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After updating my Dreamcast emulator, again, I thought I'd give the emulators 360 controller config a try. It works fantastic but, how the heck should the command line read to load the image, then the controls? I'm lost. I know I can use Xpadder but I haven't had must luck using it before. Anyone else use the onboard 360 contol config that can steer me in the right direction?


Apparently a quick search of Google says to use the PyuoPuyo input plugin to configure your xbox controller in the NullDC GUI.

I don't see anything about needing to load anything via cmd line except the image.

  On 5/14/2011 at 5:22 AM, Adultery said:

Apparently a quick search of Google says to use the PyuoPuyo input plugin to configure your xbox controller in the NullDC GUI.

I don't see anything about needing to load anything via cmd line except the image.

Hey wow, sarcasm. If I wasn't a dick already, I'd have never caught that. :lol:

Yeah, so anyway, I can configure the controls just fine but when I load a game through GameEx, I revert back to the default control scheme. Should I change something in the cfg file to make the controls stick?


I'm not sure why you're losing your bindings in the first place. Do you run NullDC in screensaver? If I launch a game and my 360 controllers aren't turned on, I lose the mapping. Which is why I use xpadder instead.

Wasn't trying to be sarcastic friend. I got nuthin but love for ya!

  On 5/14/2011 at 5:04 PM, Adultery said:

I'm not sure why you're losing your bindings in the first place. Do you run NullDC in screensaver? If I launch a game and my 360 controllers aren't turned on, I lose the mapping. Which is why I use xpadder instead.

Wasn't trying to be sarcastic friend. I got nuthin but love for ya!

No no no, no blood no foul. I am no mad sir. The love is mutual.

Ok so I'll try my hand at Xpadder with it then. Its odd that it defaults even with a new reinstall, it still does the same.


Are you using wired or wireless controllers?

If you do decide to use xpadder for this emu you will either need to load a blank profile as GameEx starts and exit it after GameEx quits or you will need to use a batch file, since launchafter doesn't seem to terminate xpadder properly.

  On 5/14/2011 at 7:15 PM, Adultery said:

Are you using wired or wireless controllers?

If you do decide to use xpadder for this emu you will either need to load a blank profile as GameEx starts and exit it after GameEx quits or you will need to use a batch file, since launchafter doesn't seem to terminate xpadder properly.

Wired. So use a batch file for Xpadder is the way to go then? I'm making a profile for my controller right now.


I'll be honest with you: I use xpadder for everything on my rig, including emulators and GameEx itself. It takes some doing to set up but it's well worth it in the end. As a matter of fact, the only thing I load a blank profile for is PC games marked 'Games for Windows' because they support my controllers natively.

I'm going to finally set this up for MAME too and be done with it, because having a function key (I use LT and RT) and being able to map state saving and loading, and rewinding, is really awesome.

Xpadder has really made it possible to enjoy my cab without the keyboard and mouse, since it handles mouse emulation really quite well.

It may take a bit, but I'm here to help should you decide to go this route.

PS: if you do decide to go the route of loading when GameEx starts, you won't even need bat files. ;)


Well thanks homie! I do have a cp already configured with all other emulators and Dreamcast and N64 are the only ones that I have a problem with. Both have an analog stick and dpad but only these two emulators switch sticks. Dr. Mario on N64 plays with the dpad but Star Wars Shadows of the Empire plays with the analog. Same with DC. I'm ready to only use my usb 360 controller for these emulators. Once I get the Dreamcast figured out then I'll move onto N64.

Unfortunately, I just got called to work (I hate being on call sometimes :angry:) and I'm gonna have to put this all on hold until I get home.


Well now that I think about it N64 is the only thing I can't use xpadder for because the pj64 plugin doesn't seem to allow for keyboard mapping. I admittedly don't play with N64 too much, but I should start a new thread about it. ;)


Yeah you should. I honestly don't play it much because of the controls. I had no idea PJ64 had a plugin confliction. Maybe advanced emulator confige can remap the contols, not sure about xpadder as I'm xpadder noob.


Well the issue is that PJ64 only takes joypad input AFAIK, but it may just be the plugin itself. I'm gonna have to tinker with it when I get home. The thing that really gnaws at me about it is it seems to take forever to load a game on my machine, but really all I play is Perfect Dark and Goldeneye on it.


Interesting. Ill tink around with it when I get home as well. Zinc, N64 and DC are all I have to configure and then I can finally, FINALLY, kick back and fully enjoy my rig. Aside from snaps and "other" artwork that is....

