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Html application control buttons


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I have just added Netflix as an html application as my cab is also piped out to my home theater. I use an rf keyboard for advanced functions.

I noticed when I went to search for a movie title the space bar is acting as a back key in addition to backspace. I have killed all ahk and other key and input apps to eliminat them.

First is this out of the box functionality? Can someone else confirm if their html apps respond the same.

Second, is there a way to alter the keys used other than the custom input ini? I am sure the space keycode is not referred to there for any function.

I am afraid this will turn out to be like a majority of gameex input, hardcoded.

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A lot seem to be hard coded. I wanted to reassign next-prev track, pause-play, and rotate display. But those and others cannot be altered. I use ahk to get the controls I want ( including key combos so I can have dedicated vol up and down buttons on the cp as opposed to shifted functionality ) But it seems to be so much duct tape. One of the things I want to do is move all back functionality away from the backspace key. I want to have the keyboard fully functional for other apps. I also mistype a movie in the html apps hit backspace, and pop back to gameex and have to start from scrach again.

Not that I dont appreciate the multitude of customization options that are currently available.

And does that mean that you confirm space is performing a back action?

I am thinking I should make a bat to call IE from the page fullscreen. Do you recomend that?

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Hey Tom,

How do you zoom the size of the http page within GameEx? On my 47" Vizio the text looks way too small and I want to increase the size of the page similar to what Firefox has like NoSquint. Is this possible?

and also I tried that command line that you said and all I get was Page Not Found when I entered my URL.

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