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Hmmm. No one.

I mean this would work correct? There should be no reason I could not launch iTunes inside of Game Ex? Maybe I should just start lauching with MC and load my front ends from in there as well as my other programs?


i once tried it out using the remote feature on the iphone. but i gave up quickly on the idea. i think it was because i didnt figure out how to have it run smoothly while gameex. i wrote a little batch script to have itunes run as a pc game but somehow i was not fully satisfied with what i had. I first had it setup to go back into gameex after it was launched. that didnt work out well. sorry, but thats already half a year back so i dont remember why exactly i gave up on it.

the idea is nice though! having a way of controlling your jukebox even when not seeing it on screen!

If you find a nice way of using it with gameex please tell me!

  chriss said:
i once tried it out using the remote feature on the iphone. but i gave up quickly on the idea. i think it was because i didnt figure out how to have it run smoothly while gameex. i wrote a little batch script to have itunes run as a pc game but somehow i was not fully satisfied with what i had. I first had it setup to go back into gameex after it was launched. that didnt work out well. sorry, but thats already half a year back so i dont remember why exactly i gave up on it.

the idea is nice though! having a way of controlling your jukebox even when not seeing it on screen!

If you find a nice way of using it with gameex please tell me!

Chriss... There is away with iTunes and this remote.


More less what I want to do is launch iTunes from within Game Ex and then use this remote which works on RF up to 100ft.! This way I can control my jukebox from anywhere in the house.

I mean I have already launch HyperSpin from within Game Ex which is another front end so I am sure there is really no limitations as to just adding iTunes.

I was going to use media center to do a lot of this but that program is shit. It is impossible to configure and remove menus from what I can tell... To bad as I like the Juke Box feature in it.

I guess the whole point here is having a nice Juke Box to stand infront of as well as having complete control over it without being infront of it but lauching everyone from one single app, Game Ex.

See where I am going with this?


I don't use iTunes myself cuz I don't care for it but you shouldn't have any problems. GameEx can run anything and everything. Just takes some tweaking sometimes to make things work that weren't designed to work so simple. That's where scripting comes in, mapping keys, etc.


visitor q, maybe you didnt read closely what i was writing: I have an iphone and managed to connect to itunes with my iphone remote while being in gameex. iphone has an application called remote. So it basically does the same as your remote except its using wifi to conncet to itunes.

So I controlled my music from within gameex. I think the problem was that I had to run itunes as an application in the foreground. then it worked fine. but as soon as i set itunes in the background (returning to gameex after launching it) it didnt take my remote commands anymore!


I've been working on iTunes this morning using Coverflow fullscreen and Xpadder with a dual-analog gamepad.

Basically the digital pad controls volume, left stick is next/previous track, right stick is next/previous albums. Various buttons for play, pause, return to currently playing album. Works great.

The only problem I have left is that I cant' get it to switch to fullscreen when it launches from Gameex. Fullscreen is Ctrl+F, so I have send keys set to ^F, and I've tried all kinds of variations, from 3000 to 30000, on how many seconds for it to wait, with no luck.

Edit: figured it out. Set wait to a whopping 50000 milliseconds, and the sendkey to %vf instead of ^f.

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