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Hey whats up everybody. First post here, unfortunatly its a help post. Alright, so I can load an ISO through ePSXe by itself, in Windows. I can change the game, full screen it, map controls, the whole nine. When I run it through GameEx, nada. I get the PSX controller in the right corner and then black screen. I haven't had any real problems with GameEx (well, ScummVM beat the crap outta me honestly) til now. I love this as an FE better than MALA. Anyway, thats my problem. Oh and I am also using ePSXeCutor 1.0.6, if that has or doesn't have anything to do with it. Word. :D


please post your gameex log so we can see how you set up epsxe. i remember having the same issue while setting up epsxe. i cant recall how i fixed it though. maybe if i compare it to my log we can figure out what the problem is...


@ Da Killah - The GameEx log didn't report any errors. I just didn't have a "Titles" folder so that was it. That has nothing to do with the games not opening.

@ chriss - Once I get home (at work now) I'll post it up.

Thanks for replying guys.

  celly said:
@ Da Killah - The GameEx log didn't report any errors. I just didn't have a "Titles" folder so that was it. That has nothing to do with the games not opening.

@ chriss - Once I get home (at work now) I'll post it up.

Thanks for replying guys.

Actually would be better to post your emulator config since the log isn't gonna show us anything really useful. The emulator config will give us more detail on how your setup is.

  fRequEnCy said:
Actually would be better to post your emulator config since the log isn't gonna show us anything really useful. The emulator config will give us more detail on how your setup is.

Oddly enough I don't think this is going to relate to gameex. epsxe 1.7.0 seems to have broken most (if not all) command-line functions causing odd issues. I can't even get it to load a file from the command prompt!

  hpram99 said:
Oddly enough I don't think this is going to relate to gameex. epsxe 1.7.0 seems to have broken most (if not all) command-line functions causing odd issues. I can't even get it to load a file from the command prompt!

I've got it running just fine with no issues using the following command line:

ePSXe.exe -nogui -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

What kind of issues are you having in particular? I too am running v1.7.0.


i found info on making a batch file (in notepad) with the following

start/wait C:\epsxe\epsxe.exe -nogui -loadbin %1


save that as epsxe.bat

and in game ex config put this line in the command line box of the game ex config

ePSXe.bat "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"

  fRequEnCy said:
I've got it running just fine with no issues using the following command line:

ePSXe.exe -nogui -loadbin "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"

What kind of issues are you having in particular? I too am running v1.7.0.

Ok, working now. I used your command line and everythings gravy. Turkey and gravy. Thanks.

  celly said:
Ok, working now. I used your command line and everythings gravy. Turkey and gravy. Thanks.

Good deal! Have fun!

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