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here is all the GameEx related news and releases from 2008. Quite a lot!

21st December, 2008 - GameEx 9.77

With perfect timing for the holidays, I am very pleased to release this version of GameEx. It contains two major enhancements and various small fixes and changes that I won't mention here.

First of all image lists have been implemented in GameEx. You can now view game lists and other pages as an image list giving a thumbnail display. To access the image list you need to be running a version 3 or 4 theme, and to access the view either change in the configuration applications or hit the Change View menu item. In this release the view is remembered for restart. I think you will like this new feature, and I think it fits in really well with GameEx. It should work well on both cabs and media centers, and it also looks great when the display is rotated. It will display a thumb of videos, and will cache this but it takes time to get the frame, so I recommend you ensure you also have image based snaps setup for your systems and MAME.

The other improvement  is enhanced database support. When on the game information page, you are given menu options to find "more" games with the same developer, year, or category. This effectively links all systems together, and there is also now an All Games list available. Any database caching issues have been resolved, and this really does make GameEx the ultimate repository for when you have many systems.

Here are some notes from Flash on this new feature.

Along with the new improved game database support much work has been done on the current databases to aid the overal functionality.

These databases have been improved/modified, some more than others.

Atari Jaguar (nearly complete)



Pc Engine

Nintendo 64 (complete)

Super Nintendo

Nintendo Gameboy

Sega Saturn

Virtual Boy

Commodore 64 (very early stages, 20,000 games)

Sinclir ZX81 and Spectrum.

For these to work correctly they rely on your romsets to follow one of these naming conventions, Tosec, No-Into, GoodName.

To go hand-in-hand with the new "More:" feature, both Publisher and Developer fields have been modified across ALL databases. To make the matching easier certain concessions have been made. Examples are: All Sony subdivisions are listed as "Sony Computer Entertainment", Rockstar is just Rockstar Games (no Rockstar North, Rockstar Tokyo, etc). You will see the reason for this when using GameEx and this does make it a lot easier to bring up a FULL list of games by a favorite Developer (I.e. Rare, Treasure) rather than having several entries for the same developer. I hope this is acceptable to all as we felt that the slight loss of software divisions far outweighed the benefits.

You will find that some games may not appear in the More: lists as expected. This is not a fault with GameEx; but rather a problem of incomplete databases. As the databases get more and more complete, the issue will become less and less. When they are all done (and trust me - I am doing my best) all games will match across the board including Publishers, Manufacturers, Years, Genres.

If you do find any genuine miss-information within the databases; please pm me, I won't take offence and any help to get them closer to the overal goal would be deemed a benefit by me.


Many thanks to flash for his diligent work on the databases, and also for his testing and ensuring the quality of this release.


Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays.

8th December, 2008 - GameEx 9.76

  • Thanks to Headkzae now features an advanced emulator configuration tool which can be accessed from either of the configuration utilities. It makes configuring advanced emulator ini files a lot easier and user friendly. Thanks Headkaze
  • The advanced configuration utility has been improved slightly to allow more emulator configs and an improved file and folder browse
  • Fixes emulators not running in the screensaver when MAME enabled
  • Fixes issue with most played list
  • Fixes the broken music playlist feature, which is used for just playing a simple playlist throughout GameEx when the jukebox is disabled

4th December, 2008 - GameEx 9.71

  • With a lot of help from Headkaze (Ben) the video libraries have been updated in GameEx. This means the following
    • Now works with latest version of FFDSHOW
    • Startup video can be in any supported format
    • Can preview any supported video type including DVDs on disk
    • Create snaps for videos is now much faster and more user freindly
    • Can now play FLV files (assuming FFDSHOW installed)
    • Movies and DVDs now use latest MS SDKs
    • Also fixes an issue playing DVDs/Videos full screen, and issue when previewing videos in the video module the previews would not always show
    • I can't thank Ben enough for his help with this
    • Make sure you uninstall existing codecs before installing the latest version of FFDSHOW

24th November, 2008 - GameEx 9.70

  • Latest version of HiToText.exe. Now supports clones. Thanks Fyrecrypts, NOP and Headkaze
  • Improved speed loading emulators and databases once cached. Note the first time they are accessed GameEx will recache and this may take a few minutes if you have a lot of systems setup
  • New cmd line option and item in program group to run GameEx with only MAME support, turning everything else off. - mame

21st November, 2008 - GameEx 9.69

  • Fixes issue with image mounting when file system is not known to windows
  • Fixes issue with line breaks not showing in database biography

