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Please don't think I'm lazy, and want someone to do all the work for me - but we're having problems understanding how to set up the Amiga emulator via gameEx.

We've taken about two weeks to get gameEx to launch winuae, and a game, but have been unable to map our keyboard hacked joystick panel to map to winuae.

IS there an idiots guide out there that explains how to set up winuae loader? Or someother system through gameEx?

I've seen a few posts that say "its easy - just do a config -f (execute/blah##blah-VERYhard" But I'm afraid I don't understand what all that means!

There must be a instruction list which says "click on this tab", then insert "this file", then type "this -f{etc" into this box.. etc etc.

I'll happily donate to paypal to anyone who can help with a PROPER IDIOTS guide, or happily to charity of persons choice......

Many thanks.....

James & Kyle (9)


Some things to check first

1. Have you read ReadMe.txt that comes with WinUAE Loader?

2. Can you run WinUAELoader by double clicking on WinUAELoader.exe? In your PM you said you were getting an error. What is the error?

3. Have you downloaded the KillaGorrilla WHDLoad game set? There is a link to the site under the Links tab in WinUAE Loader.

4. Have you copied WinUAELoader\GameEx\AMIGA.mdb to C:\Program Files\GameEx\DATA?

5. Have you copied WinUAELoader\GameEx\IMPORT-EXPORT\Commodore Amiga (WinUAE) [WHDLoad].ini to C:\Program Files\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\IMPORT-EXPORT?

6. Have you set up your paths in WinUAELoader?

7. Have you tested running a game in WinUAE Loader (Tools->Run Game)?

8. Have you mapped your keys to the inputs in WinUAELoader? Have you enabled those input mappings?

9. Have you run the Setup Wizard or Advanced Configuration applications and imported the "Commodore Amiga (WinUAE) [WHDLoad]" emulator profile?

10. Have you changed the paths in the "Commodore Amiga (WinUAE) [WHDLoad]" emulator profile to match your own?

Other things of note:

- If you don't have a trackball then I recommend turning on the mouse mappings, mapping the mouse inputs to your CP and enabling it


Thanks HEADKAZE - your support is very much appreciated. I was using as second PC to try and load winuae loader, so as not to mess up the one in our arcade cab. It didn't have direct X installed - but I've now put it on the arcade cab computer and its loaded up fine.

Ok, in 'paths', i've pointed the first box to winuae.exe

Next is 'Game folders'. Now I have a folder full of amiga games in .adf files - do I need to point the paths in 'Game folders' to these - or shall I forget these, and download the WHDload games packages?

(I PRESUME these (WHDload zipped files) are a massive stock of games from all generations, and more than the 100 or so I have already stored in .adf files???)

Anyway, once downloaded, I presume I point the 'WHDload games' tab in the 'gamefolders' section to the directory of the download I made from the WHDload (guildserver.co.uk) site? Will I need to unzip the file, or will the individual folders need doing anything with?

Many many thanks! I'm hoping me spelling this out will help any other people who are hoping to get things to work, but have no real technical knowledge......

One other thing - I did try reading the 'readme' in winuae loader. But got stumped at the first hurdle. The 'usage' bit (which I presume explains how it works) states:

WinUAELoader.exe -mode [gamebase|whdload|sps] - game "file"

Now I'm sure If I understood what that all meant I could have a go at working this thing out!!!

Is this a command line, to be inserted somewhere? And the bits in brackets are supposed to have things substituted?? oh blimey! I told you I was a newbie to emulators! Sorry if this sounds a bit silly but I'm not too sure how to make use of the information supplied.....

Many thanks.



OK, I put the zipped game files into a folder 'roms'. I pointed winuae loader "gamefolders - WHDload games" to that folder.

Next I went to the 'tools' tab and on 'game testing', selected WHDload. I clicked on RUNGAME - which only brought up 4 games (and 3 of them are drakkhen!) - whats happened to the other 70 games in the 'roms' folder?? :0( Confused.

ALSO, I presume the winuae I'm using will need to be saved using a certain configuration? Will this be 512k, or some other settings? Or are these explained somewhere to use the WHDload games through Winuaeloader, through gameEx.....


