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When you have the time could you please edit these two batch files so I can attempt a 64 bit compile of Mame Plus!. I would like to use Mame Compilers compile environment. Only thing is I do not know exactly where to plugin all the stuff needed in the bat files. I am also gonna have to do this the old fashioned way via command prompt. Thank you in advance. :)



Did you check out the batch file in MinGW\source\Mame0123. It has the paths to set for the compile environment. It looks like Mame Plus is designed to use VS9. Just a quick look and changing this might work.

set PSDK_DIR=C:\MinGW\psdk

But I have no idea if it will compile Mame Plus. Also a quick read of their compile instructions means there are some extra files needed:

* extract G++ module gcc-g++-4.2.1-sjlj-2.tar.gz into your mingw directory, and rename g++-sjlj.exe to g++.exe 
* extract MAME Plus! extra compile utils extra_utils-20070912 into your mingw directory

So you will have to grab those extra files as well and extract them to C:\MinGW.

Did you check out the batch file in MinGW\source\Mame0123. It has the paths to set for the compile environment. It looks like Mame Plus is designed to use VS9. Just a quick look and changing this might work.

set PSDK_DIR=C:\MinGW\psdk

But I have no idea if it will compile Mame Plus. Also a quick read of their compile instructions means there are some extra files needed:

* extract G++ module gcc-g++-4.2.1-sjlj-2.tar.gz into your mingw directory, and rename g++-sjlj.exe to g++.exe 
* extract MAME Plus! extra compile utils extra_utils-20070912 into your mingw directory

So you will have to grab those extra files as well and extract them to C:\MinGW.

Ok will give this a go. I have the 32bit environment setup on one of my other machines. I'll zap it over thank you.


Okay I just wasted the last hour trying to get MamePlus to compile under 64 bit environment. There were a few files I had to add to the MinGW install. After that I had to make the following changes

in src\osd\winui\winui.c


static long WINAPI	  MameWindowProc(HWND hwnd,UINT message,UINT wParam,LONG lParam);


static LRESULT CALLBACK MameWindowProc(HWND hwnd,UINT message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);

in src\osd\winui\imagemenu.cpp and src\osd\winui\dialogs.c


It got right towards the end of compiling until it tried to compile src\osd\windows\scale.c. It contains inline asm and the error I get is:

src\osd\windows\scale.c(286) : error C4235: nonstandard extension used : '__asm' keyword not supported on this architecture

Inline asm is not supported in the 64-bit compiler! Now I'm just curious has anyone compiled a 64-bit version of Mame Plus yet? Do you even know if it can be compiled for 64-bit?

For more information on solving the inline asm issue on 64-bit compiles http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost....45&SiteID=1. Judging by that thread the author of Mame Plus will have to "keep the inline asm for 32bit development under an ifdef but use the 64bit intrinsics when compiling for 64bit"

Below is a special version of Mame Compiler 64 with the added components for compiling Mame Plus. You can use the Mame Compiler program to compile Mame Plus, just make sure "Optimize For" is set to "None" and that "MameUI" option is OFF. As you will see if you make the above changes it still won't compile because of the inline asm. You will have to ask the author of Mame Plus to fix the inline asm issue to be able to compile a 64 bit version of Mame Plus.

Download MC64PlusSetup.exe


I Knew it would take someone smarter than me. :) Thanx HK. I'ma keep this mame compiler around for Plus! Maybe it will work on the 32bit side? As far as asking the author to fix inline asm it's a lost cause. Their forums are sh*tty. And I mean that with a capital "S" only other emu authors I have been able to get any help from are Mamesick for Mame32FX and Dany69 of Mame32XT. As of this writing only Derivitive build that will compile is Mame32FX. You only have to make one syntax change in datafile.c for it to compile under 64 bit and of course rename the mak file from winuifx to winui. Sorry for all the bother. One more thing would you actually believe I figured out how to get Mam32FX to compile by myself? I also put in a request for help over on the Mame32 Plus! forum. I will probably be drawing retirement before they respond.


Well I think at this point in time having a 64 bit build of Mame Plus! is a foregone conclusion. I have posted on there forum and still haven't heard from them. Their boards and support are straight shitter. It annoys me you can go damn near anywhere and get help for Mame related stuff all except for that build. Oh well I'll just stick to Mame32FX. Thanx again for all the help HK I owe you one. :) Oh before I forget Mame Compiler compiled a 32 bit version with no trouble at all.

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