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Lol that was one of the main reasons I was reluctant to go with a menu system but I think it was worth changing to. What I need to do is add a "save dialog" which will pop up when you've made changes to the database and your about to exit or load another database. That should solve that problem. I will add that as soon as I get some time to work on it again.

that is the best idea i have heard for ages.... Well hours at least, I had a great idea today - to airbrush my laptop... Hmmm... Need to wait for a few days and see how it looks with the air-varnish coat all dried...


Airbrushing notebook, nice idea smile.gif Post some pics when your done!

Okay just uploaded a new version of GXDBM with a "prompt to save" feature. I loath losing data so I put it on a high priority, we don't want you accidently losing data again. Let me know if there are any problems.


Airbrushing notebook, nice idea smile.gif Post some pics when your done!

Okay just uploaded a new version of GXDBM with a "prompt to save" feature. I loath losing data so I put it on a high priority, we don't want you accidently losing data again. Let me know if there are any problems.

I will post some pictures when done, just priming it and doing sealing on the keyboard surround...

Thanks for the update to the Editor. Cheers! (did you stop me having to tick when modifying a group? - earlier post on previous page)

Just realised i have to do the map file for scumm loader as not everyone (including me at the mo) has all correct roms supported in v0.12 - bugger. I forgot that by using dummy names in the games directory would result in the display of all games regardless when just using the db. sad.gif

oh well - getting quite used to all this typing at the moment....

Oh, had a lovelly e-mail of Tom and printed it out and framed it... (not really - nice to get a "gold star" now and again - "Yellow moons" are so yesterday)

Cheers HK

I will post some pictures when done, just priming it and doing sealing on the keyboard surround...

Thanks for the update to the Editor. Cheers! (did you stop me having to tick when modifying a group? - earlier post on previous page)

Just realised i have to do the map file for scumm loader as not everyone (including me at the mo) has all correct roms supported in v0.12 - bugger. I forgot that by using dummy names in the games directory would result in the display of all games regardless when just using the db. :(

oh well - getting quite used to all this typing at the moment....

Oh, had a lovelly e-mail of Tom and printed it out and framed it... (not really - nice to get a "gold star" now and again - "Yellow moons" are so yesterday)

Cheers HK

Great idea, I wish I had of thought of that in the first place it would have saved me making that form. Okay uploading again so now when you edit multiple games it just shows the edit form and will modify the values that you change.

I don't see why you would still need a map file, couldn't people just delete the dummy files of the games they don't have?

I will post some pictures when done, just priming it and doing sealing on the keyboard surround...

Thanks for the update to the Editor. Cheers! (did you stop me having to tick when modifying a group? - earlier post on previous page)

Just realised i have to do the map file for scumm loader as not everyone (including me at the mo) has all correct roms supported in v0.12 - bugger. I forgot that by using dummy names in the games directory would result in the display of all games regardless when just using the db. :(

oh well - getting quite used to all this typing at the moment....

Oh, had a lovelly e-mail of Tom and printed it out and framed it... (not really - nice to get a "gold star" now and again - "Yellow moons" are so yesterday)

Cheers HK

What a fool - just realised (by the time i got to the letter P) that a map file will not help... If the dummy file is in /Games then it will be displayed in the list regardles.... Silly man....

Will make a note in Doc that you should delete names of the ones you don't have from /Games


Great idea, I wish I had of thought of that in the first place it would have saved me making that form. Okay uploading again so now when you edit multiple games it just shows the edit form and will modify the values that you change.

I don't see why you would still need a map file, couldn't people just delete the dummy files of the games they don't have?

yes they could... Oh why oh why oh why did you not reply when i was on "A" :lol:

Got a bit caught up playing Elvira for a mo.... Back on track now...


HK: here is an updated ScummVM loader supporting the latest V 0.12.0 of ScummVM and the latest DB. This no-longer needs the map file or the scummvm.ini file.

I have updated your readme file also...

(hope you don't mind)

You know the password :)

Please have a look and check it out for me. Works fine this end........... (we have heard that before :) )


PS. Updated the Emu import ini to add db and naming..