19th November, 2008 - GameEx 9.67

New ISO mounting support
  • GameEx now features simple to use ISO mounting support
  • To enable it it needs to be selected during install of GameEx. It has been bundled with the install Karaoke option. Just select the checkbox on install.
  • DVDs on disk now support ISOs for both the internal and any external player. If using windvd9 as an external player BluRay ISO images will play. You don't need to do anything special to use the ISO support with DVDs on disk. Just set the paths as normal, and ensure ISO support is installed.
  • For Emulators its now very simple to have mounting support.
  • Assuming your files for the emulator are ISOs just add [-VIRTUALDRIVE-] to the emulator command line setting to tell GameEx it should just mount the image. That's it, no more complicated launch before and launch after scripts.
    • Example: unz.exe -fs[-VIRTUALDRIVE-]

    [*]If you wish to put the drive letter of the mounted image into the command line use [VIRTUALDRIVE] ie without the dashes.

    • Example: powerdvd.exe [VIRTUALDRIVE]:\
  • Ive updated all the default emulator configs to use the new in built support.
  • The feature also supports BIN and CUE files for emulators.
  • Images are automatically unmounted.

17th November, 2008 - GameEx 9.66

  • Now has high score support for supported MAME games thanks to Fyrecrypts project. For supported games and if enabled you will see an option on the game info page to show high scores for a game. For more info on the project please see Here on BYOAC. Feel free to get involved in the project. There's a few of us helping out, and Ill be providing some hosting for it shortly. A special thanks to Fyrecrypts, NOP and Headkaze.
  • Improved control support when playing videos in the video player. Fixes a key repeating issue, and video skips are now a more friendly 20 seconds instead of 30
  • Improved support for displaying GameEx on a secondary display. GameEx will now run in ful screen windowed mode on the secondary display, and continue to be accessible when working on the primary display. Im assuming this is going to be better for everyone, but if it's a problem for you please let me know on the forums.

16th November, 2008 - GameEx 9.65

  • Just a minor release before I start work on the improved database support
  • For snap/video logos videos are now searched for before image files
  • Video logos are now supported for custom MAME list logos
  • By default the list of emulators will now be sorted alphabetically. This can be turned off in the advanced configuration
  • Due to the drastic change in currency exchange rates, the donation/registration price has been changed to US dollars from British pounds

12th November, 2008 - GameEx 9.63

  • GameLauncher Mode:
    • Lots of improvements and fixes here. Now supports the favorites, most played, and last played list along with the game information page. A MAME list update can be performed, and the issue with custom mame lists is resolved. The presentation of the list over the background snap or video has also been greatly improved.

    [*]Hiding windows:

    • When hiding the taskbar GameEx will also hide the start button on Vista Systems.
    • When the desktop is set to be hidden, GameEx will also turn off window animations, so launching between games and returning to GameEx is now totally seemless.
    • The Hide Desktop setting is now on by default on new installs.
    • IIf the GameEx process is unexpectedly ended and the desktop is not restored, GameEx will restore the wallpaper on next launch.
  • Smooth as silk:
    • Transitions have been improved. The 2D transition is now a little slower and smoother, and GameEx will load the first snap or video in the next list while the list is off screen. This makes everything look really nice, especially on HD displays.

    [*]Skinning extensibility:

    • GameEx now supports snap/video logos for categories, manufacturers, and years. These should be placed in a folder named 'database' within the Themes logo folder.
    • Transparant (Color Keyed) video logos are now supported. Simply suffix an AVI or MNG filename with '_TRANS' (before extenstion)
    • I look forward to seeing what people come up with.
  • Screensaver:
    • The screensaver will now run even if not using MAME.
    • Fixes turn off display screen saver mode

    [*]MAME Support:

    • Extra formatting is performed on the Manufacturer list to group companies together. For example Atari and Atari games becomes Atari. A list update is required.
  • Also in this release:
    • New GameEx ICON
    • Fixes key/joystick repeat issue.
    • New cmd line option -glaunch to launch GameEx in GameLauncher mode. There is also a shortcut in the program group.
    • TTurning off Anti Alias on fonts now does just that and not set it at the system default.

20th October, 2008b>& - New GameEx Novelty Store

I've just launched a GameEx novelty store here: www.cafepress.com/gameex. Get your GameEx T-Shirts, Mugs etc and other novelties. You won't find GameEx beer or a GameEx ash tray, but just about everything else is there.

20th October, 2008/b>& - GameEx price reduced

To celebrate the 4th birthday of GameEx, and to make sure you can still have fun in these difficult times, the standard registration price of GameEx has been slashed to 13 pounds (approx $23 dollars) until the end of November 2008. Hopefully better times will be with us soon, but in the meantime get it while its hot! Not only are you getting a feature rich and unique product with a huge amount of time and creativity put into it, your also supporting the author and community.

