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Off topic - SSF emulator & screen resolution

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Hi Everyone,

This problem has nothing to do with GameEx, since it happens if run outside of GameEx also. I am posting here to see if anyone else has this problem, and hopefully a solution if there is one.

I cannot get any current version of SSF (above vers .09) to run unless my screen resolution is set at 800x600. While my cab has a trisync monitor that can be set at that resolution, I prefer 640x480. I have tried every possible setting and option in SSF, and nothing works. The emulator starts up, then just crashes. If I use an earlier version of SSF, everything runs fine. I find all of this strange since SSF only runs in a fixed 640x480 resolution. I have searched online for any solutions or settings, and have only so far found other people with the same problem on different forums. If anyone has any other information or a fix for ths, it would be greatly appreciated.


I had the same or similar problem a year or more back and I blamed it on my ArcadeVGA, when I plugged any other card in everything worked fine on my Polo Star tri sync.

I talked with Andy from Ultimarc for a while and he was looking into it but could never reproduce the problem, I managed to solve it myself though by messing about with the settings, I think the setting that fixed it was enabling 'No BIOS' in the 'Program 3' tab

I've a feeling though there is a separate issue stopping the latest versions working but I'm currently running SSF_011_alpha_R1 with no bios without any problem, if I get a chance over the next day or 2 I will give the latest version a try.

At the time when I discovered that the No BIOS setting fixed it I tested tons of games on another PC and couldn't find any difference between using a BIOS or not.



I spoke too soon, I just tested and SSF_011_alpha_R1 isn't working anymore, I'm back to blaming the ArcadeVGA because for about the last 6 months or more I had been running a Nvidia 8600 using 'soft15khz' to enable low resolution, SSF has been working perfectly but a few weeks ago I bough Andy's latest ArcadeVGA when my 8600 died, I still haven't gotten around to testing everything yet but obviously SSF isn't working.

The menu bar just briefly appears then vanishes unless I change to 800x600 but my PoloStar only does 640x480 max so this is not possible for me (I can test with the monitor off, using VNC to set to 800x600)

Are you using an ArcadeVGA?



I spoke too soon, I just tested and SSF_011_alpha_R1 isn't working anymore, I'm back to blaming the ArcadeVGA because for about the last 6 months or more I had been running a Nvidia 8600 using 'soft15khz' to enable low resolution, SSF has been working perfectly but a few weeks ago I bough Andy's latest ArcadeVGA when my 8600 died, I still haven't gotten around to testing everything yet but obviously SSF isn't working.

The menu bar just briefly appears then vanishes unless I change to 800x600 but my PoloStar only does 640x480 max so this is not possible for me (I can test with the monitor off, using VNC to set to 800x600)

Are you using an ArcadeVGA?


Hey Stu, thanks for your reply!

Yes, I am using the newest ArcadeVGA 3000 card. My Betson TriSync can run in 800x600, but I prefer to have my cab running in 640x480. I just tested SSF (.10, .11 and .12 series) on another computer running an Nvidia Card (GTS 250), and the same thing happens when I try to run SSF while the screen resolution is set to 640x480. The program starts up in the upper left corner in a small window, then crashes. If I change to 800x600, everything works fine. I've searched the internet some, and I've found other people posting the same problem, but no solutions.


I wonder would something like this help

Display Changer

I don't have time to test now but from what it says:

Display Changer changes the resolution.

Display Changer runs your application. (optional)

Display Changer restores the original resolution. (optional)


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