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About Stilkdog

  • Birthday 03/02/1992

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    United States

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  1. Hey All, I'm finally back in the scene here as I finally moved into a home and had time to fix and repair my arcade cabinet. Long story short, it's finally near the point of playability again I just updated to the latest GameEX 16.x update and GAMEEX crashes at startup. When I turn off my plugins GameEX works just fine which makes me believe that possibly the new move to 4.0 Net Framework may be breaking older plugins or it's something else? I've not had much time to do testing but I enjoy using the Random Game Sounds to make it sound like a arcade. I'm not sure if other plugins are affected, but I wanted to see if others are having this issue or if maybe this is just the only plugin with a compatibility issue. Other than that, so far everything seems to be good on my side Tom and is actually much faster starting up for me with the new 16.x update.
  2. It's been awhile since I've come to check back on GameEx but every time I do, I get shocked by all of the updates and new features I read. I would like to thank Tom for his continue support on this and I can't wait to try this out once Windows 8 hits the shelves. I can't wait to see what the future brings, thanks again and I love everything.
  3. No problem guys. Just doing what I can for Tom to help him out in any little way possible. Glad you guys like this small work.
  4. Keep up the work dude! Take all the time you need, don't rush things
  5. Can't wait for it man! Keep it up!
  6. Happy birthday Stilkdog! :)

  7. (Sits back a waits the coming of 11.98)
  8. So many updates, this is awesome, keep up the work you two!
  9. YES!!! I've been waiting for this, thanks so much Tom!
  10. Nice update, seems to be starting up a lot faster now
  11. I believe it's using U3 still due to the memory leak? So that's why I probably don't have the problem.
  12. I use MAMEUI over the default MAME and I don't have this issue.
  13. I have Auto Update on and so once I update to this, it keeps wanting to "UPDATE" to the newest one so it will keep looping.
  14. I can't get GameExTender to work, when I click START MAME button in the web browser it then displays that a link has been incorrectly typed, and then GameExTender then tells me that the connection to the server is lost and I must restart GameEx to get it up again.
  15. I'll make a quick video showing what I mean for you.
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