16th October, 2008/b>& - GameEx 9.61

  • The speed of loading databases and emulators once cached has been significally improved
  • It should have been mentioned in the previous release, but also with this release, the first time a game information page is displayed all emulators and databases will be recached once only. This can take upto 20 minutes, and is due to the new other systems feature. However once cached, access will be quick now.
  • The other systems feature has been fixed for when used with .7z and .zip support and is also presented in a better way /li>
  • The install now includes the most recent version of Karaoke for DirectX. You will need to install this for zip support
  • TTThe Karaoke module now supports bin and zip files

12th October, 2008b>& - GameEx - Emu Database Update

The database support in GameEx is a very powerful evolving and exciting feature. Thanks to Flash the following database updates are now available.
  • Minor updates to:
    • Atari 5200
    • AAtari 7800
    • Colecovision

    [*]New databases:

    • Intellivision
    • Sega Naomi 1 Arcade Hardware

11th October, 2008 - GameEx 9.60

Headkaze has updated his LED/LCD plugin to 2.82, and this release contains it.

Here is what's new.

- Split all the input codes into an external folder like CPWizard

- Faster ini file routines

- Added an "Input Form" now when you enter input codes for your "LED Input Map" pressing the "..." button allows you to enter input codes from your joystick or keyboardbr /> - Can now save more custom speech sayings

11th October, 2008& - GameEx 9.59

In this release:
  • New feature that lists and allows selection of other systems that a game will run on on the game information page. The list of 'other systems' is displayed when appropriate for MAME and other emulated systems. Im guessing its another first for front ends
  • When in the jukebox you can get lyrics for the currently playing track thanks to lyricwiki.org. To access the 'get lyrics' feature, select the 'playlist / more' menu item
  • I would also like to take this opportunity to again thank Flash and Headkaze for there work on the databases. They have both contributed a great deal
  • AA special thanks also to Brian Hoffman who always seems to have my back on the forums

28th September, 2008b>& - GameEx 9.55

  • GameEx can now use an external video player
  • Foreground images are now supported for the standard modules
  • Now supports three custom artwork paths for emulators. Supporting both png and jpg, and also pdf files
  • Searching media is now faster /li>
  • FFFixes emulator artwork not showing if not using a database

4th September, 2008b>& - GameEx 9.53

Includes Headkaze's LCD/LED Plugin 2.78

- "LED's Off When Game is Run" option is now working

- "Use GameEx Profile in List" option added. When viewing games in a list it will now show the default emulator profile unless this option is selected in which case it will show the GameEx default profile.

- "Light Game Buttons in List" will turn off lighting the game buttons while scrolling through a list and show the default emulator profile or the GameEx default profile depending on how the "Use GameEx Profile in List" option is set.

4th September, 2008/b>& - GameEx 9.52

  • The media library module has been improved to allow viewing a slide show and one click queuing of all audio in a folder
  • There is a new setting which is on by default, where GameEx will check for DVD/CD or removable drive insertion, and ask if you wish to play a dvd, cd or browse the contents with the media library upon insertion of the media. Windows may steel focus from GameEx if its set to do things on media insertion so if you want to use this feature where GameEx is pretty much all that's run on the machine then you should turn this off in windows.
  • Fixes slide show transitions showing wrongly /li>
  • BIOS images are now automatically filtered in the MAME list
  • Fixes Mr Driller not playable with Zinc
  • Manx TT added to model 2 support
  • FFixes back naviation issue when using emulator databases
  • Thanks to Flash new ScummVM database and configuration. Note: A manual install is required to get updated databases now and in the future
  • Updated to latest Bass audio libraries
  • GameEx will now properly resume from a system suspend/stand by
  • New options to use an external DVD software for Playing a DVD and DVDs on disk. This was put in place primarily for WinDVD 9 because of its great upscaling features
  • Fixes crash issue in Karoake when pressing left or resume
  • Other minor fixes
  • Please report any issues on the forums

25th August, 2008 - GameEx 9.51

This release contains changes to the GameEx install. The emulator databases are now a separate download but by default downloaded with the install. There is also an offline version on the download page. The MCE glossy theme has been removed from the install and moved to the default theme downloads. Again this is downloaded and installed by default as usual with the install, and there is an offline install on the site. The old default theme has been removed entirely. This brings gameexsetup.exe down to 15mb. Also in this release are minor fixes to themes, and duplicate list items are now removed when using emulator groups.

