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Setting up ePSXe and a lot of the games are 7z'd and then ECM'd with inside of that file. Question is, I already know how to set it up so that it unzip's the file but is there anyway to set Game Ex up so it unecm's the game after it?

How do you guys handle you PSX files?


  Visitor Q said:
Setting up ePSXe and a lot of the games are 7z'd and then ECM'd with inside of that file. Question is, I already know how to set it up so that it unzip's the file but is there anyway to set Game Ex up so it unecm's the game after it?

How do you guys handle you PSX files?


Well ECM is a Error correction file... So someone backs up thier game... Then uses ECM to package it then to verify its integrity you use unecm.

Before the Files can be used they need to be un-ecmed. Its not very realisitc to have a FE un ecm them then when the game is over re-ecm it. It would ADD countless minutes to the laucnhing and closing of games...

Keep the games in a format the emulator can understand.

Personally Im not a fan of goodmerged 7zip set for the same reason.

To keep this thread going out of the allowed things to talk about Ill stop here.



Is there away to have Game Ex unecm the games and then zip them back into 7z?

I could care a less about ECM but all the PSX games I am getting are ecm'd with in the 7z, plain and simple.

  Visitor Q said:
Is there away to have Game Ex unecm the games and then zip them back into 7z?

I could care a less about ECM but all the PSX games I am getting are ecm'd with in the 7z, plain and simple.

Even plainer and more simple.,


Unless you want to create a script or batch file.

Keeping the files in ECM is useless and really doesnt save much space... Niether does Zip or 7zip.

What Im saying is unzip them, Unecm them then just look at the files extention eg *.cdi,nrg,bin,iso, Or any of the other thousands it could be and add them to the rom filters so gameex can list them. Then you dont have to zip and unzip a 700mb file everytime you want to play a game.. which is slow and not the best option... But hey go for it if you must.

Open DOS navigate to the folder you have your backups in...

You should have a ton of ecm files.

use the commmand

DIR *.ecm > Mygames.txt

That will create a text file listing all your ecm files in that folder.

Open that text file... It should look like this




EDIT the file to look like this.. The best and fastest way is to copy and patse the "unecm"

unecm Mygame1.ecm

unecm mygame2.ecm

unecm mygame3.ecm

This may take a few minutes. big deal

Then save the text file as a batch file.. File>Save AS> Mygames.BAT (make sure ALL files is selected in the file type section)

Make sure you have unecm program in the same directory... Run the bat and wait...wait...wait some more... The PSX set is quite large.

Then ta da.... you can use your games and you didnt have to go crazy.... YAY!!!!!

  Visitor Q said:
15% overal sounds like a lot to me when you are talking CDs and DVDs but I get your point.


Well after you unzip/ecm them you can convert them to MDS/MD5 format. Deamon Tools can mount them and its a compressed format... This way you can get your 10/15 percent back... And have a usable format

  • 2 weeks later...
  Visitor Q said:
Setting up ePSXe and a lot of the games are 7z'd and then ECM'd with inside of that file. Question is, I already know how to set it up so that it unzip's the file but is there anyway to set Game Ex up so it unecm's the game after it?

How do you guys handle you PSX files?


I feel your pain. So much so that Im currently working on a vbscript that will scan the entire directory where you keep your games and look for rar/7z files and create an unzip script that will act as the games (putting a *.vbs filter in game ex so that it will read the gamelist from the newly created vbs files)

The idea is to run the "scan" script, the script then recognizes all individual games regardless of inconsistent folder structure and file compression (eg. rar, r01, part01.rar, etc) then creates and puts many small vbscript files in a designated folder (which game ex would then read as a game directory).

The individual game scripts would then run the decompression util (rar/7z), check if it has a .ecm extention, unecm, then run emulator on the fully decompressed image.

It might take a while to finish since Im a novice programmer but im making some headway. I will probably post it when Im done and its working 100%.


After a few days hard work I finally got it done and working pretty cleanly. There are a few limitations so this script might not work for everybody. Additionally it needs to be manually configured by the user. The places to edit are clearly marked.

