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hey guys,

i have two questions for you. maybe someone knows a solution:

i installed ultrastar yesterday which is a singstar (ps2) clone for pc. it works quite well. i wrote a little ahk script to translate the arrow keys, esc and enter (the ultrastar selection keys) to my corresponding x-arcade keys. This works great! I used the "treat as 1 pc game" in gameex and it starts directly into the program!

The only thing is when i exit the game i return into gameex with the listing of the ultrastar directory. Instead i would like it to exit back to the main selection screen of gameex! is this possible?

the other problem i have:

i use ps2 microphones with ultrastar.these are usb microphones. in order to hear what you are singing you need a little program called audiorepeater. i wrote a batch file and put it in the "launch before" field in gameex setup so i can listen to what i sing in ultrastar.

but how would i do this with my standard cdg+mp3 setup in gameex?

is it possible to write an ahk script like ifwinactive=karaoke directx then start audiorepeater? does soemone know the exact command or is there another way to start this program before karaoke starts? i dont want to run audiorepeater all the time since it takes away some serious cpu power!

does anyone know a solution? frequency? bkenobi?


sorry tempest! i just know that frequency is into karaoke and that bkenobi knows ahk!

no offense! i know you've been really helpful on many occasions!


than i must excuse myself, i simply didnt know this! sorry mate, i didnt mean to leave you out of this!


Don't worry about it. Tempest is used to being shat on! :lol:

Seriously though, I think some of Tempest's code is getting really great! I haven't put nearly enough time into AHK to do some of the things he's doing with his CFG Magician. Impressive!


No problem Chris... I really did think it was funny!

Of course I'm not going to write any code for you, unless you ask for me by name. ;)

Thanks for the kind words BK... :)

  bkenobi said:
Actually, I would guess that Tempest has written more lines of AHK than I have at this point. B)

Cfg Magician is at 745 lines.

Marquee Magician Setup is at 1043 lines.

Of course it could just mean that I'm a shitty coder....

Actually I'm more proud of the Marquee Magician Setup program. Even if it doesn't get used in GameEx, If people wanted to have a user selectable montage of photos, that could be either static, or a slideshow, I would consider writing a script to go with the setup program. Sometime when your bored, download it, and play with it. I think I pretty much have everything covered, but AFAIK Wombat hasn't beta tested it yet. :P

  chriss said:
hey guys,

i have two questions for you. maybe someone knows a solution:

i installed ultrastar yesterday which is a singstar (ps2) clone for pc. it works quite well. i wrote a little ahk script to translate the arrow keys, esc and enter (the ultrastar selection keys) to my corresponding x-arcade keys. This works great! I used the "treat as 1 pc game" in gameex and it starts directly into the program!

The only thing is when i exit the game i return into gameex with the listing of the ultrastar directory. Instead i would like it to exit back to the main selection screen of gameex! is this possible?

To answer this part, do what I suggested earlier and set up as an External Application and it will return you back to the main selection screen since you're using flat menu's. I've tested it and it will give you the results you're after.


thanks for the hint!

Now the second problem:

How can I start a program (audiorepeater) together with the karaoke implementation in gameex? as often suggested here in the forum to have this option available for mame and zinc now i would like to have a "launch before" or "launch also" for karaoke.

I thought I could use ahk with a ifwinactive command to let the audiorepeater app start whenever a cdg song is selected. I looked at the taskmanager and gameex seems to open the cdg files itself without the help of an external program. so it seems like I cant do it this way.

any other suggestions to start audiorepeater when a cdg is being played through gameex and to stop this program when the karaoke song is finished?

it must be possible somehow...

  chriss said:
thanks for the hint!

Now the second problem:

How can I start a program (audiorepeater) together with the karaoke implementation in gameex? as often suggested here in the forum to have this option available for mame and zinc now i would like to have a "launch before" or "launch also" for karaoke.

I thought I could use ahk with a ifwinactive command to let the audiorepeater app start whenever a cdg song is selected. I looked at the taskmanager and gameex seems to open the cdg files itself without the help of an external program. so it seems like I cant do it this way.

any other suggestions to start audiorepeater when a cdg is being played through gameex and to stop this program when the karaoke song is finished?

it must be possible somehow...

Well only solution I can think of is have a script launch with GameEx. Then wait till you're in the karaoke section of GameEx using GameEx's title since you can't do it by waiting for a PID since GameEx launches it itself. Then run your code. I can whip up something for you but I need more detail on what command-line switches audiorepeater use.


just wanted to let you guys know that frequency wrote a little script to launch audiorepeater.exe whenever i go into the karaoke section of gameex.

so if someone of you should ever think about using the original ps2 singstar mics for a gameex karaoke session frequency's program might come in handy!

we had some problems with minimizing windows but in the end it all worked out! I hereby wanna thank frequency for being awesome!

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