18th August, 2008 - GameEx 9.49 and Theme Competition

This release, with thanks to Headkaze completes the version 4 theme implementation with support for foreground images that overlay the background and snaps. Im quite exctied to see what new themes people come up with, so in order to offer a little motivation there will be a competition until end of september for the best themes. The top 5, and we may not even get that many, will get a GameEx license and EmuMovies lifetime FTP access. Upload your completed themes to the main site, and then post on the forum under the Theme Competition thread. If you need to make changes to your upload just contact me.

17th August, 2008/b>& - GameEx 9.48

  • New touchscreen input setting, for running GameEx in a touchscreen setup. It is recommended to use version 3 or 4 themes when using a touchscreen and turning this setting on
  • Fixes surplus snap matching /li>
  • Fixes show buttons setting with version 4 themes
  • Other minor fixes

14th August, 2008& - GameEx 9.45 Released

This is a major release and would not have been possible without the hard work of Flash (AKA GreatGlash) and Headkaze.

The changes are fully listed below but the two big enhancments are that now version 4 themes have been fully implemented, giving GameEx powerfull skinning capabilites that we would have all liked from the beginning. The Theme Editor has been updated thanks to the hard work of Headkaze. In addition database support has been greatly improved within GameEx and Flash has very kindly updated 90% of the databases with the following been completely finalised - Saturn, Colecovision, PC-FX, Dreamcast, and a brand new Future Pinball database. Flash was also instrumental in fixing and perfecting the database support in GameEx.

  • Version 4 themes
    • Theme Editor version 2
    • Support second image
    • RRun at any reslution with rescaling
    • Convert between all theme versions and resize. The Theme Editor will now allow you to create a new version of and convert any existing GameEx theme.


    • Includes Flash's new dbases.
    • New Biography page when using v3/v4 themes
    • When loading databases (for the fist time, prior to caching), GameEx will try an exact match of the rom first before trying with removed brackets and removed version number etc.
    • Setting in advanced config to use the name field from the database instead of the formatted rom name. If on this will override a pre set map file.
    • Fixes various database issues
    • Emulator Groups now fully support databases
    • Fixes all known issues with database support
  • Fixes/Changes
    • Please wait animation now shows when extracting games when using zip/7-zip support.
    • Fixes to snap matching
    • Several Performance/Caching enhancements
    • Fixes bug when pressing maximize button on window for second time.
    • Fixes issue where emulator list and database wouldn't use cache when using 7-zip/zip support
    • Smoother display/animations on slower systems. Please report issues.
    • Fixes Videos/DVD/Karaoke playing on primary monitor when set to run on secondary

As always feedback and requests are actively encouraged.

31st July, 2008 - GameEx 9.43 released

  • New Features:
    • Thanks to the hard work of Flash and Headkaze for providing the tools, the first of the updated databases using the new format are in this release. These are for the Sega Saturn and NEC PC-FX
    • I realised today that the MAME manufacturer list and filter had really become a useless feature due to the huge amount of MAME games now supported and the data accuracy issues in the MAME XML output. Therefore GameEx now performs formating on the Manufacturer, resulting in less manufacturers in the list and more games grouped under each one as well as fixing the data accuracy issues in recent MAME builds. This results in a smaller list making the feature once again worth having hopefully. An update list is required


    • For new installs by default GameEx will not set the resolution to 800x600 but will use the current windows desktop resolution. This is to provide a better initial experience for new users, and should only be a problem on really low end machines set at high resolutions
    • There is a slight change to the 2d animations. Hopefully for the better. Feedback welcome /li>
    • WWhen choosing the Lite or MAME only option on install, ebooks and search will be disabled. The theme is set at Media Center instead of MCE Glossy


    • GameEx should be more usable in touch screen setups as the issue where clicking the page down error did not return focus to the list from the menu with the default V3 themes is fixed
    • Fixes issue where the menu would not be visible after updating the MAME list
    • Fixes ICONS only being created on a restart when the first MAME list update is done

5th July, 2008 - GameEx 9.39

  • Database naming format matching is now automatic

5th July, 2008 - GameEx 9.38

  • Includes Ben Baker's (AKA Headkaze) latest LCD/LED Plugin now featuring support for Ultimarcs latest product, the U-HID
  • Initial support for the new database project. With support for new naming fields, ability to select naming type, and new biography page in GameEx
  • Emulator list music playlist option now stops playing the music when exiting from browsing the emulator
  • Fixes issue where reading audio tags information would hang GameEx on Vista. This affected using the Jukebox in file tag mode and when using emulator specific playlists
  • Fixes issue where zip support would only list more than one game in the same zip if there were three or more separate games
  • A very special thanks goes out to Headkaze and Greatflash and all involed in the new database project.

