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iPhone remote control w/ GameEx


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I am tired of controlling it w/ wireless keyboard and X-Arcade Tankstick. I want to control it with my iPhone!

There are DOZENS of remote control/remote desktop application on the app store, but which one will work the best?

There are a few that are made just for XBMC, and they are quite nice looking too. I assume that all it does is if I hit the button on my iPhone, it will send that to my computer via wireless, and activate that keyboard button on my computer, therein controlling XBMC. So if I change my keyboard shortcuts on GameEX it should then work...right. My logic make sense to me, but I need more backing before I buy a 5$ app.

Also, I ran across it a few days ago in my daily search for apps. It was a VNC keyboard w/ customizable keyboard layouts. There is no keyboard or amount of time that will allow me to find it again, and it would have been the best and simplest solution to this.

Anyone done this? If so how? Anyone have a method they think will work better then the XBMC one?

The other alternative if getting one of the IR remote apps and getting a dongle for the volume port the control the computer w/ IR, and I can make the dongle for the serial/usb port for my pc. But again, I am looking for simple, not me soldering stuff for .

Any help will be great.


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Your topic gave me the inspiration to create this extension for JumiTap! It's not super entirely perfect (the button presses can be slightly temperamental on rare occasions and there are slight graphical glitches) but it seems to work perfectly for me so far!



The GameEX logo on the bottom navigates the menus, and the middle button selects. Upper left button goes back, upper right button goes to the start page, and the bottom left button exits emulators (And GameEX!). "Aud" changes audio mode in videos, "Sub" toggles subtitles, and the rest should be self explanatory. (The "Back" in the bottom right goes to the remote app's menu.)

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Awesome! Thank you a ton for making one. I am in the process of setting it all up right now. I never ran across that specific app, but it looks like they have the best idea on how to control a pc app. I will probably be making my own skin here in the next few days and post it. I will make a how to guide for it all. Thanks again!.


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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

You suck! :)

I still heart Android. You can create one pretty easy actually, and all you need to do is hop onto the GameEx API:

If you intend to develop client code with GameExtender please read this.

GameExtender responds to standard HTTP get requests.

The following are additonal special pages.
accessed like http://server:port/page

Downloads the current snap image or video.

Displays info about the current gameex state.
If a game is running will show additional information about
the rom and emulator.
If you want to display particular client content based on a running
emulator or running game you should poll this page.
You can set custom constants on a per emulator basis using
the advanced configuration utility.

Access like http://server:port/gameexcmd?arg1=value&arg2=value

Supported command are:

Control the GameEx interface. Like pressing keystrokes.

Set the current list/screen in GameEx.
This should be accompanied by the correct filter using "filter=" as an argument.
Use getinfo to see what these should be.

Send keys to windows in the usual sendkeys format.
example: http://server:port/gameexcmd?sendkeys=5

Send keys via a lookup table to windows in the usual sendkeys format.
Should be accompanied by lookupfile= which specifies an ini file which
maps the setting specified to keys to send
example: http://server:port/gameexcmd?sendkeyslookup=reset&lookupfile=stella/stella

In this example the ini file would be named stella.ini in a folder off this one called stella and look like this.


The ket sent would be "r"

Any other get request will download the file within these folders as a standard get request.
ie like a standard web server. MIME types are taken from the registry.

Playing with this API is next on my list or maybe even a secret side project (but I'll be using the Android SDK for my app and it'll be available free on the Market). :)

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Hahahaha! Dont hate! Android still holds a place in my heart and on my computer. Just wanted reliability and function, which Apple has.

Back on topic, I'll check the API for sure and mess around with it. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I'm officially stumped and don't know where to go from here. Messed around in the WEB folder and can't seem to get what I'm after.

TOM - Where and what app exactly is being used in this video http://spesoft.com/default.aspx?page=newsitem&newsid=430

That is more or less what I'm after. So I can sit in the other room and change the game for the kids while they play.

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I'm pretty sure when you turn on GameExtender and get your smartphone/p3/xbox/whatever on the IP and port you specify those controls come up.

Your machine is

You open port 5858 for GameEx

You point your browser at

...and you're in there! :)

The "app" in this thread is just a re-skinned web page that sends keys to GameEx using this method AFAIK.

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Gotcha. I was searching high and low for some specific GameEx app. Even tossed a .99$ download in there for a crap remote contoller app that turned out to be a soup sandwich. Oh well.

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