Nothing wrong with been a "newbie" we've all been there ;)

Now I'm up to speed with where your at I should be able to help out a bit more.

First of all don't worry about what the USAGE is, all this information is contained in the "Commodore Amiga (WinUAE) [WHDLoad].ini" file you copied across.

Forget the games you already have, this loader only works with specific set. Just for simplicity sake I recommend you clicking on the Links tab in WinUAE Loader and clicking on the "KG's WHDLoad Game Packs" link. Then download all the packs and extract them to a folder. You should then only worry about the Path setting for "WHDLoad Games" and use the "Run Game" under Game Testing in the Tools tab set to "WHDLoad". When you press the "Run Game" button and have your WHDLoad and WinUAE exe paths set correctly you should get a list of the games you have extracted from KG's website. Click on a game then select the "Run" button. Once you successfully run a game in WinUAE Loader then work on getting it runing in GameEx.

Next run the Setup Wizard or Advanced Configuration applications and import the "Commodore Amiga (WinUAE) [WHDLoad]" profile in. Then set the paths to match the locations of your games.


Great! So that bit seems to be right.

Ok, I have unzipped one of my downloads (contains 70 zipped games files). I have pointed the the 'WHDload games' path in the 'game folders' bit to the folder containing these files (70 of them).

I go onto the 'tools' tab, select "WHDload" under 'game testing', and click run game. Its only brought up 4 games!??!!?!

I attempt to load one, and it tells me I need KICKSTART rom v3.1 (I have v.1.3 installed in winuae I think, but have the others) :0)

So I presume all the games downloadable from KG's website are configured to run under a certain winuae configuration?

Is this configuration set out somewhere, or will each game need to be configured :0(

Many thanks again!


This is what you should have for Kickstarts. You need this in addition to the Kickstarts in WinUAE. These are for WHDLoad


kick34005.A500 <-- Actual ROM (Kickstart v1.3 rev 34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV).rom)
kick40068.A1200 <-- Actual ROM (Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A1200).rom)
kick40068.A4000 <-- Actual ROM (Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A4000).rom)

Also make sure you don't have your games inside folders. They must all be kept zipped up in a single folder.

All the config settings are automatic so don't worry about settings for WinUAE.



Hmm, I have the kickstarts, but do they need to be the correct versions?

My kickstart 1.3 came from a torrent file thats a year old or so. I presume if I just put my "kickstartv13.rom" into the folder, it wont recognise it - or will it? Same goes for the other kickstarts ..... I presume they're older versions than is required.

Would not having these kickstarts in this folder affect winuaeLoader from picking up the files in my games folder? Its currently only picking up 4 of them :0(


Mate are you reading what I'm posting? It's not that hard if you follow the instructions and let me know if you've done what I've said or not. I can't read your mind here. When you say it only shows 4 games do you think I can figure out why without you giving me any information? Do you have your zips in folders or not? Check out the attached image. Does your game folder look like that?

You can't use any old Kickstart ROM's which is why I gave you the version numbers pointing to the names of the files they need to be renamed to. You have to have the three I showed you, renamed as shown. The ones you need are:

Kickstart v1.3 rev 34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV).rom

Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A1200).rom

Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A4000).rom

They need to be renamed to...




..respectively and placed in WinUAELoader\WHD\Devs\Kickstarts\

The main one you need is kick34005.A500 as it's the A500 ROM it will play most games. But you won't be able to play the A1200 AGA games without the A1200 one. Not sure what games need the A4000 kickstart though.



I'm sorry, I'm not very good at all this. It took us a couple of weeks to work out how to get winuae to play a game!

I did put the information up I thought you needed to know, but maybe I'm not putting up the right info!

Yes, my games folder looks like your post. It has all the games zipped like in yours. I pointed the loader to that durectory.

Yes I have the kickstarts I need (v1.3, v3.1) ALTHOUGH these are probably older revisions as they were obtained some months ago. I can easily copy the ones I have into the folder, and rename them, but wasn't sure if it needed to be the exact revisions that you posted, or just make sure I have v1.3 and rename it.

Sorry for the frustration, but I'm still trying to get my head round all the terms and operation of these things :0(

Thanks again.



I'm trying to help best I can ;) I understand these things can be difficult.