23rd June, 2008/b>& - GameEx on TV's Gadget show.

The Bespoke Arcades Apex machine with a custom GameEx setup developed by us, was on UK's Channel Five Gadget show tonight. The Apex was compared to to two other machines, including a MegaTouch, and was voted best product of the three hands down. For more information on GameEx please visit gameex.net. If you would like to include the GameEx front end with your arcade product like our other partners/a>, please contact us.

17th June, 2007& - GameEx 9.37

  • Fixes key repeat when returning from viewing artwork/picture /li>
  • AAn Emulator list will recache if the database is updated
  • When in Video lists, will now also show box art with V3 themes/li>

7th June, 2008& - GameEx 9.33

  • Album and DVD artwork downloading is working again. It needed to be rewritten to work with Amazon's latest API as the older API is no longer active
  • In addition album artwork is also now downloaded when GameEx starts playing a new track and for each track played as well as just downloading when viewing a track or album in the list in the Jukebox
  • Fixes Gamelauncher theme not loading
  • Minor fixes to the fix to emulator list feature
  • Theres a new quality setting for eBooks and comics, giving the opporutinity to use a normal quality setting and have them load up faster
  • 3D menu transitions can now be used on Vista and with version three themes /li>
  • AAn item has been added to the FAQ which explains what to do if your not getting SPDIF passthrough when playing DVDs

2nd June, 2008 - GameEx 9.31

  • This is a major release, and features a new user interface also known as version 3 themes
  • The aim is to improve on the initial GameEx interface, offering things such as album and track display, two artwork previews at the same time, and a horizontal menu
  • The user interface will be expanded in the future to allow positional skinning and image lists /li>
  • Most of the default themes have been changed, but the original version 1 themes are still available
  • You can see a video of what this all looks like here
  • Ben Baker AKA Headkaze has also been working extremely hard and this release contains his brand new ultrastick 360 plugin along with an update to the LCD/LED plugin now supporting BetaBrite USB
  • This release fixes horrizontal DVD menu navigation, along with Daphne games not being able to be added to favorites
  • When GameEx is windowed, the position and moving has been improved on non Vista Systems

21st May, 2008/b> - GameEx 9.30

  • New feature to use Ben Bakers CPWizard instead of the in built control panel viewer. Yourll find the settings for this under Advanced MAME settings. Please support Ben and his great software.
  • When using ZIP support for an emulator, if only one file is matched in the archive the game information page will act as it normally does and will show Play This Game instead of listing the contents of the archive
  • When browsing folders, you can now show an image for the folder by placing a folder.png or folder.jpg in it
  • Fixes Karoake and video player in some configurations
  • Contains Ben Bakers LCD/LED Plugin latest version
  • Fixes performance issue with videos/snap videos playing as the background image on Vista or with ATI cards when Videos are set to alpha blend
  • Slightly quicker startup speed
  • UNC paths are now supported throughout the application

15th May, 2008 - GameEx 9.28

  • Only playing favorites in screensaver now also works for emulators
  • Fixes not playing videos and Karaoke in some configurations
  • FFixes not playing selected playlist when Jukebox set to play at startup
  • Fixes aspect ratio of system logos in favorites

13th May, 2008 - GameEx 9.26

  • Fixes .lnk files not working in 9.25
  • When viewing by system in favorites the system image will now be displayed
  • For registered users 7-Zip support has been extended to support zip files. Allowing zip support in emulators that don't support zips
  • Flag ICONS are now shown when listing 7-zip goodmerge files on the game information screen
  • Fixes memory leak when launching MAME with the Bypass setting turned on. This could stop GameEx working after a couple of days of continuously launching games (eg screensaver). Therefore its recommended to update to this version
  • The default game pad exit combination has been changed to also include button 1

1st May, 2008 - GameEx 9.23

  • Hugely better performance when GameEx is windowed

1st May, 2008 - GameEx 9.22

  • Fixes startup videos
  • Fixes left side of GameExtender viewer display not showing
  • GameExtender viewer no longer exits with escape key
  • New options to start and exit GameExtender viewer with GameEx
  • Fixes last played list showing snap of last mame game played in screensaver

