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I can't get any games to work, I have experience with emulators and frontends,

it lists my games, when I hit enter to start the game, the screen goes black and

immediately returns to the menu selection screen. The log doesn't report

an error, it just says "Shutting down display". I want to buy the full version,

cause this frontend seems awesome, but I can't get one game on any emulator

to work, the only thing that works is the multimedia player.

I have the latest version of gameex, I'm running it on vista service pack 2.

The log is below, in red is where the problem is accuring. Notice how

it shuts down the display about one second after it says it started the game.

14:16:40.3 9/30/2010: Running: cmd.exe /c C: C:\GameEx\loaders\nestopia_loader.exe "C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Desktop\Nintendo NES\Roms\Super Mario Bros. (JU) (PRG0) [!].nes"

14:16:40.4 9/30/2010: Shutting down display

14:16:41.8 9/30/2010: Writing Stats

14:16:41.8 9/30/2010: Plugin: Game Exit

14:16:41.8 9/30/2010: Plugin: Process Commands

14:16:41.8 9/30/2010: Refreshing Keyboard

14:16:41.9 9/30/2010: Initialising Audio

14:16:42.0 9/30/2010: Relaunching HideOS

14:16:42.3 9/30/2010: Restoring Window

14:16:42.3 9/30/2010: Reinitializing Graphics System

14:16:43.9 9/30/2010: Reloading Game Info Page

14:16:43.9 9/30/2010: Returning to GameEx

14:16:46.4 9/30/2010: Exiting GameEx!


Its always helpful to post the full log but I notice your using nestopia_loader.exe. I don't know what GameEx version your using but as far as I know that file is not included with GameEx anymore. Neither are any files in the gameex\loader folder. Its normal for GameEx to shut down the display system before launching. The issue is probably with the loader. It either does not exist or does not work.


Its always helpful to post the full log but I notice your using nestopia_loader.exe. I don't know what GameEx version your using but as far as I know that file is not included with GameEx anymore. Neither are any files in the gameex\loader folder. Its normal for GameEx to shut down the display system before launching. The issue is probably with the loader. It either does not exist or does not work.

It's exactly that it doesn't exist. I have been seeing this lately. Not sure where this nestopia_loader is being generated from. That's why I never use the import feature.

To get nestopia to work, the command-line is simply:

nestopia.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"


Thank's Frequency, that got it to work!

Quick question to everyone though, when I exit or enter a game.. I get a quick flash of the

desktop before it starts, its not a problem.. I just find it unattractive, it looks clunky.

Is there away to get rid of this?


Thank's Frequency, that got it to work!

Quick question to everyone though, when I exit or enter a game.. I get a quick flash of the

desktop before it starts, its not a problem.. I just find it unattractive, it looks clunky.

Is there away to get rid of this?

Set Show Desktop to No in Emulator Setup! ;)


Im not sure why any emulator configs are using those old loaders. They were all updated in recent history with setup wizard project and should not be any NL loaders. I hope that is the only one that slipped through.


EDIT: Looks like quite a few of them are using the old loaders. I guess we messed up with the setup wizard project in some areas because those loaders are removed from the install and were so quite a while before that project was worked on. I really don't know how that happened.


The following are affected and therefore broken: I had removed all configs that used the loaders but I guess they got readded with the setup wizard project. If someone wants to fix them let me know. Otherwise Ill remove them from the next build. Thanks.

[Arcade] AAE

[Arcade] VivaNonno

[Console] Atari Jaguar (Project Tempest)

[Console] Atari Jaguar CD (Project Tempest)

[Console] Emerson Arcadia 2001 (WinArcadia)

[Console] GCE Vectrex (ParaJVE)

[Console] Nintendo NES (Nessie)

[Console] Nintendo NES (Nestopia)

[Console] Nintendo SNES (BSNES)

[Console] Panasonic 3DO (FreeDo)

[Console] Philips CD-i (CD-i Emu Limited)

[Console] Philips CD-i (CD-i Emu Unlimited)

[Console] Sega Dreamcast (Chankast)

[Console] Sega Dreamcast (demul)

[Console] Sega Dreamcast (Makaron)

[Console] Sega Dreamcast (nullDC+ Loader)

[Console] Sega Saturn (Yabause + Loader)

[PC] Amstrad CPC (WinApe)


EDIT: Looks like quite a few of them are using the old loaders. I guess we messed up with the setup wizard project in some areas because those loaders are removed from the install and were so quite a while before that project was worked on. I really don't know how that happened.

Nestopia is the one i've noticed as of late. I've seen about 3-4 occurrences. There may have been another but would have to find the topic. As far as the database, I haven't looked into it as I don't use it anyways. I always just setup my emulators on a fresh/new setup. I never import as I find I have to change lots of the info anways (i.e. paths, settings, etc.).

Here's 2 other topics where I remember it happening where I gave support. Here and here.


I always just setup my emulators on a fresh/new setup. I never import as I find I have to change lots of the info anways (i.e. paths, settings, etc.).

Well the setup wizard project was supposed to help quite a bit with that. Most of them are pretty decent. Ive fixed the nestopia one anyway.


Well the setup wizard project was supposed to help quite a bit with that. Most of them are pretty decent. Ive fixed the nestopia one anyway.

Thanks Tom! That will take care of the last few issues we've had. :D


Where did some of these profiles come from? Some of them don't even exist in my GameEx install. Most of those must be from somewhere else and not part of the Emulator project especially those that say "+ Loader" as none of them used loaders. I personally checked through all of them although it looks like I may have missed a couple. But I certainly don't know where most of the ones you listed are from.

Tempest do you have the latest xml from the project? I've since updated this PC and I can't find it. We really should keep that thing going, so perhaps we can get some other members to help out and update the profiles and add any new emulators.


Actually. Its ok. My fault. It didnt affect all those. I was looking in the wrong place. Sorry!

It only affects these and nestopia is fixed now:

[Console] Nintendo NES (Nessie)

[Console] Nintendo NES (Nestopia)

[Console] Nintendo SNES (BSNES)

[Console] Emerson Arcadia 2001 (WinArcadia)


Tempest do you have the latest xml from the project? I've since updated this PC and I can't find it. We really should keep that thing going, so perhaps we can get some other members to help out and update the profiles and add any new emulators.

I believe that this is the most recently updated spreadsheet. I hope you meant xls.



Actually. Its ok. My fault. It didnt affect all those. I was looking in the wrong place. Sorry!

It only affects these and nestopia is fixed now:

[Console] Nintendo NES (Nessie)

[Console] Nintendo NES (Nestopia)

[Console] Nintendo SNES (BSNES)

[Console] Emerson Arcadia 2001 (WinArcadia)

I already had Nestopia marked as working without a loader on the spreadsheet?

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