  On 5/14/2011 at 8:33 PM, Adultery said:

Well now that I think about it N64 is the only thing I can't use xpadder for because the pj64 plugin doesn't seem to allow for keyboard mapping. I admittedly don't play with N64 too much, but I should start a new thread about it. ;)

So I gave up on Xpadder and Dreamcast since it still isn't working for me. However, I did get N64 to work with my Logitech ChillStream Xbox 360 controller. The plugin that I use is that Jabo's Direct Input 7 1.6. It accepted my pad controls and even saved them as a profile. Loads up every time I run PJ64 with no issues. Is that the same plugin you were having conflict with?


I think so. I never thought to save the layout as a profile. Good call!

On a side note, does your PJ64 emu take 45-60 seconds to start a game or is that just me?

  On 5/17/2011 at 10:29 PM, Adultery said:

I think so. I never thought to save the layout as a profile. Good call!

On a side note, does your PJ64 emu take 45-60 seconds to start a game or is that just me?

No sir. What build are you using, mine is Ver 1.6.

I seriously need help with this Xpadder. It launches but steals focus and then black screen.


Oh, I can help with that. Post your command line for xpadder for me?

I use the paid version (1.7). I think I should just remove it and do a clean install. I don't think I did this when I uupdated to a dual core.


Sure sure, first here is my NullDC cmd line -

nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]

That works flawless.

Here is my Xpadder Launch Before -

C:\Users\User.Dave-PC\Documents\Xpadder_v5.6\Xpadder.exe "DCPad2"

Launch After is the same as the before but -

C:\Users\User.Dave-PC\Documents\Xpadder_v5.6\Xpadder.exe "DCPad2" {nowait}{autoquit} 


At the end of your xpadder command line add /M to start it minimized. :)

Instead of all the bracketed text in LaunchAfter you should just be able to do a tskill. I think the command line is tskill xpadder.exe but not certain off the top of my head.

Most say to go with this=xpadder.exe /C but that doesn't seem to work for me, so I just use tskill instead.


Aight, to just Before correct?

