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ParaJve and No$Zoomer: PC goes back to GameEx immediately while emulator sits in background


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Hello everyone from Italy,

I'm Nicola, 41 and I've used GameEx on a regular basis since early 2008 (as a registered user) and

it fits perfectly in my configuration (plasma tv+notebook with Vista),

I don't need and I don't want to move to different front-ends, because

I think GameEx is the best for my needs so I'm trying to solve a little problem or two.

I appreciate very much Tom's work and the support coming from this

community: I found precious info here and discovered some new emulators, too. Thank you.

I use GameEx with several emus, with no problem at all: Mame, Winuae,

VBA, Gens32, Snes9x,Spectaculator,Nostalgia, Future Pinball.

Now, my problem: when I run Parajve and No$Zoomer, emulator starts,

rom is loaded and runs with no errors but screen stays black for 1-2 seconds then goes back to GameEx

while emulator sits in background, without closing (actually I hear both GameEx mp3 soundtrack and emulated game audio).

- tried with MapKeys = YES or NO: no difference

- show desktop = YES or NO: no difference

- tried different combinations of full screen and windowed mode for both emulators (No$Zoomer has also an "Always on top" option).

- GameEx uses windows native resolution: 1176x664

- the emulators run correctly using the command line (without GameEx, I mean).

I suppose it's a specific emulator related problem... maybe I use a wrong command

line to launch the emu?

Command=parajve.bat -GAME="[RomFile]" -FULLSCREEN=TRUE -MENU=OFF

Command=No$Zoomer.exe "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"

Shall I force any keystroke before running these emus?

I carefully searched the forum, compared my configurations with the ones posted here but no luck. Debug mode can't help detecting the problem.

I also examined GameEx log and runitgame.bat (after "fault") but everything seems fine, no errors are displayed.

Any suggestion? Thank you very much in advance.


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When you launch a program in gameex, GameEx waits quietly in the background, until the process that you launch exits, then takes over again. When you launch a .bat file, unless you tell the .bat to wait for whatever processes that you launch from within the .bat to exit, the .bat will exit almost immediately, and that is the reason that you are returned to GameEx. I hope that makes sense!

So there are two solutions I believe:

1. Have the .bat wait until the emulator exits

2. Use and advanced config, (Page 3 in the emulator setup) Click on the edit button, and use the 'Process Wait' Tab to enter the names of the processes for GameEx to wait for...

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Thank you guys, obviously you're right. The problem has been almost solved, now I'm investigating sendkeys function in advanced config to make emulator close properly (I'd like to use a combination of joypad buttons).

Parajve is actually a .bat file calling a java program (there's no exe). I only added "echo off" and "pause" to the original .bat. Now Emulator starts correctly and GameEx doesn't pop up if not requested.

No$Zoomer is a sort of plugin for No$Gba, actually there's no .bat file. I'm able to properly run the emulator using advanced config as Tempest suggested. I also compared my config with Lawrence's one and detected only 2 differences:

Map keys (Lawrence YES)

and advanced config=No$Zoomer.

Unfortunately I can't see your custom No$Zoomer config/script file so I'm trying to build my own one.

I suppose i should use choose exit when process No$GBA.exe closes and also use a send key (advance config). Both No$Zoomer and No$GBA use the combination Alt+X).

Could you please post your custom No$Zoomer advanced configuration script, Lawrence?

Thank you very much

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Now, No$Zoomer is perfectly working with GameEx:

Create an advanced config and set the parameters:


KeysToSendOnExit=%{VKEY 120} (the equivalent to alt+X)

Additional process to close on exit


Please note that selecting Show Desktop = NO in GameEx options

you obtain a black screen while emulator runs in background.

To avoid this problem, check the option "Always on top" in No$Zoomer menu.



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