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top arcade mame roms (Beat-em-up,Fighting,Racing) - all da time...

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Guest JeSSicA ChrIS


y dont share mame arcade roms here

so we download our favourite roms specially of "Beat-em-up,Fighting and Racing games"

my fav are :


01-Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

02-Captain america and the avengers

03-The Punisher

04-Streets of Rage

05-Sunset Riders

06-Dungeons and Dragons

07-Oriental Legend

08-Diet go go

09-Snow bros collection (1,2 and 3)

10-Battle toads

11-Dynasty Wars

12-Final fight

13-Metamorphic force

14-Golden Axe collection


16-Crime fighters


18-Night Slasher



21-Zero Team (new zero team,zero team selection) Unfortunately non-supported by mame

22-Armored Warriors

Fighting Games

1-Die hard arcade

2-Street fighter collection

3-Slammasters (Ring of Destruction and Muscle bomber duo)

4-KOF series

5-Daraku Tenshi


7-Virtua Fighterz

8-Golden Axe the Duel Unfortunately non-supported by mame

9-Final Fight Revenge Unfortunately non-supported by mame

Racing Games


2-Rally Bike


1-Multi Champ

2-Pacman Series


I'm not sure what to do about this post, I don't think it's breaking rules as there are no links being posted about where to get ROMs. So Jessica as long as you know it's against the rules to post links or talk about places where to download or obtain ROMs I'll let this post stay open. As far as I can tell it's a post to share lists of your favourite games.

Just to be sure Jessica, perhaps you should read the Forum Guidelines and Rules


My favorite rom:

Tempest (rev1) :rolleyes:

It allows the 40credits, and play any level cheats (well, there not really cheats, since they were programmed in)

Is there anybody out there who doesn't believe that this was a "back door"?

And yes, you can set other revisions to Freeplay, and Demo Mode, but it will not keep your highscore in demo mode.

I believe my machine is a (rev2), because all of the chips end in 2, but I haven't had time to verify this yet.


I think the language problem has reared itself again. I'm guessing she was trying to post a favorites list, not a list of games that should be linked. Of course, as always, it's hard to say.

Guest JeSSicA ChrIS

yah i m trying to post favourite ones

thnx for supporting me


My top five:

1. Rygar (Argus No Senshi) - the japanese version is superior

2. Flying Shark

3. Ninja Kid II

4. Black Tiger/Black Dragon

5. Out Zone

Of Course I have a lot of other favorites, but I like to keep my lists as short as possible.


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