No Dice, log -

17:57:57.5  5/17/2011:  GameEx: Version 11.72: Starting Log
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Operating System Platform: Win32NT
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Operating System Name: Windows 7
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Operating System Version: 6.1.7600
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Aero running
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: .net Framework 2.0 Installed
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: .net Framework 3.0 Installed
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: .net Framework 3.5 Installed
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz, 4095MB
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: 3.6Ghz - 2 Cores or CPU's
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Running Randomize()
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Loading PlugIns
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Running Misc startup tasks
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Setting Menu types
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Opening Configuration File
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Getting Configuration Values
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Using Theme: Blacky Blue
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Blacky Blue
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance)
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Is Media Center running?
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Media Center Mode 2
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Snap Delay set to: 2
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Get other settings
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Start work for Form
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Getting Original Screen Size
17:57:57.5 5/17/2011: Opening Database Connection
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Initializing Component
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Retrieving resolution setting
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: MAME Path is: C:\MAME
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Client/Server MAME Path is: C:\ClientServerMAME
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Client/Server MAME EXE file is: vmame.exe
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Use Client/Server MAME On. vmame.exe will launch NetPlay games
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: daphne Path is: C:\Emulators\Daphne
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: daphne EXE file is: Daphne.exe
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Use daphne on. Daphne.exe will launch games
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: MAME EXE file is: MameUI32.exe
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: ROM Path is: C:\MAME\roms
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Catver.ini is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\catver.ini
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: controls.ini is located at: C:\GameEx\data\controls.ini
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: History.dat is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\history.dat
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: nplayers.ini is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\nplayers.ini
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: command.dat is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\command.dat
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: MAMEinfo.dat is located at: C:\GameEx\DATA\mameinfo.dat
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Loading Controls.ini map file
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Snap Path is: C:\MAME\snap
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: AVI Snap Path is: C:\MAME\video snaps
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Flyer Path is: C:\MAME\flyers
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Cabinet Path is: C:\MAME\cabinets
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Cabinet 3D Path is: C:\MAME\3D Cabs
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Title Path is: C:\MAME\titles
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: PCB Path is: C:\MAME\pcb
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Artwork Preview Path is: C:\MAME\artwork
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Panel Path is: C:\MAME\cpanel
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Manual Path: Not Found
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Icon Path: Not Found
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Marquee Path is: C:\MAME\marquees
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Loading Custom Emulators
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 1: [Arcade] CPS-3
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 2: [Arcade] WinKawaks
17:57:57.6 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 3: [Arcade] Sega Model 2
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 4: [Arcade] ZiNc
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 5: [Console] Atari 2600
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 6: [Console] Atari 5200
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 7: [Console] Atari 7800
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 8: [Console] GCE Vectrex
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 9: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx 16
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 10: [Console] Nintendo N64
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 11: [Console] Nintendo NES
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 12: [Console] Nintendo SNES
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 13: [Console] Nintendo Wii
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 14: [Console] Panasonic 3DO
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 15: [Console] Phillips CD-i
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 16: [Console] Sega 32x
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 17: [Console] Sega CD
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 18: [Console] Sega Dreamcast
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 19: [Console] Sega Genesis
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 20: [Console] Sega Master System
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 21: [Console] Sega SG 1000
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 22: [Console] Sony Playstation
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 23: [Console] Sony Playstation 2
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 24: [Handheld] Atari Lynx
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 25: [Handheld] Bandai WonderSwan
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 26: [Handheld] Bandai WonderSwan Color
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 27: [Handheld] Nintendo DS
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 28: [Handheld] Nintendo GameBoy
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 29: [Handheld] Nintendo GameBoy Advance
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 30: [Handheld] Nintendo GameBoy Color
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 31: [Handheld] Nintendo Virtual Boy
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 32: [Handheld] Sega Game Gear
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 33: [Handheld] SNK Neo-Geo Pocket
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 34: [Handheld] Watara Supervision
17:57:57.7 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 35: [PC] Microsoft DOS
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 36: [PC] Microsoft MSX
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 37: [PC] Microsoft MSX2
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 38: [PC] ScummVM
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 39: [PC] PC Games
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 40: [Pinball] Future Pinball
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 41: [Arcade] Radikal Bikers
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Loading Emulator 42: [Console] Atari Jaguar
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Using 2D Animations
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Using General Font: Trebuchet MS
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Using Title Font: Trebuchet MS
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Initialising Direct3D
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Applying GameEx is Loading Image
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Creating Primary Surface - Windowed Mode
17:57:57.8 5/17/2011: Creating Back Buffer
17:57:57.9 5/17/2011: Loading graphic Surfaces
17:57:57.9 5/17/2011: Display is running at: 1024x768 32bit color, 85hz
17:57:57.9 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Misc and Dialogs
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Volume
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Arrows
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces GameEXlogo Text
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Toolbar
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Backgrounds
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Toolbar Controls
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces GameEx Logo
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surface Unselected
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Home & Exit
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Snaps
17:57:58.0 5/17/2011: Creating Surfaces Menu and List Bars
17:57:58.2 5/17/2011: Creating Fonts
17:57:58.2 5/17/2011: Creating Game Font
17:57:58.2 5/17/2011: Creating Game Font Faded
17:57:58.3 5/17/2011: Creating Title Font
17:57:58.4 5/17/2011: Creating Menu Font
17:57:58.5 5/17/2011: Creating Font Black
17:57:58.5 5/17/2011: Creating Font Black Small
17:57:58.5 5/17/2011: Fonts Created Succesfully
17:57:58.5 5/17/2011: Initialising Bass Audio Library
17:57:58.5 5/17/2011: Creating instance of global keyboard hook
17:57:58.7 5/17/2011: Playing Startup Video on thread
17:57:58.7 5/17/2011: Attempting to load game list
17:57:58.8 5/17/2011: Starting GameExtender Publisher
17:57:58.8 5/17/2011: Applying Language/Text
17:57:58.8 5/17/2011: Text/Language: English
17:57:58.8 5/17/2011: MAME CMD options: -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo
17:57:58.8 5/17/2011: Loading last used Game List
17:57:58.8 5/17/2011: Creating DirectSound Device
17:57:58.9 5/17/2011: Trying: Primary Sound Driver
17:57:58.9 5/17/2011: Loading Sound Files
17:57:58.9 5/17/2011: DirectSound Device Created Successfully
17:57:58.9 5/17/2011: Initialising DirectInput for Gamepad support
17:57:59.3 5/17/2011: Using Device XUSB Gamepad (Controller)
17:57:59.4 5/17/2011: Initializing MCE Remote
17:58:02.0 5/17/2011: Playing intro sound file
17:58:02.0 5/17/2011: Initialization OK! Starting GameEx!
17:58:02.0 5/17/2011: Testing Main Loop Once: Processing Frame
17:58:02.2 5/17/2011: Testing Main Loop Once: Main Loop ran successfully
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_1: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\CPS3\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_1: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_1: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\CPS3\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_1: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\CPS3\Controls\CPS3.png