I can't understand why only 4 games would be showing if you have your games extracted like I showed you. How about you take a screenshot of your game folder and post it here. Also take a screenshot of your Path tab in WinUAE Loader. To do that press ALT-PrtSc to take a snapshot of the window and then paste it into Paint (Start->Programs->Accessories->Paint) then upload the image here. Also it might help to take a screenshot of your game list that shows after pressing the "Run Game" button.

Notice how my WHDLoad path is set to match the last screenshot of my Roms folder?




Just a quick reply before I post the screen pictures. Just to make sure I'm not doing anything silly :0)

Additional information below. Working towards getting the screenshots now.

I looked in the kickstarts folder I have, and indeed, I notice I DO have the correct revisions of them. I have renamed them, and put the in the correct folders as you stated.

I have double checked all the roms, which are in the right folders - all zipped just like in your picture.

I then run winuae Loader, and go to 'game testing' - it seems to STILL only pick up only four out of the 70 games I have stored in the folder. Now I'm sure I'm doing something silly. But despite going through everything, I still can't get it to show the others.

When I try and run one of the (4) games through games test, WinUAE message comes up, telling me a KS rom v3.1 is required to run it. I put the kickstart roms in the locations you asked me to, but do I need to also specify winuae to have a rompath for v3.1, and not the v1.3 I have in it presently?

Thanks again. Pics on the way - If I can get it to do it!



You have to have WinUAE setup with the Kickstarts also. Pressing F12 will open the WinUAE settings. Check out the screenshot to check you have the Kickstart ROMs you need.



Sorted! I now am able to run the 4 games that are available in the window!

I have the screen shots saved - just working out how to attach them as there only seems to be a tab to enter a URL.


Sorry, games folder picture took a little longer to upload as it was bigger than 2m. Downsized it and uploaded it.

I visited the page specified in the links section, and downloaded one of the 'packs' - february updates, to be exact.

That's your problem! Your downloading the updates! Those are not supported yet! You have to download the "Packs"

<_< Oops.

I'll try downloading the others and try again!

So lets say one of these games needs an update, if I just put the updates in the same folder as the games, will the loader select the game, and find the update also. Or is there another complicated ritual to patch the updates over the original games files?

Thanks for your patience Headkaze

Would those files be in the c:\emulators\winuaeloader\data folder?

The "Feb Update" you downloaded is an update. WinUAE Loader doesn't support those games so right now just keep them for later incase GameBase Amiga guys update their database. I use their database so when they support the February update then I will add support too. So really the 70 MB download was a bit of a waste of your time, but just keep it for later. I would delete them out of your roms folder for now as only those 4 games you saw are supported in the database. Under that update you will see "Packs" broken up into the alphabet. You will have to download all those packs instead. You can place the games anywhere you want as long as "WHDLoad Games" Path is set to it. The place you have already is fine (C:\Emulators\WinUAELoader\roms).


Your a star! I finally have amiga games running.

Now just got to set up my GameEx to load them up. Which I hope to be able to do!

Many Many thanks.

You wrote the loader didn't you? Do you have a paypal donations page?


Hey it was an honest mistake I didn't even realise there was a February update on that site. So it's the first I heard about it today.

Yes I wrote WinUAE Loader. The donation page for it is here.

Thanks for your support and enjoy playing your favourite Amiga games!


Can I also say that even though instructions that are written and presented with programmes may be easy to understand for some - to others they are impossible! So Many thanks go to HEADKAZE who has obviously taken a lot of time to help me out with this.

Just one more thing - What does the 'convert artwork' bit do !! :0)



Hey it was an honest mistake I didn't even realise they're was a February update on that site. So it's the first I heard about it today.

Yes I wrote WinUAE Loader. The donation page for it is here.

Thanks for your support and enjoy playing your favourite Amiga games!

Just donated. Many thanks :lol:


The convert artwork is for converting the artwork found @ http://gbamiga.elowar.com/files/ into the format GameEx needs. This time you will need to keep the screenshots in their alphabetical folders. Then just select the type of artwork you want to convert.

Direct downloads:



Then in GameEx you can set the snap, title, box and cart paths to point to these converted artwork.

BTW Thanks for the donation!

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