom Speirs

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Tom Speirs last won the day on March 21

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  1. you are supposed to attach the files buddy... Hard to search or test it without an actual file.. However, searching the entire web page in my browser shows you have it enabled. Only thing i am aware of is table browsing sounds override the startup sound.
  2. i just tested. i can confirm its working fine for me too. note: There is a setting to turn it on and off.
  3. i think the op is referring to startup sounds not launch?
  4. to be clear it works on same instance with older version??
  5. PS: The 32 bit version should support older Access databases along with game music such as SID. The standard .net 6 x64 version should work with newer versions of MS Access databases but i will test it shortly. There should not be any downside to the 32 bit version. It just does not get so much testing by me. Sorry for the delay, I have been overseas..
  6. If you are particular interested in gamebase I recommend the 32 bit version of GameEx. To install the 32 bit version run the installer with compatibility settings for windows XP then ensure not to select the 64 bit option. Let me know if you need more help.
  7. Thanks for the tip. Anydesk and Remote desktop are still my go to. If you use Tailscale, remote desktop once again comes a good solution for remote windows machines..
  8. yes, thats an unreolved issue with zedmd detection but my verdict is still the same right now. Pinballx just sends the frame to dmddecice as and when it can. nothing special. Like i said i have seen flickering in the past with videos but i think i resolved it. ive thoroughly looked at the code. im pretty sure its and issue with dmddevice.dll
  9. thank you. everything looks fine. I have seen flickering with videos in the past but I thought that was addressed by me. if not i can think of no reason on pinballx side. sorry
  10. Which dmddevice.dll are you using? Freezys? Latest?
  11. you are correct in that puck man is the master original rom and pac man is the English speaking clone. I would rather play pac man than puck man but I don't know why it is not showing up. I only ever checked and put big effort into pac man always showing up correctly! Sorry. i will take a look at some point.
  12. yeah me too. i think they must be gone, not much i can do.
  13. Just wanted to apologize. I got a little busy. ps: please post logs with it actually recording.
  14. Sorry to sound like a stuck record but please post a log of it actually trying to record the table. Tom.
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