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Hi All,

I'm using the mameemumap.ini file, and I'm either having a problem or am just confused as to how it works.

Previously, I had both Zinc and M2 emulators enabled in Advanced MAME config. There were always a few M2 games missing that I never really spent the time to figure out. With the new feature, I thought it was about time I did. I'm running MAME 130u2 and M2 0.9, and have done list updates after each change in settings below. All ROMS pass clrmamepro audits both for MAME and for M2.

With Zinc, I disabled it in the Advanced config, and added the specific games that should still launch with Zinc under the [MAPROMS] section. That works fine. All the Zinc games show up in the MAME list, and all but the few I specified launch within MAME itself.

Since MAME doesn't run any of the M2 games, I initially left M2 support enabled and tried to add just the games that were missing from the main list to [MAPROMS]. The missing games would not display. The way I read the comments under [MAPROMS], anything listed there should display on the list regardless, which in this case is not happening.

Then I tried disabling M2 support and adding the line "Driver=model2.c" to the INI file. That looks like it should list all ROMS supported by model2.c even if you don't have them: "such as when you dont have the MAME rom." It did stop filtering the model2 ROMS to some extent, in that I had five Daytonas listed for example, but the same games are still missing.

Looking at one ROM for example: "waverunr" (This same set of circumstances applies to other ROMs that are missing.)

* I have the ROM present in the MAME directory and it passes an audit in MAME.

* M2 Emulator loads and plays this ROM just fine.

* The ROM name is in the "do not filter" section of GameEx's configuration.

* Initially I had "waverunr=28" under [MAPROMS]; Emulator 28 is my M2 setup

* After that didn't work, I added "Driver=model2.c" to the [GENERAL] section of the INI file, along with "model2=28" in the [MAPDRIVER] section.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks for any help.



Just to clarify, the new feature does not work in companion wiht the current model 2 and zinc support. So you wont see the games listed under those menus if you specify one in the ini. Its best to turn off the existing support if you want to do what you are saying.

Alsoe you have to update the list again after any changes. Maybe not all the games are for the model2 driver, and it uses a slightly different one or maybe the games dont run in the model 2 emu. Im not sure. PErhaps you could specificly list the games and others can tell you that. Everything seems to be working as it should. Waverunr and the daytonna games produces an rom missing error when It ry to launch it with model2, but it does correctly list and at least try to run the game with the specified emu setup.


Double-checking everything on my end...

* M2 is disabled in Advanced Configuration.

* With the exception of "srallyp," every ROM supported by M2 0.9 is part of the model2.c driver in MAME.

* MAME does not appear to support "srallyp," however all other ROM names match between the two emulators.

* ROMs are in the MAME ROM directory. My M2 config points to its own ROM directory, but the ROMs are there as well.

* All the ROMs test OK with clrmamepro.

* The following games play in M2, the ROMs are present, but are missing from my MAME list:

- daytonagtx

- desert

- dynabb

- motoraid

- skytargt

- topskatr

- vcop

- waverunr

* I also looked directly in gamelist.txt; all of the above are listed there except for daytonagtx.

* OK, this gets stranger (or I get denser, lol) - If I search for the missing games, they turn up in the search results and work just fine in the M2 emulator as they should.

So it looks like these just aren't displaying on my MAME list for some odd reason. Now I'm totally lost, heh.


# This file allows launching specific MAME roms
# With an alternative emulator setup in GameEx
# such as an alternate version of MAME or an emulator
# that provides faster emulation.
# Note: a MAME game list update is required after making changes
# here.
# This is a registered version feature

# Enable this feature in GameEx and use this file


# You may not want to list an emulator specified seperatly
# in the GameEx menus
# and make this feature transparent.
# Specify Emulator Numbers seperated by | to hide and use only for MAME


# Some emulators need the full filename of the rom. ie with the .zip extension
# Specify emulators where the extension should be used seperated by |


# If you want roms for a specific driver to always be visible in the list
# and override any other filters, such as when you dont have the MAME rom
# specify the drivers seperated by |


# The following settings tell GameEx when to use an emulator to launch
# instead of MAME. To specifcally specify MAME use 0. To specify Daphne
# use 1000
# Example Launches 1942 rom with emulator 10:
# 1942=10
# Example Launch rom lair with Daphne:
# lair=1000
# Specify a list of rom names with an emulator number
# to have GameEx launch the rom with that emulator

# Map ROMS to an emulator on an individual basis
# This overrides any other mappings
# If you want to exclude a rom from any of the other mappings
# Specify it here as 0 (use MAME)
# Specifing a rom and an enabled emulator here will also
# ensure it will override all other filters when updating the
# game list and always be available.

