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Hello all. I am new and need some help in configuring my Game ex.

Firstly, I am having trouble getting the Front End to recognize more than 24 arcade games. Currently, I can run the update list all I want, but never get more than 24 games.

Secondly, I would love to have the 'v' key (ipac) recognized as the escape from games. Any ideas?

I am still enjoying this software so far, but would like to see it's full potential realized. I am all for searching myself, but in the meantime while I am searching over this forum for my answers, perhaps one of you has already found me and can help. Thanks!


First, make sure that you are running the same version of MAME as your romset. If you don't have the same (or a similar) version, you likely will have most of the games show up with different check sums from what MAME expects.

If you want to remap your controls in GameEx, you need to turn on custom controls and set them to the appropriate key values. The easiest way to do this is to launch the config wizard and search for "custom input".


thanks bkenobi. But how do I check the version of my romset?

If I run the mame outside of Gameex, then all roms are recognized. I understand this project is a delicate balance of folders, versions numbers, and settings, but I'm just a bit lost right now.

  pianoboy88 said:
thanks bkenobi. But how do I check the version of my romset?

If I run the mame outside of Gameex, then all roms are recognized. I understand this project is a delicate balance of folders, versions numbers, and settings, but I'm just a bit lost right now.

You can check your roms with a program like Clrmamepro (CMP), or Rom Center, and the appropriate dat.

Easyemu (google it) has a tutorial on how to use CMP, and other useful info.

If they check out in Mame, your roms are probably OK.

Check this thread for settings in Gameex:


You probably want to set "only existing roms" to yes.

Don't forget to update list after changing any options to the Mame list.


to set the button "v" to exit mame:

inside mame, go to the mame gui (usually tab) and go to input (general) / user interface / ui cancel. change this to button "v"


Thanks to the people who wrote back. Here's where I am so far.

Downloaded the latest mame32, which took a while. Apparently not every mame sight is the latest (Athough they say they are) and it can get confusing which s the official since there .net, .com, mameworld, mame, ect,. ect.

Which the latest program, Game ex recognizes 671 of these games. (the discrepency lies with mame32 recognizing 825, and ther being about 1350 roms in the folder.

roms will be checked tomorow as per Tempest's suggestion.

As far as the escape key goes, mame32 needed a remapping of the joystick and buttons using the 'TAB' key.

Since an IPAC was used, both the rom on the card was flashed and mame32 ('TAB' again) to make the appropriate escape key. (thanks chriss).

I still have other questions for other threads, but I couldn't have gotten this far without your help. Thanks!


The current version of MAME recognizes around 7000 roms. If you have 1300, your set is definietly older than 2004 (that's the oldest data I have available). There have been MANY MANY changes since then, so it wouldn't surprise me if you are limited on your available roms.

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