27th April, 2008 - GameEx 9.21

  • Includes Headkazes latest LCD/LED Plugin. Thanks Headkaze

27th April, 2008/b> - GameEx 9.20

  • Lots of minor fixes and polishing in this release
  • WWhen map files are used fixes gameex displaying the rom name instead of the game name throughout the application
  • Fixes aspect ratio for video previews
  • Fixes issue where creating snaps would only create for the last played games
  • Create snaps now also works for goodset 7zip setups
  • Startup videos (if AVI, or MPEG) now play on a thread and GameEx continues to startup in the background
  • The last played icon on the start page has been changed to show the snap or video of the last played game
  • All applications are now signed (I missed a few previously)
  • GameExtender viewer has been improved to show status text when connecting, and It will now longer stop responding if it cant connect
  • GameExtender Viewer has also been improved to fade in new images
  • Fixes GameExtender server not sending control panel image when a MAME game is playing. GameExtender server has also been improved so when actually playing a game artwork will be sent as full scnreen images
  • There should be quicker return from games on most systems, due to some additional graphics caching
  • Ten more emulator slots in advanced configuration application, and this release fixes the crash when trying to import an emulator without selecting one
  • All emulator configs now have Show Desktop on as default
  • Fixes Visual Pinball and Project 64 Configs
  • The hot key to rotate the display has been changed from TAB to CTRL-TAB
  • There are also lots of other small fixes in this release
  • Id be very interested to hear peoples experiences with GameExtender on the forum

18th April, 2008 - EmuMovies.com promotion

  • I am very pleased to announce GameEx has partnered with EmuMovies.com, the no.1 source for video game artwork. We have decided to join forces and deliver both products to you at a substancial saving. When you register for the full version of GameEx you will automatically be eligible to purchase EmuMovies products at a 25%-50% saving over the normal prices. For more information on EmuMovies.com please give them a visit.

28th March, 2008/b>& - GameEx 9.18

  • Fixes and performance update /li>
  • FFixes background videos not playing if the theme has anibak turned on (slightly animated backgrounds)
  • Fixes issue where all video previews could be alphablended. Ths might involve a good performance increase on some systems
  • Fixes having background videos makes gameex not startup
  • Fixes several directdraw erros that could cause gameex to error and finish /li>
  • Drawing text to the display has been optimized a little
  • An automatic optimisation is performed by GameEx on systems that are running slowly after a period of time to turn off AniBak
  • HHopefully GameEx will run on more systems now, and Ill see a few less error reports coming in
  • Also contains updated Italian translation by sbaby
  • There will also be two new themes available shortly with fixed video backgrounds that will only work best with this release and going forward thanks to the fixes. They will be uploaded shortly. COM and Abyss

25th March, 2008 - GameEx 9.17

  • Another day, another GameEx enhancment
  • This version introduces a "last played" module/list. Similar to most played but listing games you played in order of when you last played them.
  • There are also updates to the code that handles videos previews. Hopefully for the better, but if you encounter any problems with video previews or snaps please advise
  • GameEx will no longer start the screensaver if its minimized. For when you just want to listen to music in a non cab or non HTPC setup.
  • The install will no longer overwrite unltrastick.ini

22nd March, 2008 - GameEx 9.15

  • For registered users GameEx now features a fully functional search feature. Allowing searching of all games and media. The search feature works with remotes, game pads and arcade controls.
  • The media library now allows access to ebooks and Karaoke
  • The paging arrows are now more inuiitive and display based on the state of the list. They also animate slightly when first shown
  • The displaying of the amount of items in the list is now slightly animated when switching between lists /li>
  • TThe number of items is now shown for an emulator or emulator group before accessing the list item
  • GameEx will retain the window state after an update instead of being forced into full screen
  • Fixes snap videos not being displayed when navigating from most played or favorites
  • New setting to lock down GameEx to only work with a single emulator or emulator group. All other menus are disabled
  • Fixes emulator music playlist folder when only one file in folder /li>
  • Happy Easter


great post Tom,

And the best bit about it is that people really appreciate the work you have done.

It shows just how hard you work and how much effort you put into your pet project.

and while I am on the subject.... What happened to my DirectX transparencies that I requested last January!! Lazy Git!!!


Oh, Happy New Year


Interesting date to start from when accounting for the year.

3rd February, 2008 - GameEx 9.09

* Nologic from the community has been dligently working on expanding the emulator support in GameEx, with various default configurations, loaders and map files. He has taken on the not slight goal of 'getting every emulator to work in GameEx'. This release contains all his work to date and with this makes it a lot simpler to setup over 135 different systems. Thank you Nologic.

* Also contains Headkazes latest LCD/LED plugin, which is probably the best of its kind out there. Thank you Headkaze

* This release should also fix GameEx not running on windows 98 and ME

That post seems to actually be the start of the news for GX for this year...so why skip it?

