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My seem like a silly question,

When i run mame on my cab using game ex all my Vertical games (eg 1943/pac man etc) are all squased at the top (Res prob?)

Tryed changing all settings to no joy???

Please help - i am sure im missing something easy?

Sorry in advance as new to all this....

Many Thanks

Craig..... :blink:

  craigeeee said:
My seem like a silly question,

When i run mame on my cab using game ex all my Vertical games (eg 1943/pac man etc) are all squased at the top (Res prob?)

Tryed changing all settings to no joy???

Please help - i am sure im missing something easy?

Sorry in advance as new to all this....

Many Thanks

Craig..... :blink:

Long shot. Just wondering if it's a bezel issue. Have you played around the settings ?



does it happen when launching mame through gameex or just with mame itself?

inside mame "default game options => screen" have you tried to set everything to auto?


Yeah sure i will - ill get my cab open and sort it out later this morning,

I cannot see it being that tho - i have used mamewah and the mame command line for ages, they work and still work now.

Its only when i go through game ex i get this problem.

I saw game ex on the Gadget show and thought id give it a try !

Cheers Craig....


Mame ini and Pic below:

Hope this helps:

### mame.ini ###

### Frontend Related ###

### Windows path and directory options ###

rompath roms

samplepath samples

inipath ini

cfg_directory cfg

nvram_directory nvram

memcard_directory memcard

input_directory inp

hiscore_directory hi

state_directory sta

artwork_directory artwork

snapshot_directory snap

diff_directory diff

ctrlr_directory ctrlr

cheat_file cheat.dat

### Windows video options ###

autoframeskip 1

frameskip 0

waitvsync 0

triplebuffer 1

window 0

ddraw 1

direct3d 0

hwstretch 1

screen auto

cleanstretch auto

resolution auto

refresh 0

scanlines 0

switchres 1

switchbpp 1

maximize 1

keepaspect 1

matchrefresh 0

syncrefresh 0

throttle 1

full_screen_brightness 0.000000

frames_to_run 0

effect none

screen_aspect 4:3

### Windows Direct3D 2D video options ###

zoom 2

d3dtexmanage 1

d3dfilter 1

d3dfeedback 0

d3dscan 100

d3deffectrotate 1

d3dprescale auto

d3deffect none

# d3dcustom <NULL> (not set)

# d3dexpert <NULL> (not set)

### Windows misc options ###

sleep 1

rdtsc 0

high_priority 0

### Windows sound options ###

audio_latency 1

# wavwrite <NULL> (not set)

### Input device options ###

mouse 0

joystick 1

lightgun 0

dual_lightgun 0

offscreen_reload 0

steadykey 0

keyboard_leds 1

led_mode ps/2

a2d_deadzone 0.300000

# ctrlr <NULL> (not set)

paddle_device keyboard

adstick_device keyboard

pedal_device keyboard

dial_device keyboard

trackball_device keyboard

lightgun_device keyboard

digital none

### Mame CORE video options ###

norotate 0

ror 0

rol 0

autoror 0

autorol 0

flipx 0

flipy 0

gamma 1.000000

brightness 1.000000

pause_brightness 0.650000

### Mame CORE vector game options ###

antialias 1

translucency 1

beam 1.000000

flicker 0.000000

intensity 1.500000

### Mame CORE sound options ###

samplerate 44100

samples 1

sound 1

volume 0

### Mame CORE misc options ###

artwork 1

use_backdrops 1

use_overlays 1

use_bezels 1

artwork_crop 0

artwork_resolution 0

cheat 0

debug 0

# debugscript <NULL> (not set)

# playback <NULL> (not set)

# record <NULL> (not set)

log 0

oslog 0

skip_disclaimer 1

skip_gameinfo 1

bios default

# state <NULL> (not set)

autosave 0

### Configuration options ###

readconfig 1

verbose 0

Thanks in Advance




Id change the follow settings... To what I put.. It may not work.. If is deosnt try making bezels 0 all together.

  craigeeee said:

Mame ini and Pic below:

Hope this helps:

### mame.ini ###

### Windows video options ###

autoframeskip 0

frameskip 0

triplebuffer 0

direct3d 1

### Mame CORE misc options ###

artwork 1

use_backdrops 1

use_overlays 1

use_bezels 1

artwork_crop 1



Still no joy im afraid !

Tryed alot of other front ends , all fine apart from game ex?

Messed around with settings cant seem to get vertical games to display the right res?

looking at the game ex log file it seems to lauch games in the wrong res for some reason?

(eg) after launching 1943 , the log file says:

Running: cmd.exe /c C: C:\Emu\Mame\mame.exe 1943 -rompath C:\Emu\Mame\roms -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo -resolution 352x256 -nohwstretch

Where does game ex get its res from?

Thanks For your help



Ok, one other thing. If you have a game specific setting, changing the global settings will not override them. I don't remember where the file is located, but if you delete 1943.ini (I think), it will remove all game specific settings. If you want to keep other specific settings, then you will have to edit the file to remove the line that deals with cropping etc.

I'm sorry I don't have a copy of MAME in front of me to look at, but I do think this would explain the problem. Before you delete a file, I suggest renaming it so if it's needed, you won't be SOL!

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