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Anyone out there know of or have (or could make) a Radikal Bikers loader?

With the new emu map feature, I'd like to get that emulator running and mapped to the appropriate Mame rom.

Likewise for Vivanonno -- I found one for that searching this forum, but the actual loader is gone now.

  • 2 weeks later...

I can try to make a loader for you. I don't use either one of the emulators though. If don't mind downloading them, and giving it a shot though... Do you want me to try?


According to: http://nonmame.retrogames.com/

The only games that Vivanonno emulates are:

Rave Racer (Japan) (Version A)

Rave Racer (Japan) (Version B)

Rave Racer (World) (Version B)

Ridge Racer (Japan) (Version A)

Ridge Racer 2 (Japan) (Version A)

Ridge Racer 2 (Japan) (Version B)

Which are also emulated by Mjolnir. Have you tried that? I think the command is: Mjolnir.exe [Rom]

Mjolnir would also add other games as well.

I will look at Radikal Bikers first.


Yeah, I've used Mjolnir -- works good for some stuff. Vivanonno is far better for the Ridge Racer and Rave Racer games though. Pretty much perfect.

Yeah, I've used Mjolnir -- works good for some stuff. Vivanonno is far better for the Ridge Racer and Rave Racer games though. Pretty much perfect.


Doing a search for vivanonno also results a wrapper I made a long while back. Actually its pretty bad compared to what I now know. It did works tho.

The above link os to Frequencys loader. I never tested it.


Radikal Loader:

  1. Double click on radikalb.exe to start Radikal Bikers
  2. Set Controls, and Video mode settings
  3. Click "Start"
  4. After Radikal Bikers Starts, press "Esc" to exit.
  5. Place RadikalLoader.exe into the same folder as radikalb.exe
  6. Point GameEx to RadikalLoader.exe
  7. Use an advanced config if you want to remap keys

Let me know if Frequency's Vivanonno loader works for you.



I tried both of those loaders a long time ago, but neither gave me any love. I'll give them another try though.


Thanks for the Radikal Bikers loader Tempest. I emailed Aaron Giles a long time ago requesting to make it commandline friendly, but never got a reply. It will be great to put this into the Mame emu map.


I'll give it a go at a loader for Vivanonno. I just didn't want to spend the time if it was already working.

Mame emu map huh? I guess I'll have to try that some day... I'm still running 9.89 ;) . I'll keep working on loaders, if you guys will help me setup GameEx 10.?? I always wanted The Mame emu map, and Customizeable menus. I just can't get myself to take the time. I'm probably expecting it to be more of a hassle than it is...

If a few of you would upload your GameEx.ini files, maybe it would inspire me.

On the other hand, just stop over, and I'll buy a keg. :P

I'll give it a go at a loader for Vivanonno. I just didn't want to spend the time if it was already working.

Mame emu map huh? I guess I'll have to try that some day... I'm still running 9.89 ;) . I'll keep working on loaders, if you guys will help me setup GameEx 10.?? I always wanted The Mame emu map, and Customizeable menus. I just can't get myself to take the time. I'm probably expecting it to be more of a hassle than it is...

If a few of you would upload your GameEx.ini files, maybe it would inspire me.

On the other hand, just stop over, and I'll buy a keg. :P

Well I have decided to check out that today. PM if you can Invincer. It may have the inspiration both of us need. BTW: My pm system is also screwed. I had to delete a "few" messages then I tried to send 1 pm to Invincer thanking him and poof I cannot send a pm till later. It has to be a spam control. Im sure there got to be a better update to the filter than the current one.

So not to de-rail the thread compelety the vivanoonno wrapper I made a while back could be redone. Im interested to see your approach. Regarding the Gui black x y line it is supposed to work at any resolution. Your gui black maximise will do the same thing. Its just me making things harder than they need to be.


I could upload my Mame emu map later -- I have all the dice games in there, the Daphne ones (along with descriptions for the ones not in Mame at all), the Naomi games -- and soon Radikal Bikers and Vivanonno. :)


Well, here's my Vivanonno loader. It works, but I couldn't get it to work behind a GUI, or with "Show Desktop" set to "No". I did try DetectHiddenWindows, On but it didn't help. :(

Maybe Brian can get it to work hidden...

