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About Shando69

  • Birthday 04/22/1967

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    Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia

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  1. Hey horseyhorsey, Thanks for the script above, it all works fine for me, except I have some VP8 tables that always crash out when exiting back to PinballX (I get the standard VP exit popup flash up briefly before it crashes out). Do you know of a way that I can disable this popup (I've never tried anything with ahk scripts before yours, so wouldn't really know where to start)? I've read that disabling the 'esc' key in VP works, but there's no obvious option in the Editor, so I presume it has to be done via script?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. OK, my bad All I had to do was change the "Emulator Exit" key in PinballX to get VP8 to exit correctly. Regards Shando
  2. Hi Tom, Thanks for the quick reply. Everything works fine now that I've turned off the 3D transitions Regards Shando
  3. Hi Tom, Sorry for not replying sooner The file I attached earlier was the one called "GameEx" in C:\GameEx\CONFIG. It is the bottom file in the attached screenshot. If this isn't the correct file, which one should I be posting??? Thanks Shando
  4. Hi Tom, Attached are the .ini file and four .log files for the various Themes tested. As previously advised, "Animated" & "New" don't work, but the other two do. Regards Shando GameEx.ini log - RedEx - MCE1024x768.txt log - Default - Animated.txt log - Default - Default.txt log - Default - New.txt
  5. Hi Tom, Thanks for the reply. The only emulator I'm using is MAME (0.144). I've done a few more tests, and would comment as follows: Default - Default (ALWAYS WORKS) Default - Animated (ALWAYS FAILS) Default - New (ALWAYS FAILS) RedEx - MCE1024x768 (ALWAYS WORKS) I'm extremely confused now It seems like some Themes have different setting requirements? Please could you point me in the direction of which Settings I should be looking at? Thanks Shando
  6. Hi Tom, I've tried a few themes with the following results: Default - Default (WORKS) Default - Animated (FAILS) Default - New (FAILS) RedEx - MCE1024x768 (WORKS) These were all tried just changing the Theme in the Setup Wizard. Hope this helps Shando PS: I used the Default - New for my Theme as I like the way you can scroll through the Snaps.
  7. OK, so I tried creating my own test theme, based on one of the "Default - Default" Themes. Everything seems to work except for the "Play Random Game"???? Any help would be greatly appreciated as my son loves my new Theme , BUT he also loves "Play Random Game" regards Shando
  8. When running "1941" it looks like this: @ECHO OFF C: CD "C:\MAME" mame.exe 1941 -rompath "C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Desktop\Arcade Machine Stuff\MAME ROMS" -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo When trying "Random Game" it is identical to the above. I ran "1941" first obviously. Regards Shando
  9. Hi All, I've attached a couple of files.... One for when I've tried "Random" game, and the other running "1941" normally. The theme I'm using is Carbon & Steel. HTH Regards Shando Gameex Log - Random Game.txt Gameex Log - Game Running.txt
  10. Hi Draco, Thanks for the reply. The only ROMs I'm using are one's that pretty much work (I've spent a while culling non-working ROMs and I'm pretty confident I don't have any that don't work). When I use the "Standard" themes this option works fine, it's only the newly downloaded themes that don't seem to work? Regards Shando
  11. Hi All, I've downloaded several Themes (such as Carbon & Steel, Valhalla & Hexed), and I cannot get any of them to play a random game when the option is selected. Basically, they flash up a loading screen and then back to the option list. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance Shando
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