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as explained in this thread http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?sh...amp;#entry24068 where brian wants to compile mame plus without nag screens i've followed this guide.

it worked really well but mame still draws the white box before every game. now it doesn't write loading or anything else so i assume i did everything correctly...

ii mean the white box is really no big deal but now for 0.126 of mame plus coming up i would love to get rid of this.

hk, can you point out the line in ui.c that has to be edited to get rid of the white box?

of course only if you still remember this ;)

thanks, mate


Found my old post about this, should point you in the right direction.

* Removing disclaimer


int ui_display_startup_screens(int first_time, int show_disclaimer)

show_gameinfo = show_warnings = show_disclaimer = FALSE;

/* disable everything if we are using -str */
if (!first_time || (str > 0 && str < 60*5))
show_gameinfo = show_warnings = show_disclaimer = FALSE;

void ui_update_and_render(void)

//ui_draw_text_box("Updating Artwork...", JUSTIFY_CENTER, 0.5f, 0.5f, messagebox_backcolor);

static UINT32 handler_messagebox(UINT32 state)
//ui_draw_text_box(messagebox_text, JUSTIFY_LEFT, 0.5f, 0.5f, messagebox_backcolor);
return 0;

* Removing border


/* render_primitive *prim;

prim = alloc_render_primitive(RENDER_PRIMITIVE_QUAD);
set_render_bounds_xy(&prim->bounds, 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)target->width, (float)target->height);
set_render_color(&prim->color, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
prim->texture.base = NULL;
append_render_primitive(&target->primlist[listnum], prim);

prim = alloc_render_primitive(RENDER_PRIMITIVE_QUAD);
set_render_bounds_xy(&prim->bounds, 1.0f, 1.0f, (float)(target->width - 1), (float)(target->height - 1));
set_render_color(&prim->color, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
prim->texture.base = NULL;
append_render_primitive(&target->primlist[listnum], prim); */


For all the lazy people I attached the modified render.c and ui.c for mame plus 0.126

I just compiled and tested mame plus and it runs great

thanks, m8

much appreciated :)


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