Is is because you feel bad about banning Nologic for....exactly why did you ban Nologic??

Or is it because you are still using some his works in your application.

I also find it puzzling that greatflash made mod before bkenobi, who has put in more time and effort into this community...oh wait...he doesn't kiss HK's ass, and that is clearly a requirement these days.

Interesting date to start from when accounting for the year.

That post seems to actually be the start of the news for GX for this year...so why skip it?

Is is because you feel bad about banning Nologic for....exactly why did you ban Nologic??

Or is it because you are still using some his works in your application.

I also find it puzzling that greatflash made mod before bkenobi, who has put in more time and effort into this community...oh wait...he doesn't kiss HK's ass, and that is clearly a requirement these days.

Hmmm. Referring to yourself in 3rd person huh? Well fyi Bkenobi was offered the position some time ago but declined for personal reasons. Iam sorry to say that ur assumptions are inaccurate. Bkenobi is an asset to our community and so is flash.

Thanks guys.


Why are you trying to cause trouble? It is probably not a good idea to talk about things you don't know much about. This actions only enforce the decisions made in 08.

Happy new year


I never stated bkenobi wasn't...I just found it puzzling to see him stepped over.

Okay and frankly how the hell does this or anything else I do at this point make a fucking difference?

Please by all means explain the ban?

HK and I had words in PM...where he got all freaky & I wasn't nice...he then breaks out with a ban threat...I start pulling my stuff...you disabled my account so I couldn't further purge my stuff...I then make some mild comments on the forum...later find out it was you that disabled my account...and not HK having actually put his ban threat into action.

Then some how a real ban gets put into effect...exactly for what I still don't know.

However my works are still in the GX install...my post are still here on this forum.

And frankly just going silent doesn't seem to be any better than being loud.

I never stated bkenobi wasn't...I just found it puzzling to see him stepped over.

Bkenobi was never stepped over. Bkenobi is a outstanding member. Usually staff related decisions are kept off the forum so I understand why you didn;t know. The conclusion you drawn up is inaccurate and in the nature of the comment insinuates that some members are more deserving than others. This also is not true,

Okay and frankly how the hell does this or anything else I do at this point make a fucking difference?

At this point it really doesn't. Sorry

Please by all means explain the ban?

Well you summed it up quite nicely below. I will elaborate a little in the next comment.

HK and I had words in PM...where he got all freaky & I wasn't nice...he then breaks out with a ban threat...I start pulling my stuff...you disabled my account so I couldn't further purge my stuff...I then make some mild comments on the forum...later find out it was you that disabled my account...and not HK having actually put his ban threat into action.

Then some how a real ban gets put into effect...exactly for what I still don't know.

I did disable your account. You are 100 percent correct. I thought at one time things would clear up. I defened you and your actions. I actually caught some shit over it too. Then the comments still kept coming. The forum trolling. To be honest it is not only dis-heartening to read but also very tiring.

Guy, I respected you. We all did. I believe Tom even offered you mod status. I also know you declined for personal reasons. You are very gifted and it was a pleasure to have you here helping out while it lasted. no matter how talented you are it still doesnt excuse what has happened. We were all quite shocked about how things went down. You were pretty nasty to everyone involved and it is pretty hard to forget the feeling and emotional distress caused. Not that Im saying anybody needs therepy but look here we are months later still going over this.

However my works are still in the GX install...my post are still here on this forum.

Your applications of your work have been removed. Your posts still are here (why should we delete them) just like your still mentioned in news about releases. As far as the configs are concerned they are a collection of emulator supported command lines and do not contain any code you authored. I also believe your logos to be gone as well.

And frankly just going silent doesn't seem to be any better than being loud.

Yes but being loud gets you the attention. Being silent wouldn't give you the justification you are seeking. Honestly I don't think it is appropreate to go into this any further.

I really do wish the best for you in the coming year. I sincerley hope you and your family are doing well.


Yeah there is no excuse for basically being banned for refusing to do commercial work for free.

As for why my posts should be deleted, because I've asked, I've demanded them to be removed...I see no reason my efforts should continue to benefit people that have basically taken a shit on me because I wouldn't do some work for free.

As for the configs...well I guess they should be looked upon just as books are...while the authors didn't create the words...they certainly put them in a certain order to give them meaning...that and frankly its my work...not toms and not yours.

oh and frankly greatflash...is a moron about emulation...the only value he seems to have around here is sucking peanuts out of HK's ass, and being a grunt on the new...still badly designed db's.

nah being load will hopefully get my shit removed from here...because being basically silent hasn't gone anywhere.