I would include the ScummVM.ini file with all the paths because by default the file does not contain them and it might be confusing on how they are set in file. I would probably add all the games so all they need is to change the paths to their own.

I also noticed your Neo-Geo database still has "SNK Corporation of America" when they should probably be changed to just "SNK Corporation". The new version of GXDBM should make that easy to do. I could do it here but I think you should keep the versions of your databases maintained on your end.

I would include the ScummVM.ini file with all the paths because by default the file does not contain them and it might be confusing on how they are set in file. I would probably add all the games so all they need is to change the paths to their own.

I also noticed your Neo-Geo database still has "SNK Corporation of America" when they should probably be changed to just "SNK Corporation". The new version of GXDBM should make that easy to do. I could do it here but I think you should keep the versions of your databases maintained on your end.

Regarding the ini, this is constructed when you add games to ScummVM. In the amendend readme i made note that the scumm readme file contains the names of the directories the games should be located in. Ie. place your games in the dirs and add to ScummVM via "Add games" and the ini is constructed. The ini is stored by defaut in \Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ScummVM\ under Vista and \Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\ScummVM\ under XP, so the install dir for ScummVM is not used for the ini anyway.

SNK of america is valid as many american/euro versions of the game use this on the title screen. SNK corp usually refers to a jap or jap only release and ...of america relates to the others. I know it is prob. neater to have them all listed under one heading even if not strictly correct. what are your thoughts?

Had a play with the latest db editor doing the intell set a bit more - got that allgames problem again... It could just be an error that will crop up from time to time... It is not of great concern really. :( (ps. using home broadband so it is not an issue with the hsdpa)

PS. my scummvm.ini looks like this - not much help really....


Regarding the ini, this is constructed when you add games to ScummVM. In the amendend readme i made note that the scumm readme file contains the names of the directories the games should be located in. Ie. place your games in the dirs and add to ScummVM via "Add games" and the ini is constructed. The ini is stored by defaut in \Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ScummVM\ under Vista and \Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\ScummVM\ under XP, so the install dir for ScummVM is not used for the ini anyway.

Okay that makes sense no need to include the ini file then :)

SNK of america is valid as many american/euro versions of the game use this on the title screen. SNK corp usually refers to a jap or jap only release and ...of america relates to the others. I know it is prob. neater to have them all listed under one heading even if not strictly correct. what are your thoughts?

Ahh okay if they are different best to keep them that way then.

BTW Just uploaded another version of GXDBM I've changed the search to now do a proper search of the results and hilight the closest match to the game your searching. It might save a few seconds searching through the list.

Okay that makes sense no need to include the ini file then :)

Ahh okay if they are different best to keep them that way then.

BTW Just uploaded another version of GXDBM I've changed the search to now do a proper search of the results and hilight the closest match to the game your searching. It might save a few seconds searching through the list.

you would be suprised how much them few seconds add up... 60 of them and it is very nearly a minute, or in metric - 3 fluid oz.. :)

Thanks for all your work.. Hope you have had a chance to check the scumm thing out...

Can I leave it to you to upload to tom (or new post) and give tom the DB for inclusion in the download? (when the next gameex release is out anyway - not much use without the DB)

Thanks again.

Just uploaded the new loader and database for ScummVM to your ftp and sent Tom an e-mail about it :)

now - you have checked it for me havent you?

thanks... :)



Been looking at the scumm loader (that you didn't check :( ) - my fault - i should have checked it more...

The problem is that v0.12.0 (and possibly earlier ones) soem games use different ID's to the directorys stated in the readme file.

In the readme 'Big Thinkers Kindergarden' is said to reside in 'thinkerk' in the readme, but.. the id (of the version i have) becomes 'thinkerk-us', this stops it from working as the dummy file is 'thinkerk'. BASTARD! This affects tons of the non-mainstream roms.

Games like monkey island. kyrandia, etc (like in your loader originally), the 22 games that every scummvm user has, work fine... It is the less known ones that have changed id's.

Not sure what to do - what if other versions give another id - ie 'thinkerk-uk' or such.. ?? ?? ??