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_1: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\CPS3\Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_2: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Kawaks\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_2: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_2: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Kawaks\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_2: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Kawaks\Controls\Kawaks.png
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_2: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Kawaks\titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_2: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Kawaks\Boxes
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_2: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Kawaks\Carts
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_3: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Sega Model 2\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_3: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_3: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sega Model 2\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_3: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sega Model 2\Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_3: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Sega Model 2\Carts
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_4: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\ZiNc\Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_4: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_4: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\ZiNc\Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_4: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\ZiNc\Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_5: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Atari 2600\Videos
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_5: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_5: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Atari 2600\Videos
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_5: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Atari 2600\Controls\2600.png
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_5: Database: [Console] Atari 2600
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_5: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Atari 2600\Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_5: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Atari 2600\Boxes
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_5: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Atari 2600\Carts
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_6: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\MESS\5200 Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_6: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_6: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\5200 Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_6: Database: [Console] Atari 5200
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_6: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\5200 Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_6: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\5200 Box
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_6: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\5200 Cart
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_7: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\MESS\7800 Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_7: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_7: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\7800 Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_7: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\Controls\7800.png
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_7: Database: [Console] Atari 7800
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_7: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\7800 Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_7: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\7800 Box
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_7: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\7800 Cart
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_8: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\ParaJVE\Vectrex Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_8: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_8: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\ParaJVE\Vectrex Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_8: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\ParaJVE\Vectrex Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_8: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\ParaJVE\Vectrex Box
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_9: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\NEC TurboGrafx 16\video snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_9: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_9: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\NEC TurboGrafx 16\video snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_9: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\NEC TurboGrafx 16\Controls\NEC.png
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_9: Database: [Console] NEC TurboGrafx-16
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_9: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\NEC TurboGrafx 16\titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_9: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\NEC TurboGrafx 16\Boxes
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_9: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\NEC TurboGrafx 16\Cart
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_10: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Nintendo N64\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_10: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_10: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo N64\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_10: Database: [Console] Nintendo N64
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_10: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo N64\Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_10: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo N64\Boxes
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_10: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo N64\Cart
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_11: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Nintendo NES\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_11: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_11: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo NES\Video Snaps
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_11: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo NES\Controls\NES.png
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_11: Database: [Console] Nintendo NES
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_11: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo NES\Titles
17:58:07.8 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_11: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo NES\Boxes
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_11: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo NES\Carts
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_12: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Nintendo SNES\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_12: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_12: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo SNES\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_12: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo SNES\Controls\SNES.png
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_12: Database: [Console] Nintendo SNES
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_12: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo SNES\Titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_12: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo SNES\Boxes
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_12: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo SNES\Carts
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_13: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Dolphin\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_13: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_13: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Dolphin\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_13: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Dolphin\Titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_13: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Dolphin\Boxes
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_13: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Dolphin\Carts
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_14: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_14: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_14: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_14: Database: [Console] Panasonic 3DO
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_14: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\Titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_14: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Panasonic 3DO\Box
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_15: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Philips CD-i\Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_15: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_15: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Philips CD-i\Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_15: Database: [Console] Philips CD-i
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_15: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Philips CD-i\Titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_15: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Philips CD-i\Boxes
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_16: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Fusion\32X video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_16: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_16: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\32X video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_16: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\Controls\32x.png
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_16: Database: [Console] Sega 32X
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_16: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\32X titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_16: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\32x Boxes
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_16: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\32X Cart
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_17: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SCD video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_17: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_17: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SCD video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_17: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\Controls\SCD.png
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_17: Database: [Console] Sega CD
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_17: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SCD titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_17: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SCD Boxes
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_17: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SCD Cart
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_18: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_18: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_18: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\Video Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_18: Database: [Console] Sega Dreamcast
