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Hi all,

I've quite finished my setup of GameEX for my new cab, but i have just one problem

When i'm in attract/screensaver mode, i'm not able to play games because when i push a button on the X-Arcade, it just return to GameEX

I've tried to understand the problem many times and i think that when it's not the default key (coin1) to play games, it doesn't work...

Can we setup another key to stop attract mode and let's play the emulator which is launched?????

Thanks!!!! ;)

EDIT: I've just noticed that the name of my thread seems like i have a solution, but nope

I just think it will be possible soon and that it will surely be a way to find the thread with the solution easily

  bkenobi said:
Press the coin button in MAME...

->yes, i know that, but when you have more emulators than mame it doesn't work

For example, the default "coin1" key is assigned to the number "3" on the keyboard in mame, and you're right, when you press the number "3" on keyboard, it works,

But i have a custom mapping on my X-arcade because some emulators don't like the number "3"(sometimes it's a hotkey for an emulator,or for Vpinmame it just add credits, but this button HAD to be the left flipper, etc..) and i've reassigned the left coin key on my Xarcade (the left flipper in fact) to be the "O" key, so my setup of my X-arcade doesn't interfer with any emulators & hotkeys

So, i just want to setup the "enter game" key to be "O" key (or anything else) instead of the "3" key, because i don't need any keyboard on my mamecab excepts for pressing the key "3" in attract mode to play game.........

I don't have seen any line in the GamEx.ini to resolve this problem, but is it possible??

Many thanks for help indeed ;)


No, it works with all emulators

I've tested it when my X-Arcade was set by default (mode1), so pressing the left flipper key (assigned to key 3) stop cycling games and then you're able to play the game launched..(with any emulators)

The problem is we can't assign the "stop cycling game" key to the key we want. For now it's the key "3" and no other one works

I wish that T.Speirs will fix that in future releases......


I don't use the '3' key to do this on my cab. I have the P1 credit button set up as button 19 (or something) on my game pad encoder. I think I may have XPadder set up to send key '5' if I press that when MAME is running, but I don't recall. Your X-Arcade runs a keyboard encoder so the keys it outputs are actually keyboard key presses, so you can't use XPadder to reassign things. I don't think it should be a problem though. If you turn on "custom input", then you can change buttons to whatever you want. I don't know how this works with the demo mode stop button though. I've had no reason to look into it since it just works on my setup.


in this case maybe ahk could be your friend. the only problem is that then eg o would constantly be 3 but maybe you can define in ahk to only switch the button combination after a certain time...

just for interest... i have an x-arcade and never had any issues with the standard button configurataion. which emulator doesn't work for you?


For Visual PinMAME for example, the flippers just add credits constantly when pressed because of the mapping of some manufacturers that can't be changed via Visual Pinball, because those key are set in the rom

Another one is Zinc that don't like the LeftAtl key

It goes to the menu when another key is pressed with the leftalt key

I just have my keyboard plugged to press the "3" key when i'm in attract mode, that's why i really want that this feature will be available soon, because with this, i don't need any keyboard at all...


a callout to tom.. maybe he reads it!

anyways haven't set up pinmame but yeah the left alt doesn't work but for me it doesn't go to the menu, just nothing happens... maybe i used another key instead... don't remember!


I really wish that he read this thread, because the multi-emu attract mode in GameEX is really a great idea

No other front-end do that i think

So it works with basic setup , but just need to be improved.....

Wait & see

  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry, i don't have seen your post before....

You're right, the good solution is to put a "Stop Attract Mode Timer" button key in the custom input file, but i don't think it's possible as there is no option for that in the file.

Or i don't know how to do this...

Please help :(


the way i see it is every one has an escape key to end emulators and mame,

y not have attract mode only ezit when this escape key is pressed,or at least an option in the config,

i have touched on this subject before

  • 1 month later...

I've quite resolved my problem

I've remapped my X-arcade using the key "3" on a button

Pressing it in attract mode works 1 time of 5 for all emulators played (about 8 emulators MAME,Project64, MESS, WINuae,etc)

The 4 other times it just return to GameEX..

Is the any way to improve this???

Other Request :

When i'm able to enter a game in attract mode, then i can't exit the game when y press my edited exit key, just the "esc key" works

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