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[APP] WinUAE Loader v1.78


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I've been contacted recently about this issue and it seems the command line options for newer versions of WinUAE have changed. I have made an update, but have not had the time to test it. If you could get back to me and let me know if it works?

The new version is on my website (v1.71). Let me know how you go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using your program with emu control center (ecc).

Like I mentioned before, I got whdload games to run within ecc using WinUAE Loader, but because ecc is crc32 based I am having problems.

The way ecc works is that you have to add metainfo and images individually to each game (each having a unique crc32 value).

Eventually I would like to complete metainfo (as an eccdat)and images (as an imagepack) for all whdload games and share these with other users.

But for other users to use my eccdat and imagepack, their whdload games must have the same crc32 values as mine.

we have compared the same games (#-A so far)and while most match, some do not.

So I was wondering, if the games were unzipped they may have the same crc? Am I even right about this?

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So I was wondering, if the games were unzipped they may have the same crc? Am I even right about this?

You're correct but most people will want to have their games zipped. The way around this would be to use TorrentZip which will ensure that all games have a matching CRC value, or make sure everyone uses KillerGorilla's zipped set and then the CRC will always match then too.

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we are using the same zipped sets downloaded from KillerGorilla's site, but a few of the crc's do not match!

For example:

User A

DF5D0C0D -----AdventureConstructionSet_v1.0_0904

3BA34984 -----AlienSyndrome_v1.0

B36F564A -----Alpha1_v1.0_1921

0D390483 -----AmigaKarate_v2.0_0045

My Set

78066D4E -----AdventureConstructionSet_v1.0_0904

1DDC2DC4 -----AlienSyndrome_v1.0

5946AF8B -----Alpha1_v1.0_1921

73DFF7B1 -----AmigaKarate_v2.0_0045

Both of us tried torrentzip too but same result.

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It's impossible to TorrentZip the same file and it not have the same CRC. It creates the exact same file and that is why it's used for resuming torrents. And if two people download the same file from the same website, how can the CRC be different? Unless they have been rezipped and reuploaded. If you both go to the website now and download the same file.. hang on a sec. I think I know what is happening here. The KillerGorilla sets are in packs and zipped up. To use TorrentZip you would need to uzip all the packs then run TorrentZip on the set, it will unzip then rezip them all. Then the crc's should definately match. I'm guessing if your using different unzip apps it might cause a different crc. Try downloading the same version of 7Zip and unzip them and see if the crc's match. If not run TorrentZip on them.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi! I am currently testing GameEX with the WinUAE Loader 1.72.

I followed all steps ( copying the .mdb and the .ini files) as described on your website headsoft.com.au but I can't see the Roms (WHL or Gamebase ADFs) with GameEX under Emulators.

I can launch the games (Gamebase or WHL) with WinUAE Loader ( with Rom Testing Tool).

I configured GameEX with the Setup Wizard to add the [PC] Commodore Amiga (DemoBase)and the [PC] Commodore Amiga (WHDLoad) but same problem. -> No roms showing.

BUT If I add a rom for example "Alien World.zip" to the default gameEx (winUAE) folder "c:\emulators\Commodore Amiga\Roms\" the rom appears in GameEX. So there's a problem with the WinUAE Loader... I verified the paths and they are correct.

any idea?

Sorry for my English.

EDIT: Ok I figured it out! I forgot to click on "MAP files" ;) Don't know what exactly it does... Does this uPdates a ini file somewhere?

Edited by bb_neo
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  • 1 month later...

To anyone that has a problem like this...

I've worked out why one game wasn't showing up in winuaeloader (and therefore gameex), I really wanted to play it (even tho I have it in my real amiga... but thats in the bedroom, knowmsayn :wub: .

Check the WinUAELoader\Data\WHDLoad.xml file for mismatches with the file in your WHDLoad games folder, in my case it was just a single digit causing all the problems - not a typo from headkaze (who rules, btw), but a more recent update from the WHDLoad team. I used Wordpad.

In my case the line:

  <Game Name="Slam Tilt - The Pinball Game (AGA)" FileName="WHDLoad\SlamTilt_v3.4_AGA_1151.zip" ScrnshotFilename="S/Slam_Tilt_-_The_Pinball_Game_(AGA).png"ETC ETC

needed to be changed to:

  <Game Name="Slam Tilt - The Pinball Game (AGA)" FileName="WHDLoad\SlamTilt_v3.5_AGA_1151.zip" ScrnshotFilename="S/Slam_Tilt_-_The_Pinball_Game_(AGA).png"AND SO ON AND SO FORTH

So if one of your favorites goes missing, that's worth checking.

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  • 1 year later...

WinUAE Loader v1.76 Released

- Fixed bug in artwork converter and artwork may not be in subfolders

- Added support for editing the .uae files

- Enable & Disable Input and Display options

- New option under Config tab to disable uae config overwriting

- New "-mode auto" command line option for detecting the type of game

Since some people were having problems with WinUAE Loader overwriting configs. Now you can set up configs using WinUAE and not overwrite them. Also with the new "-mode auto" it can detect which set the game is from so you can combine all your Amiga stuff into a single emulator.

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  • 1 month later...

headkaze does demobase still work with WinUAE Loader v1.76 ? can't seam to get the demos to work i have all the games working fine ... WinUAE Loader v1.76 cant see any demos if i click demobase run rom under tools menu 0 of 14024 ps should the demos be ziped or unziped, iam running demobase 1

thank you

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anybody home :rolleyes:

It should work. Do you have your DemoBase path set correctly?

Unfortunately the drive I use to test these things keeps disconnecting itself. I don't know if it's the removable SATA tray or power supply or what. Whatever it is I can't afford to repace it ATM.

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Check the DemoBase.xml. You will see entries like..


You don't need them in folders like that (it should work if they are though) but the names need to match those in the database. So in your Demos folder you should have files like TNC-MetroParty.zip, 1Week - Contraz.zip, MD-1yearBirthday.zip, TNM-10EarthBobs.zip and so on.

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the xml looks like <?xml version="1.0"?>

-<DemoBase NumGames="18010" Version="2.5"> <Game UAEConfig="kickstart_rom=v1.3|nr_floppies=1|floppy0type=0|floppy1type=-1|floppy2type=-1|floppy3type=-1|immediate_blits=true|ntsc=false|chipset=ECS|collision_level=playfields|fastmem_size=0|bogomem_size=0|chipmem_size=1|cpu_speed=real|cpu_type=68000|cpu_compatible=false|cpu_cycle_exact=true|blitter_cycle_exact=false" NumDisks="0" PalNTSC="1" UseMouse="True" ScrnshotFilename="tnc-metroparty_001.png" FileName="TNC\TNC-MetroParty.zip" Name="?????"/> <Game UAEConfig="" NumDisks="0" PalNTSC="1" UseMouse="True" ScrnshotFilename="" FileName="" Name="007 Firma Intros And Demos"/> <Game UAEConfig="kickstart_rom=v3.1|nr_floppies=0|floppy0type=-1|floppy1type=-1|floppy2type=-1|floppy3type=-this

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i don't know why but the demos folder is only about 200 meg so downloading amiga demobase v2 from here http://www.gamebase64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4661&sid=1acdd52bd11b3c358e043f783737b2d3 it's about 6.5 gig has winuaeloader been updated to amiga demobase v2 ?

ok just got demobase v2 working the only thing is winuaeloader still only see 14024 there is 2,433 in Amiga Demobase v.2

edit was using Amiga Demobase.mdb v.1 by mistake

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