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Which version of Zsnes and Fusion to use and hwo to set them up with GameEx

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Hi Guys,

I have managed to set MAME up with Game Ex and is working file, however I would like to set Game Ex up with a Super nintendo Emulator and also a Genesis/Megadrive emulator.

I haven't got much experiance with command line based emus and so I wondered if anyone had a guide to setting up a couple of emulators with Game Ex.

Settings which I would like;

Supernintendo (Znes seems to be the emu of choice?);

When I launch a game in Zsnes, I would like it to run in 640x480 with scanlines (full or 50%), keep aspect ratio (might change this to stretch at some point..) and "Force games to NTSC".

Also, I would ofcourse like to be able to assign the SNES buttons to my Cabs control panel.

When I launch Fusion I would also like to force NTSC (or U.S/JAP), run with scanlines and to fill the screen (I ran a GUI version of Fusion with scan line and it looked wasome on my cab; full screen and perfect picture:-).

Any help would be appreciated, as I am gravitating towards sheling GameEx and using it to run all my emulators and hopefully a seperate jukebox programme.


There are preconfigured setups for each of these emulators. All you need to do is import them and modify the paths to your roms, images, etc.

Hi Guys,

I have managed to set MAME up with Game Ex and is working file, however I would like to set Game Ex up with a Super nintendo Emulator and also a Genesis/Megadrive emulator.

I haven't got much experiance with command line based emus and so I wondered if anyone had a guide to setting up a couple of emulators with Game Ex.

Settings which I would like;

Supernintendo (Znes seems to be the emu of choice?);

When I launch a game in Zsnes, I would like it to run in 640x480 with scanlines (full or 50%), keep aspect ratio (might change this to stretch at some point..) and "Force games to NTSC".

Also, I would ofcourse like to be able to assign the SNES buttons to my Cabs control panel.

When I launch Fusion I would also like to force NTSC (or U.S/JAP), run with scanlines and to fill the screen (I ran a GUI version of Fusion with scan line and it looked wasome on my cab; full screen and perfect picture:-).

Any help would be appreciated, as I am gravitating towards sheling GameEx and using it to run all my emulators and hopefully a seperate jukebox programme.

So far as emulator settings, for the most part, you would set them up outside of GameEx. Run the Emulator.exe, and make your selections from the menus. After you get them running on their own, then set them up in GameEx as BKenobi said. If an emulator does not have a place to enter key mappings into (Some do) you can use an advanced config (emulator setup page 3) to do that for you.

If you are using the setup wizard, click on the [...] box (or If you are using the Advanced Configuration program, click on edit) to open the advanced config editor. From there you will find a tab to do key remapping.

Yeah, somebody needs to do a pictorial... :blink:


These are shortened versions of mine just adjust the paths as necessary:








ROMPath=D:\Emulators and Games\ZSNES ROMS

SnapPath=D:\Emulators and Games\GAME EX SNAPS\SNESSNAPS

WorkingPath=D:\Emulators and Games\ZSNES









Command=zsnesw.exe "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]" (check the command exe if it is different ex: "zsnesw" or "zsnes" )

configFile=[Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close)


DATABASE=[Console] Nintendo SNES


Fusion ( I use Fusion for 32XCD and Gens+ for Genesis Sega CD and 32X)







RomPath=D:\Emulators and Games\SEGA ROMS\SEGA 32XCD

SnapPath=D:\Emulators and Games\GAME EX SNAPS\32XCDSNAPS

WorkingPath=D:\Emulators and Games\SEGA\Fusion36








Command=Fusion.exe -scd -fullscreen "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"

configFile=[Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close)


DATABASE=[Console] Sega 32X


The trick to a lot if these lies within the emulator config file itself. Getting them to run outside of gameex is easy but for instance in zsnes you have to edit the config file to disable the gui.

Go to your zsnes directory and open the config file with notepad and make sure you have it set up with all the controller and resolution settings first.

Don't do this step until your are only going to operate the emulator from within gameex or else you will have to edit it back every time you want to use it in Windows.

-- GUI --

; Disable GUI (0 = NO, 1 = Yes)


It must be switched to 1 in order for it to display in Gameex. Switch back to 0 to use in windows.

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