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Post Language Translations, GameEx Plugins, News Feeds, Radio Stations, URL's and Feeds.

As of GameEx 7.03 there is now a plugin system using MS .net. If you want to submit a plugin to the community feel free to upload it here.

Add Reply and Post/Upload here.

NOTE: This should be for replies with attachments only or URL's Addresses, and if you wish to comment on attachments or posts please create a NEW topic. Although this is not strictly enforced.


Here is a small guide on the easiest way to update a language translation.

Open C:\program files\GameEx\Config\GameEx.ini with notepad

Keep that open then open C:\program files\GameEx\Config\Languages\[Language.ini]

Replace Language.ini with the language your updating.

Go back to the GameEx.ini in notepad.

Do a Find for [Text]

Highlight that entire section going up to the next section beginning with [. Make sure you dont select any of the next section, then delete the selected text.

Now post the entire contents of [Language.ini] into the blank area in GameEx.ini making sure its not in overlapping another section. Then save GameEx.ini

Go into the Config application, and select Language/Text. Make sure you select Custom Language at the top. Now update the text, you can also test this in GameEx.

When the language translation is pefect, open up GameEx.ini find the [Text] section and select again, this time copy the selection and post the entire contents into the language.ini file, deleting the existing contents first.

Now Go into the Config app, and select the language you just updated, and test with GameEx to see its working right.

Final step is to email me or upload the updated language.ini, for inclusion into next version of gameex.

If you get stuck or have any questions post here.




GameEx Plugin Manager

To run the GameEx Plugin Manager select Start->Programs->GameEx->Plugin Manager

This is the program you use to enable and disable plugins, as well as configure them.

To enable a plugin just double click it on the list so there is a tick next to it. To Configure a plugin hilight it then click the Configure button.

GameEx Plugins are located at GameEx\PLUGINS

Source code in C# and VB.NET for writing your own plugins is available at GameEx\PLUGINS

To write your own plugins, you can download Microsoft C# 2005 Express Edition here

If you need any help writing plugins, just post a message on these forums or for finding help coding in .NET find a suitable .NET coding forum.


Name: Speak Game Name

Version: 0.1

Author: Tom Speirs

Description: Speaks the name of games

This plugin speaks the name of games when you select them.

You can download more voices from below.

Microsoft Mary, Mike and Sam 5.0 (68MB).

To select the voice use the Plugin Manager to configure the plugin and select "Launch Speech Control Panel".


Name: Caller ID

Version: 1.0

Author: Ben Baker

Description: Displays Caller ID

This plugin will pop up a message in GameEx notifying you of an incoming call. It has a database system which you can use to associate names with phone numbers, so you know who is calling.

You need a Caller ID enabled modem for this plugin to work, and Caller ID enabled on your phone line.


Name: Exit GameEx

Version: 1.0

Author: Ben Baker

Description: Exit GameEx using Key/Joy Combo or Password

This plugin allows you to exit GameEx using a password or combination of keys using either a joypad or keyboard.

To configure the key/joy password or combo you need to select Configure in the Plugin Manager.

Combo Exit

The Combo Exit feature means you can hold a combination of keys or joypad buttons to exit GameEx. You need to select which Keyboard keys or Joypad buttons in the listbox. To test it works, you can hold the them down in the configuration program to test if they work.

Password Exit

The Password Exit feature allows you to set a password using keyboard input or joypad buttons. For example you can set a password as "gameexexit" on the keyboard or "89889" on the joypad. You must press the "Record" button to record a new password.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

If you need a translation of some words (for new features), you could post them here and i will translate them to german.


  cupid said:
If you need a translation of some words (for new features), you could post them here and i will translate them to german.


Yes I will do that for all languages for new features. Good idea.

Need to get all the current translation up to date first though.

To all: if either your the original trnslator or someone else with the same tongue, please fell free to contribute.

Listed below is the order of translations that need updating most. The older ones (in most need) are listed first.

1. Italian (old)

2. French

3. Spanish

4. German

5. English (Default - Current)

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tom,

New German Translation.

Try to leave the Umlauts öäü��� and � in. Last Time you deleted all. If you cant programm Umlauts and � into gameex you could instead write ae(ä) öe(ö) ue(ü) ss(�) but that looks very ugly...

here you are:

--- translation cut out ---

edit: Your bb deletes all Umlauts... so I attached the german translation. Please look for to much Carriage-Returns in the file. I don't know if everything is all right.



  cupid said:
Hi Tom,

New German Translation.

Try to leave the Umlauts öäü��� and � in. Last Time you deleted all. If you cant programm Umlauts and � into gameex you could instead write ae(ä) öe(ö) ue(ü) ss(�) but that looks very ugly...

here you are:

--- translation cut out ---

edit: Your bb deletes all Umlauts... so I attached the german translation. Please look for to much Carriage-Returns in the file. I don't know if everything is all right.


Thanks Cupid. Looks good.

The Umlauts and Ã? appear to work fine.

I'll include in next release.



These will be new text/translation settings in the next version.



Aspect0=Original Aspect - Not Zoomed

Aspect4=Widescreen on 4:3 - Stretched

Aspect3a=Widescreen to 4:3 - Zoomed

Aspect3b=Letterbox to Widescreen - Zoomed

Aspect2=Original Aspect - Zoomed

Aspect1a=Widescreen to 4:3 - Shrunk

Aspect1b=4:3 to Widescreen - Stretched




  TSpeirs said:

These will be new text/translation settings in the next version.



