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Ok, I need some help here. I'm trying to set up some PC games to run with GameEx. However, I am having problems getting two to work with GameEx. For some reason they require having the disc inserted to work. They will not work straight off the hard drive. So, the problem is telling GameEx to put the load the disc with Daemon tools and yet having it run the .exe from the hard drive. Any suggestions?

I tried setting the filter to .cue, using daemon tools to load the game and then set the command line as the .exe file, and it almost works. A window pops up with a bunch of command line stuff and then it says PAUSE, press a key to continue. After doing so the game loads up fine. However, there must be a way to go straight to the game without all that. Any ideas?


You could mount an image via the launch before or launch also. Maybe you could even add it to the loader (if you are using one).

You could mount an image via the launch before or launch also. Maybe you could even add it to the loader (if you are using one).

How would I go about getting Daemon Tools to load a particular ISO in the Launch Before line, so that when GameEx loads the shortcut for the game off the hard drive, the ISO will already be mounted? I usually put this at the Launch Before line: "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"[RomPath]\[RomFile]" but I need to have a certain ISO load so the the game will know it's there. I know it sounds weird but it's the only way I can get the game to work.

How would I go about getting Daemon Tools to load a particular ISO in the Launch Before line, so that when GameEx loads the shortcut for the game off the hard drive, the ISO will already be mounted? I usually put this at the Launch Before line: "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"[RomPath]\[RomFile]" but I need to have a certain ISO load so the the game will know it's there. I know it sounds weird but it's the only way I can get the game to work.

Of all the forums I have been on, this is the first one that I have been on that my first post offers a (potential) solution. I had the same concern and I found the following:


Basically, its another daemon tool product that gives you a gui to build your script. Its actually pretty cool. I tested it on Jedi Knight Outcast and it worked brilliantly. If you don't have SCSI drives you can ignore the YASU executable reference. I left the YASU part of and it still worked.

Hope it helps, it did for me.

How would I go about getting Daemon Tools to load a particular ISO in the Launch Before line, so that when GameEx loads the shortcut for the game off the hard drive, the ISO will already be mounted? I usually put this at the Launch Before line: "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"[RomPath]\[RomFile]" but I need to have a certain ISO load so the the game will know it's there. I know it sounds weird but it's the only way I can get the game to work.

"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\mygame\myiso.ISO"

"C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\mygame\myiso.ISO"

For some reason it still keeps bringing up that damn commandline garbage. Since I am using the *.lnk filter for the shortcut, and then "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\emulators\pcgames\ys_1\yseternal.cue" in the launch before, what do I put in the working path and commandline areas? Here is my configuration:




TITLETEXT=Ys Eternal Book I



RomPath=C:\Emulators\PC Games\Ys Eternal Book I Shortcut

SnapPath=C:\Emulators\PC Games\PC game intros


BoxPath=C:\Emulators\PC Games\PC game boxes



WorkingPath=C:\Emulators\PC Games\Ys Eternal Book I Shortcut














LaunchBefore=""C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"C:\Emulators\PC Games\Ys Eternal COMPLETE\yscd2\e-yscd2.cue""

LaunchAfter="C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -unmount 0
















For some reason it still keeps bringing up that damn commandline garbage. Since I am using the *.exe filter for the game .exe, and then "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\emulators\pcgames\ys_1\yseternal.cue" in the launch before, what do I put in the working path and commandline areas?

Does "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\emulators\pcgames\ys_1\yseternal.cue" work when you paste it in the Run box? If so then make a file called MYGAMENAME.XXX (where XXX is the file extention)

so your ROMFILTER could be *.XXX and it will show you your game name.

The working path will be the location of your XXX file.

The Launch BEFORE will be "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\emulators\pcgames\ys_1\yseternal.cue"

your Command will be the full path and file of the EXE... eg.. C:\mygame\mygame.exe

Does "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\emulators\pcgames\ys_1\yseternal.cue" work when you paste it in the Run box? If so then make a file called MYGAMENAME.XXX (where XXX is the file extention)

so your ROMFILTER could be *.XXX and it will show you your game name.

The working path will be the location of your XXX file.

The Launch BEFORE will be "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"c:\emulators\pcgames\ys_1\yseternal.cue"

your Command will be the full path and file of the EXE... eg.. C:\mygame\mygame.exe

I tried all that and no luck. Even removing all the Launch Before and After stuff, the commandline window still comes up. I'm at a loss.

Here is a pic of the screen that keeps popping up.



First thing I see is you haven't set the correct working directory. It should be where the program is located not where the shortcut is. Second there are two spaces between "eternal" and "complete". Is that correct?

First thing I see is you haven't set the correct working directory. It should be where the program is located not where the shortcut is. Second there are two spaces between "eternal" and "complete". Is that correct?

I forgot to change it back while trying out various things to get it to work right. I originally had the working path to the program like you said and have since changed it back. Like I said before, the game works but that annoying commandline window always pops up asking me to press a key to continue. Also, the two spaces are supposed to be there.

I forgot to change it back while trying out various things to get it to work right. I originally had the working path to the program like you said and have since changed it back. Like I said before, the game works but that annoying commandline window always pops up asking me to press a key to continue. Also, the two spaces are supposed to be there.

Sorry I don't always get time to read entire posts here!

Change the following to be False


Sorry I don't always get time to read entire posts here!

Change the following to be False


Well, that fixed it!! I have absolutely no idea how debug was enabled but disabling fixed it. Now it loads fine without the little window popping up. Thanks to everyone who helped!

By the way, here are the PC games I've been adding to GameEx:

Ys The Oath in Felghana -

Ys Eternal Book I -

Ys Eternal Book II -

These are remakes of the classic Falcom Ys Series that was popular on the Turbografx CD/PC Engine CD for the PC. They only came out in Japan but they all have English patches available. I highly recommend them all, especially The Oath in Felghana.

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