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D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox) ?


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How do you get .lnk (shortcut) files created in D-Fend Reloaded to work in GameEx. I set it up just like my PC Games (shortcuts) , but when it runs it closes down and system crashes and exits back to GameEx. However when I double click on the D-Fend Reloaded .lnk file to my DOS Game it runs fine.

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It seems like it would be a much easier way to run DOS Games within GameEx if it would work. The system crash is reporting that it's DOSBox, but it doesn't do it at all if I just double click on the .lnk file within Windows XP only when running it from within GameEx.

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I don't use the PC games, mostly bucause I'm to lazy to set up all of the individual games...

I think the best way to troubleshoot this would be:

  1. Goto Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > Command Promt
  2. Goto Start Menu > Programs > GameEX > Run Last Game
  3. Right click on the Icon, and select "Edit"
  4. Cut and past one line at a time from Run Last Game, into the Command Prompt window. Press "ENTER"

This may show you an error that might help you figure out what is going wrong. (May, Might, these are carefully used words. <_< )

You can also Double-Click Run last Game to well.... run the last game. This is easier than running Gameex, and duplicates everthing that GameEx does to run the game, that is until you change your emulator config settings in Gameex, then you have to run GameEx again to update Run Last Game.bat.

I hope this helps, if not, you will need to post your config. How to do that:


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Yeah I got it finally to work. I guess D-Fend Reloaded will not work with GameEx nicely (I tried about everything to get it to work and it keeps crashing for some reason) so I switched to D-Fend V2 and converted my .prof to .conf and now it runs great!!

Thanks :)

I just wish D-Fend Reloaded would have worked as I like it much better and is currently supported as well. Oh well I have both of them on my system and will use D-Fend Reloaded to run under my Windows enviroment and D-Fend V2 under GameEx.

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Yeah I got it finally to work. I guess D-Fend Reloaded will not work with GameEx nicely (I tried about everything to get it to work and it keeps crashing for some reason) so I switched to D-Fend V2 and converted my .prof to .conf and now it runs great!!

Thanks :)

I just wish D-Fend Reloaded would have worked as I like it much better and is currently supported as well. Oh well I have both of them on my system and will use D-Fend Reloaded to run under my Windows enviroment and D-Fend V2 under GameEx.

Sweet glad it worked for you. I have not tried the newer builds and that was archived off an old system I have gameex on. That version is nearly impossable to find so many dead links, Anyway Im glad I keep most of my setup files :)

Really glad you got it going

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Sweet! Nice work Brian!

Thanks hopefully some may find it usefull. I need to add these to the stickys and maybe this weekend Ill compile them and get them into gameex.net

Tom do you have some webspace set aside I can link to from the main page?

Edit: It appears me and Krackerman were posting at the same time.

Krackerman, Im glad you like it and it works for you so you dont have to re-create your configs.

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Yeah was kinda a pain in the butt to do that. So know I can just remove D-Fend V2 now and stick with D-Fend Reloaded for my DOSBox needs as it is a really good frontend to DOSBox and is being updated regularly. Now that is works nicely with GameEx thanks too you dude!

Note: Yeah I noticed that we posted at the same time hahaha :)

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I have a tonne of DOS games as well but hate how you have to set them up one by one in D-Fend. I wonder if there would be a way to automate making all the shortcuts? You know like WinUAE Loader how it uses the Gamebase Amiga database to configure WinUAE for each game. It would be cool to get a database of all the settings for DOS games so a program could generate all the lnk's automatically.

I think I gave up after setting up a few games. If someone wants to make the database I could probably write the program to create the shortcuts. Any interest?

Or does D-Fend Reloaded do that already (haven't checked it out yet)? I would love to have my entire DOS collection running through GX, it's one of the few sets I really want going but don't have set up yet.

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You have to setup your games in D-Fend Reloaded then right click on your game and select create shortcut option. You can't create a shortcut for all games in bulk at one time, but maybe that is a feature you could request for him to implement in D-Fend Reloaded.

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You have to setup your games in D-Fend Reloaded then right click on your game and select create shortcut option. You can't create a shortcut for all games in bulk at one time, but maybe that is a feature you could request for him to implement in D-Fend Reloaded.

You may want to re-read what HK said right above your post... If they pull this one off, guys like me would actually go ahead and set up PC games.

@Brian, (or anybody else)

As I said on the phone the other day, I've never gotten these going. I stared at it a few minutes yesterday, and realized that I just don't want to take the time. The reason I mention this is to point out that I don't know exactly how the .lnk's work. Would this be as simple as having everyone upload their .lnk's ? Or do the .lnk'.s not contain any information? I'm confused (still) about how the setup information gets to each program. I guess I'm thinking that if everyone supplied the information that is required for each game, it would be fairly easy to do what HK is suggesting... But if it were that simple, it would probably already have been done.

I don't mind showing my ignorance, because I believe that their are others like me. I can't be the only one, can I? :blink:

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lnk's are just shortcuts so it would be a shortcut that runs the DOSBOX exe with a config file following it. Setup an emulator with *.lnk as the filter. It's setting up the lnk's that is the time consuming part, launching them from GX is easy.

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You may want to re-read what HK said right above your post... If they pull this one off, guys like me would actually go ahead and set up PC games.

@Brian, (or anybody else)

As I said on the phone the other day, I've never gotten these going. I stared at it a few minutes yesterday, and realized that I just don't want to take the time. The reason I mention this is to point out that I don't know exactly how the .lnk's work. Would this be as simple as having everyone upload their .lnk's ? Or do the .lnk'.s not contain any information? I'm confused (still) about how the setup information gets to each program. I guess I'm thinking that if everyone supplied the information that is required for each game, it would be fairly easy to do what HK is suggesting... But if it were that simple, it would probably already have been done.

I don't mind showing my ignorance, because I believe that their are others like me. I can't be the only one, can I? :blink:

Hk is correct about the way it works. The main issue is every one probably has thier dos games in diffrent folders and there for the lnks would point to places the games dont exist. Not tp mention the many packs that float around.

The best way to do this would be to get a well known pack and create configs for it. have every thing containd in one folder / folders and share the whole pack. However we cant exactly do that now can we. Unless we were to make something along the lines of a "pleasure extractor" wink wink. With really good instructions. However someone would need to take the time to do this for the community. I myself have made a few commitment I need to forfill before I can do this.


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Well you probably dont need to use LNKS at all.

Dos box stores all its configs in CONF files ( or something) The target in the LNK looks like "c:\path\dosbox.exe" "c:\dosbox\configs\mygame.conf"

So thoeritacally you can do

Rom filter *.conf

Rom path= Path where the conf files are stored

Working directory= Directory where dosbox is installed

Command= dosbox.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]"

This would essentially do the same thing as the LNKS and wouldnt requre you to make all those shortcuts. But you still need to generate the configs.

Looking back I cant remember why I set it up using LNKS to begin with.. I guess I dont always make the best decisions.

Damn Im an idiot sometimes.. Sorry guys. Thats what you guys get from trusting my judgment.. hehehehe

Just becuase I can get something going doesnt mean I do it the most effecient way. This may even eliminate the need for the advanced config file.

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Brian, I am reading this after the PM I sent you...

So then if we could get everyone (or only one person if they have them all) to upload their configs, then we would be all set. I would be happy to handle gathering the configs together, and keeping a list of have's, and have nots. I would of course be basing that on the set that I have that came from the same place that HK wrote his pleasure extractor for... Let me know!

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