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Apps-Config-Map Files-Plugins

PinballX Applications, Configuration, Map Files, and Plugins

5 files

  1. PINemHi LeaderBoard PLUGIN

    PINemHi LeaderBoard is a program that catches the score and specialscores from player 1
    The normal score doesn't have to be on the hiscore table of the game, even scores like 1000 can be submitted.
    Special scores however can only be submitted if they are over the score of the hiscore table.
    Special scores are for instance , 20 loops (back to the future) or 50 martians killed (attack from mars) and so on...
    If you wanna go for SPECIAL SCORES the use of a new,clean nvram might be handy as you can get the scores more easy (especially helpful when trying to get a challenge)
    If you have a nice score, just don't start a new game but just quit the game, PINemHi LeaderBoard will do the rest.
    When quitting a game you don't have to rush , just as long as you don't start a new game the score(s) can be retrieved.
    Did you know you can do challenges and level up when completing them using the website (www.pinemhi.com/hiscores.php)
    Did you know you can earn badges by achieving things
    *** 3 different levels of challenges....kiddie, leaderboard and InSaNe..... ***
    *** 40 badges in total (for now) ***
    We have CUP Standings !!!
    You can make all kind of queries on the database using the pulldown menu's , from the top 10 to the top 100 per table or just your scores on the table.


       (2 reviews)



  2. PBX Recorder - captures Playfield, Backglass and DMD videos and images

    PBX Recorder will walk through all the VP tables found set up in Pinballx, launch each table and record/capture all videos and/or images automatically.  This is intended for VP cab setups but will add Desktop support at some point (Note: Desktop users - there is now a beta version for single monitor desktop users below).  By default, PBX Recorder is setup to find and record missing media.  There are options to re-record all media if desired.  What to record and length of videos are all configurable.  
    NOTE: PBX Recorder uses the DirectB2S screenres.txt to figure out how to record the Playfield, Backglass and DMD.  (If the DMD portion of screenres.txt is not filled in correctly, you will have trouble with DMD video or screenshot capture.  Try the included ScreenResCheck utility, to see exactly what PBX Recorder will record) 
    NOTE: PBX Recorder videos requires that you to install the LAV filters recommended for PinballX here: http://www.pinballx.com/codecs.exe 
    To view the videos outside of PinballX, try a media player like this: https://mpc-hc.org/
    Version history:
    Version 1.4 beta:  
        - Drag and drop of new VPT/VPX files onto PBX Recorder to add a new table to the PinballX xml file
        - Ability to PAUSE recorder to setup table, i.e enable B2S, tweak script and RESUME.  Double tap PAUSE to start recording immediately
    Version 1.3 
        - New record mode:  "Record complete media set for new tables only"
        - Drag and drop of new VPT/VPX files onto PBX Recorder to record a single table(must be in XML already).  
        - Ability to record in .mp4 format added
        - Ability to name media based on table or description names.
     Version 1.2
        - Basic support for automatic Wheel image download via FTP if you have Pinballx FTP access. To enable FTP support, open the FTPLoginInfo.txt file and put in your user info. (If you do not have FTP access, the log file will provide a list of any missing wheel images)
    Version 1.1 - Bugfix release
    Version 1.0 - Initial version
    Special Thanks to:
    - Carny_Priest for his original ffmpeg recording scripts and input on the PinballX forums (http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/15207-capture-videos-to-pinballx-media-table-backglass-and-dmd)
    - All the beta testers 


       (1 review)



  3. Xpadder Plugin (PinballX Edition)

    This is an Xpadder plugin for PinballX. You can seamlessly integrate your pin cab with Xpadder quickly and easily. Just browse to the Xpadder.exe, select your installed machine from the drop down list, and browse to the profile you want to load for it. To remove the settings for a machine, just click the REMOVE PROFILES button and they're gone. No need for Launch Before or Launch After commands with Xpadder, everything happens automatically. If you don't have a profile enabled, Xpadder won't launch (or close if it was running). You can also set profiles for navigating the PinballX interface!

    Unique to the PinballX version is the profile editing feature. Click the EDIT button next to the profile, and your Xpadder editor will launch allowing you to edit your commands quickly.
    This is the first plugin for me using the new system. It's working on my machine, but I only have a handful of tables running. I'd be interested to know how it works for others.


       (1 review)



  4. QuickLaunch (PinballX Edition)


    Add applications to launch before, after, and with your games using this simple plugin! Specify variables to build your command lines on the fly! Launch as many programs as you want (as long as you give each one a unique name)! It's like GameEx's Launch Commands on steroids!
    Select the emulator you wish to add your applications/BAT files to from the drop down menu
    Click [ADD] to add a new application
    Click [EDIT] to edit the currently selected application
    Click [REMOVE] to delete the currently selected application

    Enter a unique name for the process (If you don't, your previous app info will be overwritten!)
    Click the [...] button and browse to your EXE or BAT file
    Enter your command line arguments
    Select the launch type (Launch Before, Launch After and Also Launch fully supported!)
    Save it and play!

    [system] The internal system name for PinballX, ie VisualPinball
    [systemName] The display friendly name for PinballX, ie Visual Pinball
    [iNI] The system's INI file
    [GameName] The Game Name from the PinballX Database
    [Description] The Game Bio from the PinballX Database
    [shortDescription] A shortened Game Bio from the PinballX Database
    [TableFile] The table's executable
    [TablePath] The path to the table's executable
    [Parameters] The table's command line parameters
    [DisplayWidth] The game's display width
    [DisplayHeight] The game's display height
    [DisplayRotation] The game's display rotation
    [DisplayWindowed] A boolean variable representing the table's windowed mode
    [DisplayPlayfield] The display showing the table's playfield
    [DisplayBackglass] The display showing the table's backglass
    [DisplayDMD] The display showing the table's DMD
    [DisplayFilter] The display filter
    [Video-Playfield] The playfield video path
    [Video-Backglass] The backglass video path
    [Video-DMD] The DMD video path
    [Video-Wheel] The Wheel video path

    Any questions or comments? Feel free to ask 'em. I also like feature requests and very much appreciate bug reports. This app does not yet contain any logging, I will add this in a future release. It seems to be working fine for me.
    Thanks again for using it!


       (1 review)



  5. Function Logger (PinballX Edition)

    Here's the usual plugin for development purposes. Basically like it's GameEx cousin, it logs the PinballX variables as they pass through the GameEx events. It's my ground floor entry into the plugin system for PinballX... I had to make a bunch of adjustments to the included template anyways, and I whipped this up in about an hour. Learnin' the in's and out's as it were. Try it if you were going to take a crack at some programming for this beast!


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