Well i hope you guys find this useful ... I know I do! :D

'Before using this script know that this script relys heavily on the [SLUS]/[SCUS]
'naming convention of playstation games. Your files should be named to this naming
'convention. If they do not have [SLUS or [SCUS in its file name, the game will
'be ignored. The subdirectories, however, can be named anything. This does not search
'the sourcedirectory itself for games. It only searches subdirectories within the

'Naming convention = Action Bass [NTSC-U] [SLUS-01248].rar
'You can find the SLUS number for the game disc here. [url="http://sonyindex.com/Pages/PSone_US_Name.htm"]http://sonyindex.com/Pages/PSone_US_Name.htm[/url]

'To use this script follow the steps.
'1. Copy and paste the source and save in a text file then rename it to anythingyouwant.vbs
'2. Right Click on the script and edit
'3. Configure the below directories as necessary
' a. SourceDirectory = the directory that has subfolders that contains your compressed games (rar or 7z only)
' b. PlayDirectory = A directory that you are going to use that will contain the created .vbs files
' c. TempDirecoty = An empty directory that will serve as the place where the disc images are unzipped to and unecmd
'4. Configure the file locations of ....
' a. Rar.exe
' b. 7z.exe
' c. unecm.exe (unzipped)
' d. Emulator .exe file
' e. The command line switches for the emulator .exe file seperated by spaces (eg. -fullscreen -nomouse)
'5. Save edited script file
'6. Configure GameEx's Emulator setup like normal except for the following
' a. WorkingPath = The directory you put for the TempDirectory
' b. Rom Path = The directory you put for the PlayDirectory
' c. Rom Filter = *.vbs
' d. Command line = "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"
' e. Show Desktop = yes (only so you can get a visual of the progress of the file)
'7. Double Click on Script file and wait for "Its Done!"
'8. Check your Playdirectory and make sure its populated by .vbs files
'9. Open up GameEx and try a game

On Error Resume next
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDialog = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")

Dim SourceDirectory
Dim PlayDirectory
Dim TempDir
Dim Directory
Dim StartDirectory
Dim aDirectoryList()
ReDim aDirectoryList(0)
Dim aTargetFolders()
ReDim aTargetFolders(0)
Dim aBullseyeFolders()
ReDim aBullseyeFolders(0)
Dim aFileList()
ReDim aFileList(0)
Dim aFinalList()
ReDim aFinalList(0)

'===============[PLEASE CONFIGURE BELOW VALUES]================================
SourceDirectory = "F:\PSX\cdimages" 'Root Directory of Rar'd or 7zipped games. DOES NOT SEARCH THIS DIR FOR GAMES. ONLY SUBDIR'S
PlayDirectory = "F:\PSX\Scripts" 'Direcory to put the .vbs scripts that game ex will see as games
TempDir = "F:\PSX\CurrentGame" 'Empty directory that the emulator will run the images from.
Winrar = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" 'Location of Winrar's Command line executable (Rar.exe)
SevenZip = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" 'Location of 7zip's Command line executable (7z.exe)
UnECM = "F:\PSX\cdimages\unecm.exe" 'Location of your unzipped/unrard unecm.exe file
Emulator = "F:\PSX\psxfin.exe" 'Emulator command line executable location
EmuSwitch = "-f" 'Emulator command line switches
'==============[PLEASE CONFIGURE ABOVE VALUES]===============================

Set objStartDirectory = objfso.GetFolder(SourceDirectory)

'Get subfolder list
aDirectoryList = GetSubfolders(objStartDirectory, aDirectoryList)

'Remove all empty folders without files from the array
For Each folder In aDirectoryList
If Not folder.files.count = 0 Then
Set aTargetFolders(CountArray(aTargetFolders)) = folder
ReDim Preserve aTargetFolders(CountArray(aTargetFolders)+1)
End If

'Create array list of all game files that are in the folders and filter for .rar and .7z files
For Each folder In aTargetFolders
For Each file In folder.files
If (Not InStr(file.name, "[SLUS") = 0 Or Not InStr(file.name, "[SCUS") = 0) And _
(Right(file.name, 3) = "rar" Or Right(file.name,2) = "7z") Then
Set aFileList(CountArray(aFileList)) = file
ReDim Preserve aFileList(CountArray(aFileList)+1)
End If

'Filter files to only allow 1 rar of the same kind of game in the list
For Each file In aFileList

start = InStr(file.name, "[S")
finish = InStr(start, file.name,"]")
total = finish - start
SLUSname = Mid(file.name,start, total +1)

If Not SLUSname = PreviousSLUS Then
Set aFinalList(CountArray(aFinalList)) = file
ReDim Preserve aFinalList(CountArray(aFinalList)+1)
End If
PreviousSLUS = SLUSname