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_18: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\Titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_18: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\Box
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_18: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\Carts
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_19: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GEN video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_19: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_19: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GEN video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_19: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\Controls\GEN.png
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_19: Database: [Console] Sega Genesis
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_19: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GEN titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_19: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GEN Box
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_19: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GEN Cart
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_20: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SMS video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_20: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_20: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SMS video snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_20: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\Controls\SMS.png
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_20: Database: [Console] Sega Master System
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_20: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SMS titles
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_20: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SMS Boxes
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_20: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SMS Cart
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_21: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SG1000 Snaps
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_21: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:07.9 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_21: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SG1000 Snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_21: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\Controls\SG1000.png
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_21: Database: [Console] Sega SG-1000
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_21: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SG1000 Titles
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_21: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\SG1000 Box
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_22: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation\Video Snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_22: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_22: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation\Video Snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_22: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation\Controls\PS1.png
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_22: Database: [Console] Sony Playstation
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_22: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation\Titles
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_22: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation\Box
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_23: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation 2\snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_23: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_23: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation 2\snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_23: Database: [Console] Sony PlayStation 2
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_23: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation 2\Titles
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_23: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Sony Playstation 2\Boxes
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_23: MAPFile Does Not Exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_24: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Atari Lynx\video snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_24: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_24: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Lynx\video snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_24: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Lynx\Controls\LX.png
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_24: Database: [Handheld] Atari Lynx
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_24: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Lynx\titles
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_24: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Lynx\Boxes
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_24: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Lynx\Carts
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_25: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Video Snap
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_25: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_25: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Video Snap
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_25: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\Controls\WS.png
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_25: Database: [Handheld] Bandai WonderSwan
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_25: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Titles
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_25: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Boxes
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_25: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Carts
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_26: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Video Snap
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_26: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_26: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Video Snap
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_26: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\Controls\WSC.png
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_26: Database: [Handheld] Bandai WonderSwan Color
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_26: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Titles
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_26: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Boxes
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_26: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\WS Carts
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_27: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Nintendo DS\Snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_27: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_27: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo DS\Snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_27: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo DS\Controls\DS.PNG
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_27: Database: [Handheld] Nintendo DS
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_27: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Nintendo DS\Titles
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_28: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GB Video Snaps
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_28: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.0 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_28: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GB Video Snaps
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_28: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\Controls\GB.png
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_28: Database: [Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_28: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GB Titles
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_28: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GB Box
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_28: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GB Cart
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_29: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBA Video Snap
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_29: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_29: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBA Video Snap
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_29: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\Controls\GBA.png
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_29: Database: [Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy Advance
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_29: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBA Titles
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_29: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBA Boxes
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_29: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBA Carts
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_30: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBC Video Snaps
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_30: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_30: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBC Video Snaps
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_30: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\Controls\GBC.png
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_30: Database: [Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy Color
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_30: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBC Titles
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_30: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBC Box
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_30: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\VisualBoyAdvance\GBC Carts
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_31: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\VB snaps
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_31: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_31: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\VB snaps
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_31: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\Controls\VB.png
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_31: Database: [Handheld] Nintendo Virtual Boy
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_31: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\VB titles
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_31: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\VB Box
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_31: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\VB Cart
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_32: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GG video snaps
17:58:08.1 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_32: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_32: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GG video snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_32: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\Controls\GG.png
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_32: Database: [Handheld] Sega Game Gear