Aspect0=Original Aspect - Not Zoomed

Aspect4=Widescreen on 4:3 - Stretched

Aspect3a=Widescreen to 4:3 - Zoomed

Aspect3b=Letterbox to Widescreen - Zoomed

Aspect2=Original Aspect - Zoomed

Aspect1a=Widescreen to 4:3 - Shrunk

Aspect1b=4:3 to Widescreen - Stretched








GameEx will soon support resuming of videos even after close/reboot, which is something than MCE does not do at the moment. I am also looking at the ability to add videos to Favorites too. This will mean that videos will also have an Info page where you can carry this out. This may lead later on to the ability to display movie information such as synopsis, actors, director etc. Again something MCE does not do.


Great addition...

I hope you are planning a TV-Record-funtion as well.

Do you have a PVR 250/350 in your system? I have a 350 with my MCE.

to your DVD-Player:

I translated the words in the attached file.

But it seems to me that many don't know what every Aspect-Ration/Zoom means.

Would it be possible to add little icons?

can you read photoshop?



  TSpeirs said:




GameEx will soon support resuming of videos even after close/reboot, which is something than MCE does not do at the moment. I am also looking at the ability to add videos to Favorites too. This will mean that videos will also have an Info page where you can carry this out. This may lead later on to the ability to display movie information such as synopsis, actors, director etc. Again something MCE does not do.

does it mean

"to" play and

"to" resume

"to" restart

this is what i translated



and resuming

and restarting

  cupid said:
Great addition...

I hope you are planning a TV-Record-funtion as well.

Do you have a PVR 250/350 in your system? I have a 350 with my MCE.

to your DVD-Player:

I translated the words in the attached file.

But it seems to me that many don't know what every Aspect-Ration/Zoom means.

Would it be possible to add little icons?

can you read photoshop?


Thanks Cupid, that's great.

I'll check out the PSD shortly, I just need to install Photoshop again. Should be able to add images no problem.

And yes, I am planning on adding TV viewing and recording functionality. Although it will only be supported on WinXP SP2 and above. I am taking the very easy route and using the Microsoft TV ActiveX Control. It will only support recording for cards that have MPEG encoding or Digital TV cards where the signal is already MPEG2. A 350 should work fine.




I think my icons could good be overlayed when switching between these aspect modes. Of course a little bit smaller (thats why they are so simple) and maybe with bigger letters in the middle). And with some GameEx Background (thats why i uploaded the PSD, so that you can change the background.)

The PSD has many Layergroups, you can change one Aspect mode by hiding one group and displaying another. (if you're not familiar with Photoshop).

Benefit: No translation is needed and it's easier and faster.

Great work!!!


  cupid said:
I think my icons could good be overlayed when switching between these aspect modes. Of course a little bit smaller (thats why they are so simple) and maybe with bigger letters in the middle). And with some GameEx Background (thats why i uploaded the PSD, so that you can change the background.)

The PSD has many Layergroups, you can change one Aspect mode by hiding one group and displaying another. (if you're not familiar with Photoshop).

Benefit: No translation is needed and it's easier and faster.

Great work!!! 


Hey Cupid,

I do like them.

I think so too. Do you think you could make the changes you suggested (size), continue to work on them and get them ready for me to include?

Ideally the images will need to be no greater than 190X140 (can be smaller), with the text clear and visible at this size. The images will be ovelayed over the video so will need a black background which will be the transparency key. They also should not be any anti aliased or softened (can be be casued by scaling in photoshop) edges. Otherwise they will look good.

I hope you can continue with this good work. I like this and all your other ideas and want to do this.

  • 3 months later...

Hi Tom,

here is the newest German translation file.

Sorry, i can't help you with the DVD-Graphics because of the lack of time. But i will translate your ini files whenever possible.

Thanks for your great work.



  cupid said:
Hi Tom,

here is the newest German translation file.

Sorry, i can't help you with the DVD-Graphics because of the lack of time. But i will translate your ini files whenever possible.

Thanks for your great work.


Thanks Cupid, I'll make sure it gets into the next release. No problem about the graphics. Thanks again.


  TSpeirs said:
Thanks Cupid, I'll make sure it gets into the next release. No problem about the graphics. Thanks again.


Cupid, to make sure the German translation is up to date for the next release. Can you please translate "Most played"



That's diffcult.

In a context

"most played games" it's "am häufigsten gespielte Spiele"

"most played" is "am häufigsten gespielt"

but that sounds really stupid as we don't use flections (like more or most) so often.

If you can also say

"frequently played" it's "häufig gespielt"


"frequently played games" is "häufig gespielte Spiele"

i would prefer this.

If you want to say "frequently played NES Games" it would be "häufig gespielte NES-Spiele" (with the "-"!)

I often tried not to translate everything exactly, but so that it looks and listens good. German is very sensitive in flections and other grammar things that are much more easy in other languages. (imho )

If you want to use the words on Buttons, you can of course write the fist letter uppercase.

Beware of the umlauts in here when you copy the words! The Msgboard displays them well in my browsers.

Yours cupid

  • 4 weeks later...
  oxbow said:
Here's the almighty Dutch language ..  ;)

Many thanks for the contribution Oxbow.

EDIT: Your leading :) this is the only full non english translation for the current version at time of writing (5.14) ;)

  TSpeirs said:
Many thanks for the contribution Oxbow.

EDIT: Your leading :)  this is the only full non english translation for the current version at time of writing (5.14)  ;)

Well, not exactly, I didn't translate the 7 aspect options, since I was too stoned to find a decent Dutch word for it :P

  • 2 months later...

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