'Delete Bracketed information for each file
For Each file In aFinalList
If Not file = empty then
TruncatedFilename = file.name
none = False
Do Until none = True
If Not InStr(truncatedfilename,"[") = 0 and Not InStr(truncatedfilename,"]") = 0 then
If Mid(truncatedfilename,InStr(truncatedfilename,"["),2) = "[D" Then
start = InStr(truncatedfilename, "[")
finish = InStr(start, truncatedfilename,"]")

truncatedfilename = Replace(truncatedfilename,"[","",1,1)
truncatedfilename = Replace(truncatedfilename,"]","",1,1)
start = InStr(truncatedfilename, "[")
finish = InStr(start, truncatedfilename,"]")
total = finish - start +1
todelete = Mid(truncatedfilename,start, total)
truncatedfilename = Replace(truncatedfilename,todelete,"")
End if
none = True
End If
none = False

'Get rid of unneccessary junk in filename
Select Case Right(truncatedfilename,3)
Case ".7z"
truncatedfilename = Replace(truncatedfilename,".7z","")
truncatedfilename = Trim(truncatedfilename)
Case "rar"
truncatedfilename = Replace(truncatedfilename,".rar","")
truncatedfilename = Trim(truncatedfilename)
End Select
If Right(LCase(truncatedfilename),7) = ".part01" Then
truncatedfilename = Replace(truncatedfilename,".part01","")
truncatedfilename = Trim(truncatedfilename)
End if

'Create .vbs file for each game in playdirectory
objfso.CreateTextFile(Playdirectory & "\" & truncatedfilename & ".vbs")

Set VBSFile = objfso.OpenTextFile(Playdirectory & "\" & truncatedfilename & ".vbs",2)

'Select decompression tool to use for decompressing disc images and get ready to write it to .vbs file
Select Case Right(file.name,3)
Case ".7z"
compressiontype = "command = sevenzip & "" e """""" & rardgame.path & """""" *.* -o"" & WorkingFolder"
Case "rar"
compressiontype = "Command = winrar & "" e """""" & rardgame.Path & """""" *.* "" & WorkingFolder"
End Select

emulatordir = objfso.Getfile(emulator).parentfolder

'Write to .vbs file
'Select all necessary files and folders to unzip/unrar/unecm games
Code = "Set objFSO = CreateObject(""scripting.filesystemobject"")" & vbcrLf & _
"Set objShell = CreateObject(""WScript.shell"")" & vbcrLf & _
"GameLocation = """ & file.path & """" & vbcrLf & _
"WorkingFolder = """"""" & TempDir & """""""" & vbcrLf & _
"winrar = """"""" & Winrar & """""""" & vbcrLf & _
"sevenzip = """"""" & Sevenzip & """""""" & vbCrLf & _
"unecm = """"""" & UnECM & """""""" & vbCrLf & _
"emulator = """"""" & emulator & """"" " & EmuSwitch & """" & vbCrLf
'Get location of rard game file and unrar/unzip to previously defined empty folder
Code = Code & "Set RardGame = objFSO.GetFile(GameLocation)" & vbcrLf & _
compressiontype & vbCrLf & _
"objshell.Run command,4,true" & vbCrLf & _
"Set FileFolder = objfso.GetFolder(replace(workingfolder,"""""""", """"))" & vbCrLf & _
"For Each file In filefolder.files" & vbCrLf
'if file has the .ecm extention then run unecm on file and delete the now unnecessary .ecm file
Code = Code & " if right(file.name,3) = ""ecm"" then" & vbCrLf & _
" objshell.run unecm & "" """""" & file.path & """""""", 4, true" & vbCrLf & _
" objfso.DeleteFile(file)" & vbCrLf & _
" end if" & vbCrLf & _
"next" & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & _
" done = false" & vbCrLf
'get valid image file from file list in folder and run with emulator
Code = Code & "For each file in filefolder.files" & vbCrLf & _
" if (right(file.name,3) = ""cue"" or right(file.name,3) = ""mds"" or right(file.name,3) = ""ccd"" or right(file.name,3) = ""iso"") and Not Done = true then" & vbCrLf & _
" done = True" & vbCrLf & _
" objshell.currentdirectory = """ & emulatordir & """" & vbCrLf & _
" objshell.run emulator & "" """""" & file.path & """""""", , true" & vbCrLf & _
" end if" & vbCrLf & _
"next" & vbCrLf & _
"for each file in filefolder.files" & vbCrLf & _
" objfso.deletefile(file)" & vbCrLf & _

End If

WScript.Echo("Its Done!")