Yeah there is no excuse for basically being banned for refusing to do commercial work for free.

As for why my posts should be deleted, because I've asked, I've demanded them to be removed...I see no reason my efforts should continue to benefit people that have basically taken a shit on me because I wouldn't do some work for free.

As for the configs...well I guess they should be looked upon just as books are...while the authors didn't create the words...they certainly put them in a certain order to give them meaning...that and frankly its my work...not toms and not yours.

oh and frankly greatflash...is a moron about emulation...the only value he seems to have around here is sucking peanuts out of HK's ass, and being a grunt on the new...still badly designed db's.

nah being load will hopefully get my shit removed from here...because being basically silent hasn't gone anywhere.

These posts will be removed. The others will stay.

On second thought I will leave these here as an example to you and others why the decison was made. Not becuase you wont work for free. It is because you are an asshole.

Flash has helped alot no matter how YOU deem importance and its relevancy.

I'm tired of being nice. Its 2:20 am and Im done with this.

Thread closed

Yeah there is no excuse for basically being banned for refusing to do commercial work for free.

As for why my posts should be deleted, because I've asked, I've demanded them to be removed...I see no reason my efforts should continue to benefit people that have basically taken a shit on me because I wouldn't do some work for free.

As for the configs...well I guess they should be looked upon just as books are...while the authors didn't create the words...they certainly put them in a certain order to give them meaning...that and frankly its my work...not toms and not yours.

oh and frankly greatflash...is a moron about emulation...the only value he seems to have around here is sucking peanuts out of HK's ass, and being a grunt on the new...still badly designed db's.

nah being load will hopefully get my shit removed from here...because being basically silent hasn't gone anywhere.

I spent the first few minutes of 2009 commenting on how great it is to be in the GameEx community, and then the whole freshness of the new year is sullied by the return of NoLogic (a very apt nick).

I was not paying attention during the time of his ban and really do not have a great understanding of why, nor do I really wish to frankly.

I can handle bickering that is fine, but to be called a moron by a complete stranger I not only find unnecessary and quite inflammatory.

One thing I will make note of, my services are FREE to all to enjoy and up until now have been well recieved and have helped to expand GameEx, A plus in my book!

So, why do I end up recieving flak from Nologic? Is it because I am Mod? does that mean anything? I'm up HK's Arse? Great, HK is a RESPECTED (a word you may need to look up) member of the community and a great help to all, so - I am happy to have that association.

Anyway, not to sully 2009 I will leave this alone as it angers me the more I type.

Happy new year all (even Nologic, for the shear hell of it)


I just want to clear up a few things about NoLogic who continually lies about why he was banned. Why is he lying about why he was banned? My guess is it's because he wants people to think he was treated unfairly by the mods here which I can assure you is not the case.

Yeah there is no excuse for basically being banned for refusing to do commercial work for free.

A typical statement by NoLogic that is a lie disguised as a half truth. It's true I did ask him if he wanted to make a skin for software I was writing. But it's false that he refused to do commercial work for free. The truth is the work was not commercial because the software I was writing was not commercial. He wanted to be paid for something I was going to be creating for free so I politely declined his offer not the other way around. He didn't for whatever reason like it when I stated that I didn't see commercial potential in the project. Somehow he took it as a personal attack on his skills as an artist. That is when he began to abuse and threaten me in PM. I tried to assure him my statement was about my project and not a personal attack on his skills but it was clear he wasn't going to let it go. So I warned him that if he continued to abuse me in PM that he would be banned indefinately.

So he continued his verbal attack on me in PM to which I responded with a ban for two days. Considering how I was being treated in PM I thought it was quite lenient but I gave him the benefit of the doubt hoping he was in a bad mood or something and that he would get over it in the next few days. If he had of just played out his ban or even contacted Tom and made a sensible plea it could have ended there. But the next day he created an alt account and started trolling the forums. It was the result of that trolling when it was decided to perminently ban him (again indefinately). After that he continued to create alt accounts and trolling instead of trying to sort things out. We gave him plenty of chances to calm down but he refused to. He started abusing other members, trolling on BYOAC and HyperSpin forums and being extremely rude to Tom and others via e-mail and PM.

Because of his actions we are all confident the ban imposed was the only course of action and the best course of action. And he continues to affirm that decision by posting nonsense like this on our forums. As far as I can see his ban won't be llifted any time soon and his alts will continue to be banned as he creates them. He is also banned from the HyperSpin and BYOAC forums for similar behaviour. We can only hope he will realise life is too short, get over it and move on.

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