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_32: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GG titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_32: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GG Boxes
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_32: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Fusion\GG Cart
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_33: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\NGP Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_33: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_33: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\NGP Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_33: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\Controls\NP.png
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_33: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\NGP Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_33: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\NGP Boxes
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_33: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Mednafen\NGP Cart
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_34: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\MESS\Supervision Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_34: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_34: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\Supervision Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_34: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\Controls\WSV.png
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_34: Database: [Handheld] Watara Supervision
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_34: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MESS\Supervision Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_35: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\DOSBox\snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_35: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_35: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\DOSBox\snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_35: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\DOSBox\Controls\DOS.PNG
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_35: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\DOSBox\snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_36: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\MSX\MSX Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_36: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_36: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MSX\MSX Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_36: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\MSX\Controls\MSX.png
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_36: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MSX\MSX Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_37: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\MSX\MSX2 Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_37: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_37: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\MSX\MSX2 Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_37: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\MSX\Controls\MSX.png
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_38: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\ScummVM\Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_38: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_38: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\ScummVM\Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_38: Database: [PC] ScummVM
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_38: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\ScummVM\Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_38: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\ScummVM\Boxes
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_39: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\PC Games\Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_39: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_39: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\PC Games\Video Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_39: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\PC Games\Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_39: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\PC Games\Boxes
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_40: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Future Pinball\Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_40: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_40: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Future Pinball\Snaps
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_40: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Future Pinball\Controls\FP.png
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_40: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Future Pinball\Titles
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_41: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Radikal Bikers\Video Snap
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_41: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.2 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_41: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Radikal Bikers\Video Snap
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_41: Database: [Arcade] Radikal Bikers
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_41: Database Does not exist
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_41: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Radikal Bikers\Titles
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_41: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Radikal Bikers\Boxes
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_41: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Radikal Bikers\Carts
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_42: Custom Background: C:\Emulators\Atari Jaguar\video snaps
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Warning: Emulator_42: Custom Background Does not exist
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_42: Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Jaguar\video snaps
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_42: Control Panel Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Jaguar\Controls\Jag.png
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_42: Database: [Console] Atari Jaguar
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_42: Title Snap Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Jaguar\titles
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_42: Box Art Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Jaguar\Box
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Validating: Emulator_42: Cart Art Path: C:\Emulators\Atari Jaguar\Cart
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:08.3 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:08.4 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:08.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:08.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:08.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:08.7 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:08.7 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:08.8 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:08.8 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:08.9 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:08.9 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:09.0 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:09.0 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.0 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.0 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.1 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.1 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.2 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.2 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.2 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.2 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.3 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.4 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.7 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.7 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.8 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.8 5/17/2011: No Database Data
17:58:41.8 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.8 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.9 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.9 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:41.9 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:41.9 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.0 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.0 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.1 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.1 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.3 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.3 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.4 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.4 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.4 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.4 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.5 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:42.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator from Cache
17:58:42.6 5/17/2011: Restoring Emulator Database From Cache
17:58:55.3 5/17/2011: Running: cmd.exe /c C: nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe -config ImageReader:DefaultImage="C:\Emulators\Sega Dreamcast\Roms\Jet Grind Radio.CDI"
17:58:55.5 5/17/2011: Shutting down display
17:59:33.1 5/17/2011: Exiting Game
17:59:33.1 5/17/2011: Sending %{F4} to emulator
17:59:34.8 5/17/2011: Exiting Game
17:59:34.8 5/17/2011: Writing Stats
17:59:34.8 5/17/2011: Plugin: Game Exit
17:59:34.8 5/17/2011: Plugin: Process Commands
17:59:34.8 5/17/2011: Refreshing Keyboard
17:59:34.9 5/17/2011: Initialising Audio
17:59:35.0 5/17/2011: Restoring Window
17:59:35.1 5/17/2011: Reinitializing Graphics System
17:59:36.0 5/17/2011: Reloading Game Info Page
17:59:36.1 5/17/2011: Returning to GameEx
17:59:43.2 5/17/2011: Exiting GameEx!
17:59:43.2 5/17/2011: Saving Settings
17:59:43.2 5/17/2011: Disposing Plugins
17:59:43.2 5/17/2011: Closing database connection
17:59:43.2 5/17/2011: Checking for applications to Launch On Exit
17:59:43.2 5/17/2011: Media Center was not open when starting GameEx, so not launching


Yeah. See my edit above too (got ahead of myself again).


Well I launched GE windowed to see what processes did what and XPadder opened to windows tray but didnt launch NullDC. Confussilied. Then I center wheeled Xpadder and then NullDC decided to join the party. Idk.

EDIT: tskill xpadder.exe as a Launch After killed it, dead after exit. Nice. If I could only get XPadder to load the dang profile correctly now.


Oh ok. So here's what I did when this happened to me on my machine:

I created a blank xpadder profile and named it "default1" and "default2" (I use 2 controllers). I opened up GameEx Advanced Config and went to the "tweaks/performance" menu. In the LaunchOnStartupDontWait field I added xpadder:

Xpadder.exe default1 default2 /M

Then, in LaunchOnExit I added this:

Xpadder.exe /C

Now, in your NullDC config:

LaunchBefore=xpadder.exe nulldc1 nulldc2 /M (or whatever your profiles are named)

LaunchAfter=xpadder.exe default1 default2 /M

And viola! Xpadder running great, and ready for action. :)


Got it! Finally... Adultery, thanks man. Couldn't have knocked this out without ya. This is a perfect example of how kick ass our forum is. Marking as RESOLVED.

And now onto ZiNc, the final frontier. :D

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