'====<Counts current array and returns the number of items in array>====
Function CountArray(aArray)
For Each item In aArray
x= x+1
CountArray = x-1
End Function

'====<Spiders subdirectories and returns every folder. Outputs to a linear array>====
Function GetSubfolders(objCurrentDirectory, aDirList)

For Each Folder In objCurrentDirectory.SubFolders
GetSubfolders Folder, aDirList
Set aDirList(CountArray(aDirlist)) = ObjCurrentDirectory
ReDim Preserve aDirlist(CountArray(aDirlist)+ 1)
GetSubfolders = aDirlist
End Function

  Chal021 said:
I feel your pain. So much so that Im currently working on a vbscript that will scan the entire directory where you keep your games and look for rar/7z files and create an unzip script that will act as the games (putting a *.vbs filter in game ex so that it will read the gamelist from the newly created vbs files)

The idea is to run the "scan" script, the script then recognizes all individual games regardless of inconsistent folder structure and file compression (eg. rar, r01, part01.rar, etc) then creates and puts many small vbscript files in a designated folder (which game ex would then read as a game directory).

The individual game scripts would then run the decompression util (rar/7z), check if it has a .ecm extention, unecm, then run emulator on the fully decompressed image.

It might take a while to finish since Im a novice programmer but im making some headway. I will probably post it when Im done and its working 100%.

  Visitor Q said:
^^^ What the heck is all that and what does it do?

I'm guessing this is what it does. LOL. :P


Just looking at the code quickly, it looks like this processes all files in the input directory(ies). I haven't really followed this thread, but it sounds like the goal is to un-ECM and unzip everything so GameEx can use the files. I think that's what this will do, but I did not fully review the code.

  bkenobi said:
Just looking at the code quickly, it looks like this processes all files in the input directory(ies). I haven't really followed this thread, but it sounds like the goal is to un-ECM and unzip everything so GameEx can use the files. I think that's what this will do, but I did not fully review the code.

So the script unzips them, unecms them and then keeps them all in one dir to run?

  Tempest said:
The way I read it, it does it on the fly...

It creates individual .vbs scripts for each game you have zipped and ecm'ed. GameEx is then set to run the vbs script which in turn upacks the rar/zip and then un ecm's the file. The .vbs script then launches the file with the emulator. This means that GameEx only needs to execute a path/file command to run the script rather than running the emulator directly.

I have not tried it but it does seem like a good idea for those who have a use for it. It will take quite a while to complete though.

One thing that may be nice is to edit the vbs scripts created manuallly and change the command line switches to suit each game. Ie. cd audio settings.

This is great if you are short of HD space, but 1tb hds are cheap now and for speed of execution I keep my PSX games unzipped.

(if you do zip your iso's, use 7zips ZIP setting and pick 'deflate' as a method and use a low-ish compression - this will increase decompression speed as 7zip files are VERY slow)



can you comment on the speed? when i click on a script, how long does it take before my zipped and ecm'd game starts?

  chriss said:

can you comment on the speed? when i click on a script, how long does it take before my zipped and ecm'd game starts?

the speed depends on your processor, the size of the original files and compression type (rar decompresses faster than 7z). Myself i have a pentium D 3.4 (Dual Core) and it unzipps and unecms battle arena toshinden 3(7zipped-567MB-367MB Packed) in about a minute.

  bkenobi said:
Just looking at the code quickly, it looks like this processes all files in the input directory(ies). I haven't really followed this thread, but it sounds like the goal is to un-ECM and unzip everything so GameEx can use the files. I think that's what this will do, but I did not fully review the code.

Close, but what i did with this was to make a vbscript per game and have that decompress the game and runs it with the emulator. And after you exit the emulator delete it as to save HDD space. Every time you run a game it has to go thru the aforementioned process. even if youve ran it before on that game.

Has anyone tried it? Im curious to hear how its working for everyone.


Made a few changes due to some problems it was having with others that have tried it

1. there was still a static entry pointing to a directory in the code (made it dynamic now)

2. Did not filter non .rar .7z files that did have [sLUS in its name (fixed)

3. Did not properly close each .vbs file after it was written. this caused some problems when paired with problem number 2 of appending code to an existing file. (properly closes the file now)

I updated my previous script post so those that tried it copy and overwrite what you have.


Wait... Can we dumb this down for a second? :huh:

Here is the deal for me.

All my PSX games are zipped and then inside that zip they are ECM'd. Will this script, unzip that game, unecm that game and then delete it afterwards keeping the original zip file intact? I am asking this because currently I use the build in function that Game Ex offers for Dreamcast games. My Dreamcast games are zipped and Game Ex will unzip them, load the game to play and then remove the game after play keeping the original zip untouched. To me this is an awesome feature and I do not mind the 30 second or so delay when loading games. I like these options because when it comes time to update my sets, they are kept in the same manor as when I downloaded them.


