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NEWS: GameEx 11.35

Tom Speirs

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<b>GameEx 11.35 released</b>


<u>What's new:</u>



The jukebox will now stop playing when it reaches the end of the playlist.

<br />

The Jukebox has been tightly integrated with YouTube support to allow auto search of

albums and playlists and then queuing them to play as videos automatically.

<br />

File tag reading is quicker due to updated libraries.



Playlist support. Play all and play all randomly



Search Jukebox has been changed to Search Music and in addition to searching your Jukebox will now search online for albums

- match tracks with you tube videos and play all.

<br />

Somewhat of a killer feature!

<br />

In addition the interface is more intuitive when using a keyboard.



A snap or video can now be selected to be shown when no artwork is found.



The letter select has been improved to support multiple letters so typing "DONKEY" will take you straight to donkey kong in the list.


<b><u>User Interface</u></b><br>

When the application is showing the please wait animation additional status information will now often be shown if the task is taking a while to complete. For example when the Jukebox is scanning for files, ripping a cd or when searching media.<br />

Status messages are shown at the bottom at the screen to give more of an

indication of what GameEx is doing in certain situations. For example indicating a music file has been queued.

<br />

<br />

<b><u>Web/HTML Application</u></b><br>

The web browser control will now automatically resize to full screen when the

taskbar is not displayed.

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Wow, lots of great features in this update! Thanks Tom! ;)

Well, although GameEx doesn't overwrite the V1 or V2 bezel in the folders, it does overwrite the Bezel.png in the MEDIA folder, which seems to be the bezel that gets called on during attract mode. Any way to fix this?

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One easy way...lock the file. If you make it read only, GameEx can't overwrite it. The only problem may be if GameEx pops a message up in the background during an update stating that the file can't be written. If that's the case, you could always write a quick script that copies the file from a backup location to the GameEx directory on startup.

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Awesome update.

Now that we can default to a screenshot, Is there anyone outthere that can step up and provide a default png so we can all use the same one. I would try but my abilty sucks. I envision a png that shows a small GameEx logo in the background and the words in front of it saying "No Snap Available" or no "No Boxart Available: etc.

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@Starbuck: I made one and upped it to the user contribs thread. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but I think it's cool! The feature is only for snaps though, not for boxart and whatnot.

I'll whip one up the way you described it when I get home in an hour or two.

@bknobi: I have zero scripting skills. I already locked it but that makes AutoUpdate get stuck so that's not the ideal way. As it stands I have to download the offline installer and choose 'ignore' when the error comes up.

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Tom changed things so it doesn't overwrite them if one exists for the v1 and v2 folders, so it shouldn't be a big deal to do the same for bezel.png too. It was likely an oversight, not sure tho.

Is marqueedefault.png the screen bottom in attract mode that displays the game info? Where is that? I really wanted to customize that to fit my cab too! I ddn't realize that was even customizable!

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What an awesome list of new features! I was particularly excited about the letter select improvment, but now I'm finding that it doesn't work for me at all... GameEx crashes if I hit a letter... any letter. I'll post my log.

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: GameEx: Version 11.35: Starting Log

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Operating System Platform: Win32NT

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Operating System Name: Windows 7

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Operating System Version: 6.1.7600

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Aero NOT running

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: .net Framework 1.1 Installed

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: .net Framework 2.0 Installed

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: .net Framework 3.0 Installed

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: .net Framework 3.5 Installed

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: AMD Phenom II X4 925 Processor, 8184MB

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: 2.8Ghz - 8 Cores or CPU's

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Running Randomize()

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Loading PlugIns

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Running Misc startup tasks

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Setting Menu types

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Opening Configuration File

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Getting Configuration Values

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Using Theme: Horizon

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Horizon

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Launching HideOS.exe

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: CPWizard enabled

23:48:40.6 11/9/2010: Hiding Taskbar

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Is Media Center running?