#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetKeyDelay, 75
Rom = %1%
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
Temp := "rr1|rrs1|rrs1b|rv1|rv1b|rv2"
StringSplit, File, Temp, |
Loop, %File0%
If Rom = % File%A_Index%
Count := A_Index - 1
Run, vivanonno.exe
WinWaitActive, viva nonno
WinMenuSelectItem, viva nonno,, system, load...
WinWait, Select System
ControlClick, ListBox1, Select System
Send {Up 5}
Loop, %Count%
Send {Down}
ControlClick, Button1, Select System,,, 2
WinWaitActive, viva nonno - *
Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Alt Up}

Put it in the same folder as vivaonno.exe, and use VivanonnoLoader.exe [Rom] as your command. Set ShowDesktop to "Yes", until Brian fixes it. :P

Let me know if it works or not...

What have you got, Brian?

Well, here's my Vivanonno loader. It works, but I couldn't get it to work behind a GUI, or with "Show Desktop" set to "No". I did try DetectHiddenWindows, On but it didn't help. :(

Maybe Brian can get it to work hidden...

#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SetKeyDelay, 50
Rom = %1%
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
Temp := "ridgeraj|ridger2a|ridger2b|raveraja|raveracj|raveracw"
StringSplit, File, Temp, |
Loop, %File0%
If Rom = % File%A_Index%
Count := A_Index - 1
Run, vivanonno.exe
WinWaitActive, viva nonno
Click, 22 33
Send L
ControlClick, ListBox1, Select System
Send {Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}
Loop, %Count%
Send {Down}
ControlClick, Button1, Select System,,, 2
WinWaitActive, viva nonno - *
Send {Alt Down}{Enter}{Alt Up}

I elected not to count on which game would be selected in the Listbox with ControlClick. I wasn't sure if it would be affected by different resolutions. That's why I make sure it is at the top with Send {Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}{Up}, and then move down from there.

Put it in the same folder as vivaonno.exe, and use VivanonnoLoader.exe [Rom] as your command. Set ShowDesktop to "Yes", until Brian fixes it. :P

Let me know if it works or not...

What have you got, Brian?

Ill take a looksey. :)


Only way to keep totally hidden in script is to create a black gui as you already know. I had my multi-wrapper doing this but removed since it's already a feature that Tom uses in GX so I removed out of respect. But since a second window opens to choose game you always have to have a black gui on top. As far as technique for choosing games for vivanonno, since there's only 6, i have my wrapper press down depending on what rom is passed in commandline and then select it and run.


Both the Radikal Bikers and Vivanonno loaders work beautifully. Thank you, Tempest!


Hehe... A few issues with the Vivanonno one. Actually serves me right for posting before testing every game thoroughly. Ridge Racer works fine. Everything else -- loads Ridge Racer.

Occassionally it doesn't do anything. Sometimes it loads, sometimes not. Perhaps a timing issue?


It could be... I slowed things down a bit. Try this one.

[attachment removed]

If this one works consistently, but always loads ridgeracer, make sure your romnames match this list:







If it doesn't match anything, it would default to the first game. If you have anymore problems, post the contents of runitgame.bat.

I think that the new loader will work better though. I tried the old one on a different computer, and it didn't work. This one works on both computers.


What version of Vivanonno did you download? The naming conventions specified in 22.0.3 are very different from that. That would explain it loading Ridge Racer only.

Thanks for your hard work. I greatly appreciate it.


Here's the list of roms needed for this version of VivaNonno and are in this order for launch. This is what I used in my wrapper. Hope this helps ya Tempest and JellyBelly.




Maybe I don't know how the mame mapping feature works (Since I don't use it) I assumed that GameEx would be sending the name of the mame rom to vivanonno. I setup vivanonno with the vivanonno roms (rr1, rrs1, etc.) in the vivanonno\roms folder, but I expected GameEx to be sending the mame rom name. I guess that's not how it works...

Try this one. It should also be more reliable, timing wise.



The mameemumap.ini can be used to adjust the name of the rom that you are sending. So, for instance, Zinc can be set up so that rom names are converted to the appropriate number.


Thanks a bunch Tempest! I'll give it a whirl tomorrow.

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