Yes, This script does leave them untouched.

Step by step what this script does

Part1(original posted vbs script)

Searches all subfolders for .rar and .7z files->Gets the name of those files and creates an individual .vbs script for each game

part2(created vbs script and what it does)

unrars game to a seprate directory->checks for any files with .ecm at the end and runs unecm on it->runs emulator with files that end with .cue, .mds, .ccd, .iso(recent fix)->after emulator closes, deletes unrard files

so after your done playing the game its just like nothing happened.

I havent configured dreamcast yet but from how it sounds it acts just like this script


How you use it is noted in the "

" i posted a few posts back.

I also tested it with an associate on one of my other boards. I think its working well but, even though I would like to say it works perfect, I still leave room for errors that havent been encountered. If you experience errors and bring them to my attention Im pretty sure I can find them and figure them out.

The instructions below is referring to is the source code that I posted earlier.
'Before using this script know that this script relys heavily on the [SLUS]/[SCUS]
'naming convention of playstation games. Your files should be named to this naming
'convention. If they do not have [SLUS or [SCUS in its file name, the game will
'be ignored. The subdirectories, however, can be named anything. This does not search
'the sourcedirectory itself for games. It only searches subdirectories within the

'Naming convention = Action Bass [NTSC-U] [SLUS-01248].rar
'You can find the SLUS number for the game disc here. [url="http://sonyindex.com/Pages/PSone_US_Name.htm"]http://sonyindex.com/Pages/PSone_US_Name.htm[/url]

'To use this script follow the steps.
'1. Copy and paste the source and save in a text file then rename it to anythingyouwant.vbs
'2. Right Click on the script and edit
'3. Configure the below directories as necessary
' a. SourceDirectory = the directory that has subfolders that contains your compressed games (rar or 7z only)
' b. PlayDirectory = A directory that you are going to use that will contain the created .vbs files
' c. TempDirecoty = An empty directory that will serve as the place where the disc images are unzipped to and unecmd
'4. Configure the file locations of ....
' a. Rar.exe
' b. 7z.exe
' c. unecm.exe (unzipped)
' d. Emulator .exe file
' e. The command line switches for the emulator .exe file seperated by spaces (eg. -fullscreen -nomouse)
'5. Save edited script file
'6. Configure GameEx's Emulator setup like normal except for the following
' a. WorkingPath = The directory you put for the TempDirectory
' b. Rom Path = The directory you put for the PlayDirectory
' c. Rom Filter = *.vbs
' d. Command line = "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]"
' e. Show Desktop = yes (only so you can get a visual of the progress of the file)
'7. Double Click on Script file and wait for "Its Done!"
'8. Check your Playdirectory and make sure its populated by .vbs files
'9. Open up GameEx and try a game


below is the area that you would edit the source code in the file to fit your needs.

'===============[PLEASE CONFIGURE BELOW VALUES]================================
SourceDirectory = "F:\PSX\cdimages" 'Root Directory of Rar'd or 7zipped games. DOES NOT SEARCH THIS DIR FOR GAMES. ONLY SUBDIR'S
PlayDirectory = "F:\PSX\Scripts" 'Direcory to put the .vbs scripts that game ex will see as games
TempDir = "F:\PSX\CurrentGame" 'Empty directory that the emulator will run the images from.
Winrar = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe" 'Location of Winrar's Command line executable (Rar.exe)
SevenZip = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" 'Location of 7zip's Command line executable (7z.exe)
UnECM = "F:\PSX\cdimages\unecm.exe" 'Location of your unzipped/unrard unecm.exe file
Emulator = "F:\PSX\psxfin.exe" 'Emulator command line executable location
EmuSwitch = "-f" 'Emulator command line switches
'==============[PLEASE CONFIGURE ABOVE VALUES]===============================

  • 1 month later...

Ok so what am I doing wrong here?

Here is my config.

'===============[PLEASE CONFIGURE BELOW VALUES]================================

SourceDirectory = "D:\Emulation\Roms\Sony Playstation" 'Root Directory of Rar'd or 7zipped games. DOES NOT SEARCH THIS DIR FOR GAMES. ONLY SUBDIR'S

PlayDirectory = "C:\Emulation\Front Ends\Game Ex\Scripts" 'Direcory to put the .vbs scripts that game ex will see as games

TempDir = "D:\Emulation\Roms\Sony Playstation\1a Current Game" 'Empty directory that the emulator will run the images from.