# This matches roms with the specified properties as below


# Specify a list of MAME drivers to map

# When a match is found for a rom, rename it to the following
# When passing it to the emulator. The emulator will try to launch the
# new name.
# Example:
# mrdriller=drill.zip


Yeah that does sound a bit strange. Please post gameex.ini and log.



Also they would be listed in the search list for the actual model 2 emulator you have setup. Its set as an active emulator in your config as youve not hidden it.

However there in gamelist.txt so they should show up. Like I said post the files and Ill take a look.

I tested the model2 portions of your config, and it seems to be fine to me.


I did find a bug if your using a MAME32 favorites file. So try disabling that if using one and update the list again.


Sorry if there's some better way I should have posted the INI. Guess I could have ZIPed it; just thought of that now.

Anyway, when I search, I get two results - one from MAME and one from the separate M2 setup. See attached.

Thanks again for your help.




My cab isn't on right now so I can't post my mameemumap.ini. I've successfully set up Model2, Zinc, and rotary joystick games to work with their appropriate emulators. For Zinc, I use a small wrapper to convert the MAME rom name into a number Zinc needs. For Model2, I think I'm just using the emu itself without a wrapper. For the rotary stick games I use a wrapper and run MAME Analog+. I have a little tweaking to do, but so far so good!

If you are still having issues tomorrow I'll post my mameemumap.ini file so you can see what I've done. Nothing special really, so don't expect miracles. ;)

My cab isn't on right now so I can't post my mameemumap.ini. I've successfully set up Model2, Zinc, and rotary joystick games to work with their appropriate emulators. For Zinc, I use a small wrapper to convert the MAME rom name into a number Zinc needs. For Model2, I think I'm just using the emu itself without a wrapper. For the rotary stick games I use a wrapper and run MAME Analog+. I have a little tweaking to do, but so far so good!

If you are still having issues tomorrow I'll post my mameemumap.ini file so you can see what I've done. Nothing special really, so don't expect miracles. ;)

BK, you can scrap the Zinc Wrapper if you like, and just use the rename section in the ini. Thats what its for :)


Thanks, to troubleshoot, can you try each of these items in order doing a list update after each one and then testing to see if its now working.

1. Make sure to Show clones

2. Disable (blank) the custom folders path

3. Disable (blank) the mame32 favorites path

Thanks, to troubleshoot, can you try each of these items in order doing a list update after each one and then testing to see if its now working.

1. Make sure to Show clones

2. Disable (blank) the custom folders path

3. Disable (blank) the mame32 favorites path

Can you also post gamelist.txt



I think I can see the problem. I thought it was a bug but its not. It looks like the roms are in the excluded roms filter. They get added there by pressing delete on a game. Just clear out the field under Adv MAME settings in the advanced config.


I tried the rename section and it will work. The problem is that I have config files for each game that set the buttons up the way I want them. As such, I have to call the config with <rom name>.cfg and the rom number for zinc. If I went through and renamed the configs to numbers, I could definitely scrap the wrapper. Hmmm, maybe that's not a bad idea.


Well, I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry for the waste of time. I guess I put them in there by accident when I was trying to have them NOT be filtered. As with most things, it's user error. Oh well, lol.

It does raise the question though: what is the order of precedence between "Do not filter these ROMs," "Excluded ROMs" and the various items in mameemumap.ini which read as if they should override everything else?

Anyway, I think I ought to go clear out all of my various filters and start fresh. Thanks again for the help and patience.



Just to follow up on my post... I did have AdvanceMAME turned on :ph34r: Also, I renamed my config files for zinc, added the rename lines to the mameemumap.ini, and adjusted the call in the emulator. Things seem to be working great now!

Well, I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry for the waste of time. I guess I put them in there by accident when I was trying to have them NOT be filtered. As with most things, it's user error. Oh well, lol.

It does raise the question though: what is the order of precedence between "Do not filter these ROMs," "Excluded ROMs" and the various items in mameemumap.ini which read as if they should override everything else?

Anyway, I think I ought to go clear out all of my various filters and start fresh. Thanks again for the help and patience.


No worries, glad I could help.

Basically Do Not filter these Roms and the filters in the ini to always show either the driver or via a rom map do the same thing, but Excluded Roms overrides everything.

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