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I just tested the demo version. it seems to work with the script due to the nag screen... the nag screen is in the foreground with every instance though the main explorer window is hiding behind the active window but as soon as the nag screen number is clicked the explorer window appears in the foreground as well! this is just weird... it doesnt seem to be such an easy fix as I initially thought it would be! I should ask about this again in the total commander forum I guess!

I dont want to clutter the gameex forum with this anymore ;)

Thanks for all your help again!

update: tempest, i also tried your suggestion from post 23. but this way tc behaves the same way as with the normal run command and hides behind the active window. it seems like having the little cmd window appear shortly made the tc window become active. i can't explain it better...


Ok, I don't know how to implement this, but here's a thought. The window you are trying to put in front is probably being launched as a different process from the command you are sending. As a result, the PID you are trying to use isn't working. One thing that might work is finding all of the instances of the window and having the script put the PID with the larges number in the front and active. PIDs increase as your session goes along, so this should work. If you run for a very long time and launch a very large number of processes, I suppose the PID could loop, but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, that's all I got :P


Try this:

#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
Run C:\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.EXE,, Max
GroupAdd, AllWindows,,,, Total Commander
GroupDeactivate, AllWindows

Don't forget to adjust your path. (Crossing my fingers)

Regarding this:

it doesnt seem to be such an easy fix as I initially thought it would be!

I was thinking the same thing, about 20 posts ago... Maybe we could get a Mod to change the title? :lol:


sorry mate :(

it's still the same! window maximizes but stays behind the active window...

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