Winrar = "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\Rar.exe" 'Location of Winrar's Command line executable (Rar.exe)

SevenZip = "C:\Emulation\Front Ends\Game Ex\7za.exe" 'Location of 7zip's Command line executable (7z.exe)

UnECM = "C:\Emulation\Utilities\ECM Tools\unecm.exe" 'Location of your unzipped/unrard unecm.exe file

Emulator = "C:\Emulation\Emulators\ePSXe\ePSXe.exe" 'Emulator command line executable location

EmuSwitch = "-f" 'Emulator command line switches

'==============[PLEASE CONFIGURE ABOVE VALUES]===============================

My games are all in sub dirs of "D:\Emulation\Roms\Sony Playstation"

sub dir

2Xtreme [NTSC-U] [sCUS-94508]

2Xtreme [NTSC-U] [sCUS-94508].7z

sub dir

3D Baseball [NTSC-U] [sLUS-00066]

3D Baseball [NTSC-U] [sLUS-00066].7z

I run the .vbs file and it tells me it is done. I go into Game Ex to my ePSXe setup and the only game that is there is the script.

What am I missing?

I only moved two games so far to test this and they are the above.

  • 3 months later...


I worked on a different approach - the vbs idea and the scripts looked a little complicated, and it seems to be little outdated as often the audio tracks are compressed with the APE lossless compressor - or I have missed the appropriate lines in the code. Furthermore, ePSXe seems to refuse to open CUE sheets if audio tracks are on the disc - that´s why I use daemon tools and set the appropriate drive letter within ePSXe before.

This is my DOS-bat-file, that I have put as ePSXe.bat into my ePSXe directory:


@echo %1
@echo %2
set directory=%1
set directory=%directory:~1,-1%
set file=%2
set file=%file:~1,-1%
mkdir %temp%\Gameex_temp
copy "%directory%\*.*" %temp%\Gameex_temp
..\packiso\unpackiso "%temp%\Gameex_temp
"c:\Program Files\Daemon Tools Lite\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"%temp%\Gameex_temp\%file%"
start/wait "C:\Program Files\GameEx\Emulators\epsxe\epsxe.exe" -nogui -analog
ping -n 5 localhost > nul
"c:\Program Files\Daemon Tools Lite\daemon.exe" -unmount 0
ping -n 5 localhost > nul
rmdir /s /q %temp%\Gameex_temp

The script is called using

ePSXe.bat "[rompath]" "[romfile]"

Notice the missing "/" - maybe the script can be modified to separate the directory from the file name.

The filter is


You might wonder because of the ping - this is a replacement for a missing wait or sleep command in DOS. ;)

For decompression, unpackiso is being used that I found in the Packiso package from http://www.mediafire.com/?tmytyvw3izw. Unpackiso seems to analyse the directory and create and call appropriate *.bat files for unpacking the bin as well as audio tracks if they are present. Of course, you could extend my script to call 7za, unecm and sox directly without the help of unpackiso - but why reinventing the wheel?

As you can see, I have put the packiso directory next to my emulator directories (which is "c:\program files\gameex\emulators" in my case - please adjust!).

To avoid that, on mounting the CUE, the contents of the disc are being displayed, disable the notification of disc changes in the properties of the corresponding drive in the daemon tools.

EDIT: Just found out that GameEx also supports mounting ISOs - I will have to check if CUE is also supported.

Like the VBS solution, this does not change anything on the original files - a copy is being made to a temporary folder where it is uncompressed and finally started from - that´s why you will need around 1,4 GByte space on your %temp%´s drive (which in most cases is C:\) - you might easily adjust this...

There is one thing though that I don´t like and where I need help on: When using the debug mode, the command line window is being opened and I can see the progress, if I disable it, everything is being done in the background - I would like to see the progress... Any hints on how to display at least a status message? Showing the output of the *.bat would also be enough...


nice work man!

i already un-ecm'd all my psx games a year ago when i saw no other way using the games in gameex. for most new users this batch file might come in handy!! especially if you want to update or continue seeding the torrent packages !


And besides: 7z and APE are really good, especially if you don´t intend to play every single game... I am just missing an appropriate screenshot pack and some adjustments to the database. For all newbies: Just copy the "name" column of the playstation db to e.g. the GoodMerge column, and most games will get a description.

Finally, this script can also really easily be adopted to work with compressed Dreamcast CDs and other media based systems... ;)

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