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TG-16 CD


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I guess the first question here would be if you're trying to build any set in particular (albeit the options here are fairly limited)? The reason I ask is because the best TG-16/PC Engine CD DAT release group that I know of is Darkwater. However, they are very stringent about their disc dumping guidelines, and require more re-dump verification than TOSEC. Because of this, their DAT files can be rather finicky about what should or should not exist in your set. If you go that route I'd definitely set ClrMamePro to ask for verifications on everything (and back up your set as always). ;)

A (somewhat) more forgiving option would be ReDump.org. I believe their TG-16/PC Engine CD DAT is a bit on the light side right now (I could be wrong on this), but they also strive for very good disc dumping standards.

At any rate that's a couple of options. Best of luck! :D

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Thanks Nullpointer,

Decided I'm going to try and get all my rom files checked thru Clmamepro. (Currently have about 200 different systems)( Alot of old systems thru MESS.) Have always did the big systems, MAME, Atari 5200, etc. Just haven't done a lot of the CD based systems. Am having a heck of a time finding dat files for some of these systems. TOSEC have some but are lacking.

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Iâ??m in total agreement about running rom/disc sets through ClrMamePro. To me itâ??s always seems like a bit more insurance that my games are going to function correctly (or at least as good as possible given the limitations of the corresponding emulator).

I really like Darkwater for disc based systems. Their Sega CD DAT is absolutely phenomenal. I trust their DATs as much as No-Intro. The trouble is that theyâ??re a bit of a darkhorse in this realm, so some outlets may not recognize or acknowledge the Darkwater naming conventions (i.e. EmuMovies, and the GameEx Database). I havenâ??t verified this suspicion yet (Iâ??m rather early on in my GameEx configuration odyssey), but itâ??s something to be aware of.

Redump is also awesome, but they are a bit of a newcomer so as a result, many of their sets are on the small side. Thus you end up with a combination of Redump verified images, and whatever else youâ??re using. Eventually I think Redump will become the source for disc verification, but theyâ??ve got a ways to go yet.

Finally thereâ??s TOSEC. Their sets are undoubtedly some of the most complete, but my issue here is that they donâ??t put a lot of emphasis on verifying the dumps contained in their DATs. To my mind this is a bit like comparing a No-Intro set (Darkwater and/or Redump) to a GoodSet (TOSEC in this analogy). TOSEC has done some excellent work; theyâ??re just not my first choice for verifying disc based systems (or any system for that matter).

Lastly (this probably goes without saying), youâ??ll want to be aware of the disc formatting preferences of whatever DAT youâ??re using. If youâ??ve got an .iso, but the DAT is looking for a .bin/.cue (as is the case with Darkwater for TG-16 CD), your .iso is going to get the boot.

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Totally agree.

The dumping is alot of what is causing my problems. The bulk of my cd games are bin/cue. As a result, to use TOSEC. I have had to start converting them to iso/cue to meet the naming conviction of TOSEC.

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Wow! Apparently it's not a good day for tracking down disc based DAT files!


Some site features have been deactivated...

Posted by iR0b0t at January 5 2011, 16:49:33

...due to high server load.

Those are: datfile and cuesheet downloads.

They will be activated again when were optimized.

Download archives can be found here

I'm unable to try the mediafire link right now as I'm currently . . . ahem . . . at work. Presumably it's in working order.

It looks like Darkwater isn't much better at the moment.


To get our releases the only "official" option for the moment is to connect to our IRC channel on Foreverchat IRC #darkwater.

I could have sworn I've gotten Darkwater DAT files via their official site, but maybe my mind is failing me in my old age! :( At the moment I only have their Sega CD DAT, but I can post it later if you're interested

*mods note: I haven't seen what's included in the 'official' Darkwater release packages, so this may be getting into some gray area. I assume it consists of all their DAT files but I could be wrong here. Please feel free to remove the above links / references if this seems to be in violation, or let me know and I'll take care of it post haste.

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DATs are okay as long as there's no ROMs in the zip and of course you don't take credit for creating them. :)

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