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New version of the script:

@echo on
set directory=%1
set directory=%directory:~1,-1%
set file=%2
set file=%file:~1,-1%

mkdir %temp%\Gameex_temp
copy "%directory%\*.cue" %temp%\Gameex_temp
copy ..\packiso\*.* %temp%\Gameex_temp
cd %temp%\Gameex_temp

echo Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments >> messagebox.vbs
echo Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") >> messagebox.vbs
echo intReturn = objShell.Popup(objArgs(0), 3, "Recreating Playstation image") >> messagebox.vbs

messagebox.vbs "Extracting 7z archive with binary data. Please wait..."
7za e "%directory%\*.7z"
messagebox.vbs "Adding ECM..."
unecm.exe *.ecm
del "*.ecm"
messagebox.vbs "Uncompressing APE audio tracks..."
for %%i in ("%directory%\*.ape") do mac "%%i" "%%~ni.wav" -d && sox.exe "%%~ni.wav" -t raw -s -c 2 -w -r 44100 "%%~ni.bin" && del "*.wav"
del "*.exe"
messagebox.vbs "Mounting image and starting emulation..."

"%programfiles%\Daemon Tools Lite\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"%temp%\Gameex_temp\%file%"
cd %programfiles%\GameEx\Emulators\epsxe
start/wait %programfiles%\GameEx\Emulators\epsxe\epsxe.exe -nogui -analog1
ping -n 3 localhost > nul
"%programfiles%\Daemon Tools Lite\daemon.exe" -unmount 0
rmdir /s /q %temp%\Gameex_temp

The original code had one big disadvantage: The temp directory got too big because the there was the copy, the non-ECM file and finally the ECMed bin track - and additionally the ape, the wav and the wav-bin files. Furthermore, copying the 7z archive as well as the ape tracks took unnecessary time - this new script does the un-7z-ing and APE-2-wav conversion "on-the-fly" without using the temp folder.

Furthermore, I added self-closing message boxes to get at least some status messages. I am not satisfied with them but maybe they are better than nothing.

Last-but-not-least: You don´t need the packiso package anymore, you can use 7za, unecm, mac and sox from their project websites. However, packiso contains all those tools, so it is still worth downloading.

Nevertheless: The epsxe parameter -analog1 still seems not to work as expected... :(

Many thanks to Google who helped my find more information about DOS and VBS syntax. ;)

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