Have you got any suggestions my friend (god! won't sleep tonight for panic)

There are still lots that work though.. all the original ones and 30 more...

God - will have to rename my vidsnaps and modify the db to contain variants...

Perhaps there is another way of firing off the command line??

PS. an ini is of no use - command only needs game id to run, and mention of custom something or other?

please be my savior (again) ;)


Tried to use implicit paths as mentioned in the docs, no joy.

The only way round it is to edit the loaders docs to mention that from time-to-time the id of the game may need to be edited to match the name stated.

ane example is that the amiga version of elvira 2 is "Elvira2-amiga" where as the docs tell you "elvira2". If the id is edited then all is fine. Different versions of several games have slightly different id's..

I can see no other way than editing the loader docs to include this info.




Have updated the ScummVM config and docs to include information on the game "ID's"

HK: Please check all ok for me, i can't check as i am at work :( (sadly). Also, please read the Readme file for me...

Right.. Now gonna get back to that intellivision DB.. :(


PS: The ScummVM DB has also be updated (upped as XML again - for HK only)

EDIT: loader uploaded again.

EDIT: Scumm loader REMOVED - think i have found a better way of doing it ;)



Here is the db you have all been waiting for since Tempest took the reigns of the editor and... and.... ?

Oh well... had a bored few minutes so I have done the Fairchild Channel-F db.

Sorry Tempest - I just couldn't help myself - honest! ;)

As always, the file is in XML and useless to anyone except Tom and Ben.

HK: If you are reading this, please flick back a page as there is some other stuff posted.. :)



Right..... good god

Here is an updated loader for ScummVM.

This one uses a completely different way of running the games and (i believe) gets round all problems with the ID's being different for different versions of the games.

HK: Please (just for me) - import the config and check all is ok this time... It is always good for another to check things... :)

Also uploaded another DB to go with it.. Several little amendments and a game added.




And without any further delay, here is the Fairchild Channel-F db that Flash I've been working on...



I got your PM, I didn't even see your post above. I think that if someone posts in a thread while your reading it, the forum doesn't show the new post as "new". I'm not sulking, at least you finally admitted that Tempest is a better game than Asteroids, even if your admission only came after I admitted that Asteroids was more recognizable. I feel bad that I'm not helping out on the DB project, I have a long list of reasons, but they really don't matter... It looks like most of the "volunteers" agree with me...

I can appreciate how much time that you are putting into it though, and I do find your humour enjoyable!


Don't bother to download my database... ;) , Flash really deserves the credit!

And without any further delay, here is the Fairchild Channel-F db that Flash I've been working on...



I got your PM, I didn't even see your post above. I think that if someone posts in a thread while your reading it, the forum doesn't show the new post as "new". I'm not sulking, at least you finally admitted that Tempest is a better game than Asteroids, even if your admission only came after I admitted that Asteroids was more recognizable. I feel bad that I'm not helping out on the DB project, I have a long list of reasons, but they really don't matter... It looks like most of the "volunteers" agree with me...

I can appreciate how much time that you are putting into it though, and I do find your humour enjoyable!


Don't bother to download my database... ;) , Flash really deserves the credit!

I did have a little chuckle....

This forum would be an empty void without you mate...


Sheesh... Get a room guys <_<


This forum is not a place for jealousy :lol::lol:

Careful...Tom might scold you for getting off topic ^_^

you have a point (not the wrath of Tom again!), well - either that or you want to skirt away from the jealousy subject :) :)


Databases are coming on great (75 games added to fpinball - 200 odd to go :( ) may then do the VP one.

Intell is NEARLY done... About 12 descriptions to do, then re-check the other ones for correct paragraphs and eol's (yes - still doing that Tom - you promised you would add them when the DB's are all done. ;).

BK is JEALOUS, nah nah nah-nah nah :P


TOM: Please can you update the ScummVM loader download with the one released on this tread (post #222).

Have just checked the download on the main site and it is the old one. This one asks you to do uneeded work to get them working, that the new one no longer requires.. Pretty please.

One the same subject, have you updated the DB with the latest one from the same place?


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