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Media Center Mode 2

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Custom Game Device Input enabled: Getting custom codes

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Snap Delay set to: 3

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Get other settings

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Using DirectInput for keyboard input

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Start work for Form

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Getting Original Screen Size

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Opening Database Connection

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Initializing Component

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Retrieving resolution setting

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: MAME Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: daphne Path is: O:\Emulators\Daphne

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: daphne EXE file is: Daphne.exe

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Use daphne on. Daphne.exe will launch games

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Model 2 Path Path is: O:\Emulators\Model2

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Multi Core/Hyper Threading detected. Looking for emulator_multicpu.exe

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Model 2 EXE file is: emulator_multicpu.exe

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Model 2 emulator with command line support detected

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Use Model 2 on. emulator_multicpu.exe will launch Sega Model 2 games

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: ZiNc Path is: O:\Emulators\ZiNc

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: ZiNc EXE file is: ZiNc.exe

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Use ZiNc on. ZiNc.exe will launch PSX games

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: MAME EXE file is: MameUI64.exe

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: ROM Paths are: O:\Emulators\MAME\roms;O:\Emulators\MAME\CHDs;O:\Emulators\MAME\CHD-LD

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Catver.ini is located at: O:\Emulators\MAME\catver.ini

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: controls.ini is located at: O:\Emulators\MAME\controls.ini

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: History.dat is located at: O:\Emulators\MAME\history.dat

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: nplayers.ini is located at: O:\Emulators\MAME\nplayers.ini

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: command.dat is located at: C:\Program Files (x86)\GameEx\DATA\command.dat

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: MAMEinfo.dat is located at: O:\Emulators\MAME\mameinfo.dat

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Loading Controls.ini map file

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Snap Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\snap

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: AVI Snap Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\avisnaps

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Flyer Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\flyers

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Cabinet Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\cabinets

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Cabinet 3D Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\cabinets3d

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Title Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\titles

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: PCB Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\pcb

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Artwork Preview Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\artwork

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Panel Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\cpanel

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Manual Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\manuals

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Icon Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\icons

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Marquee Path is: O:\Emulators\MAME\marquees

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Using Version 3 Themes Animations

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Using General Font: Eurostile

23:48:40.7 11/9/2010: Using Title Font: Trebuchet MS

23:48:43.1 11/9/2010: Initialising Direct3D

23:48:43.2 11/9/2010: Applying GameEx is Loading Image

23:48:43.2 11/9/2010: Setting Resolution to 1360x768 32 bit color

23:48:43.2 11/9/2010: Creating Surfaces

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: --**--

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: Error: Error in the application.

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device..ctor(Int32 adapter, DeviceType deviceType, Control renderWindow, CreateFlags behaviorFlags, PresentParameters[] presentationParameters)

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: at n.a(Form A_0, Int32 A_1, Int32 A_2, Boolean A_3, Boolean A_4, Boolean A_5, Boolean A_6)

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: at n..ctor(Form A_0, Int32 A_1, Int32 A_2, Boolean A_3, Boolean A_4, Boolean A_5, Boolean A_6)

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: at af.a(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3, Boolean A_4, Int32 A_5)

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: at af.a(Boolean A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2)

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: at af..ctor()

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: Closing database connection

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: Disposing Plugins

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: GameEx is exiting with errors

23:48:43.3 11/9/2010: Deleting search cache

23:48:45.1 11/9/2010: ERRORS DETECTED: EXITING

23:48:45.2 11/9/2010: --**--

23:48:45.2 11/9/2010: ERRORS DETECTED: EXITING

23:48:45.2 11/9/2010: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

23:48:45.2 11/9/2010: at af.p(String A_0)

23:48:45.2 11/9/2010: at af.l(String A_0)

23:48:45.2 11/9/2010: at au.b()

23:48:45.2 11/9/2010: at af.ad()

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Anyone know if it's possible to change the default icon that appears in the jukebox when no album art is available? I was thinking of customizing that too while you got me tinkering around here...

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What an awesome list of new features! I was particularly excited about the letter select improvment, but now I'm finding that it doesn't work for me at all... GameEx crashes if I hit a letter... any letter. I'll post my log.

I am not sure what you mean by hitting a letter as that is a startup error. Looks like GameEx has not even started. It also looks like it may be something to do with the theme you are using. Does it work with the default theme?

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Copy that Frequency... I tried reinstalling with gameexsetup.exe... I'm still getting this exact same error. I would say I'd just not use this feature anymore, but I just realized I can't press 'L' During MAME gameplay without gameex crashing, which means I can't use my CPWizard. I'm positive this all worked before the update.

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Copy that Frequency... I tried reinstalling with gameexsetup.exe... I'm still getting this exact same error. I would say I'd just not use this feature anymore, but I just realized I can't press 'L' During MAME gameplay without gameex crashing, which means I can't use my CPWizard. I'm positive this all worked before the update.

Please post your GameEx.ini so I can try and duplicate.


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