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hey, i was wondering how to make cpwizard work with console emulators?

Atm it only works with mame for me, but when i start it up with a console emulator it doesnt do anything. Do i have to check some boxxes maybe?


You can't. If you want to view a CP for an emulator, you would be MUCH better off checking out CPWizard. It's written by HK and has a lot of support right here, so it would be pretty easy to get going. It supports MANY more features than the built-in viewer.


Yeah, you have to set up that emulator in CPWizard. I believe there is an entry for Project64 to start with, so I would use that as an example. I haven't done it yet, but it shouldn't be too difficult...

hey, i was wondering how to make cpwizard work with console emulators?

Atm it only works with mame for me, but when i start it up with a console emulator it doesnt do anything. Do i have to check some boxxes maybe?

I cut these from another thread. HK says:

To create a profile you go Edit > Options > Profiles. Click New to add a new profile. They can either be "PC Game" or "Emulator" types. For every PC game you have to add it's own profile because profiles are used to search if the program is running in memory using it's exe filename. This is why you don't have to send command line options to CPWizard for PC Games or Mame because it detects which game is running automatically. For other emulators there is no way of knowing what game is running unless you send the name using -game <name> command line option.

The thing is with supporting emulators and PC games is that all is fine and dandy until you find a game that doesn't like to be minimized. The PC game I used for testing was Far Cry and that game has no problem minimizing and being friendly to CPWizard. A confusion it will have for people is the default key to show the CP Viewer for everything other than Mame is 'L'. If your using a fairly recent version of Mame it detects pause to show the CP (by default is 'P'). So I can see how that would confuse some people off the bat. The other example profile I have is for Project64, this is where the problem begins. Project64 doesn't like being minimized. In fact it does strange things when you try to do that. I've always been meaning to sit down and figure that out. But anyway, at your disposal is the ability to send keys to each emulator/game before and after showing the CP. It also lets you customize the show button for each game/emulator. So it would be great if people started creating profiles for different games/emulators and posting them to share.

I hope that helps!


ok, ive tried it with neogeo cd, snes, nes and gameboy emulators and nothing seems to work, its not that its giving me an error or something, its just doing nothing at all, mame does work thou


If your setting up profiles for emulators, you have to send the game name to CPWizard before it launches.

I forgot to tell Tom about this, I'll shoot him off an e-mail about it.

can you explain how to do this headkaze plz?

When running emulators besides Mame there is no way for CPWizard to detect the game your playing so it has to be sent via command line before the game starts. I sent Tom an e-mail about this so hopefully he can add built in support for this.

The command line would be

CPWizard.exe -game "[ROM]"

btw even when i start up emulators outside of gameex it isnt working neither

Yep that's understandable. It still needs to know the name of the game somehow. Since all emulators work differently and require different command line options to run you have to tell CPWizard the name of the game manually. So it won't work outside of GameEx either. I'm sure Tom will take a look at adding support for it when he gets some time. I'll remind him about it again later if I think he's forgotten about it. He does have his plate pretty full these days ;)


ok, gives me some time to finish up making cp's for the different console emulators, btw if there's anyone intrested in the layouts, just leave a message, i have a 2 player control panel with 4 buttons per player and a 1 and 2 player start button.

ok, gives me some time to finish up making cp's for the different console emulators, btw if there's anyone intrested in the layouts, just leave a message, i have a 2 player control panel with 4 buttons per player and a 1 and 2 player start button.

I was thinking it would be cool to have the Game Controllers (PS2 Logitec Rumblepads, etc.) set up in CPWizard. Has anybody done this? If not, I may make that my next project...If any body has done this already, please stop me, and share what you have. Otherwise, if I get on a roll, I may take requests.

Maybe we could start a thread to upload layouts into? Good Idea? or just another silly one? My logic is that if someone was looking to build a cp, he could check out what other are doing, and build a panel that he likes based on a layout that has already been done.


Well, what i'm doing is this atm is this:


Its the simple solution, just showing wich buttons on the cp go together with wich on the gamepad, dunno if its usefull to link them togehter? Would it work to show what is what in separate files?

aldso, on a sidenote, and this is waaay off topic, i'm adding my own layouts for different systems on the acidbrain theme with aproval of acidbrain.

Some examples:



Still have to hear from him again if he likes them or not but maybe if people are intrested acidbrain can add them to his theme ( if he wants offcourse

Well, what i'm doing is this atm is this:


Its the simple solution, just showing wich buttons on the cp go together with wich on the gamepad, dunno if its usefull to link them togehter? Would it work to show what is what in separate files?

aldso, on a sidenote, and this is waaay off topic, i'm adding my own layouts for different systems on the acidbrain theme with aproval of acidbrain.

Some examples:



Still have to hear from him again if he likes them or not but maybe if people are intrested acidbrain can add them to his theme ( if he wants offcourse

I hadn't thought of displaying the original controllers like that, that' not a bad idea! I am planning on setting up Logitec Rumblepad controllers on my cabinet. I think it would be more intuitive for people who are used to a gamepad type controller. So when you run psx, it would just display a picture of the controller itself, I guess just so people would know to use them, and not the CP. Images would have to be created to match the gamepad buttons....

I think your Idea is better, if the CPWizard displays a gamepad picture along with the cp, then people would know that they had a choice.

I'm flip -flopping back and forth in my head....What do you think?


well since i only have 4 buttons per player on my cp i have to use a gamepad for "newer" consoles like n64, dreamcast etc.

This is what i tend to do with those newer consoles:


Shows me the gamepad i'm using and the gamepad it emulates all i need to do from here is add labels to see what buttons on my gamepad resembles on the ones from the emulated gamepad

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