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[APP] CPWizard v2.35


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Just happened to me from within GameEx as well. Played a game of Super Bishi Baski (Korean version) then went to look at the controls for Frogger from the GameEx hook to CPWizard (i.e. didn't launch the game). Excerpt is this:-

5/01/2009 9:12:40 PM: OnMameStart (MameManager) -> OnMameStart
5/01/2009 9:12:40 PM: OnMameStart (MameManager) -> GameName: sbishi
5/01/2009 9:18:59 PM: OnMameStop (MameManager) -> OnMameStop
5/01/2009 9:18:59 PM: OnMameStop (MameManager) -> Success
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> ShowScreen: Layout (Display Mode) False (Layout Override) False (Exit To Menu) False (Dynamic Load)
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Mame Mode
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Getting Game Details
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout Form
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> frmLayout hWnd: 0x6423340
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Foreground hWnd: 0x0
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Failed! Foreground hWnd: 0x0
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Display Mode is Layout
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Hiding Main Menu
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Resetting Menu
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Setting Exit To Menu False
5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout
5/01/2009 9:20:57 PM: CPForm_FormClosing (frmLayout) -> Closing

Again we see this?

5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Foreground hWnd: 0x0

5/01/2009 9:20:54 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Failed! Foreground hWnd: 0x0

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Any other data/files (mame.ini?) I can provide or switches I can attempt to flop to find a resolution to this "hidden behind other windows" I seem to be suffering from. In the meantime, I've upgraded (compiled using your excellent app) to Mame 0.129 with MKCHamp's hiscore diff just to see if that made a difference. Nope... although I seem to continue to mostly have success displaying the control panel within GameEx but not from when pausing the game in MAME (that is to say that the panel seems to ever-so-quickly flick up then possibly show the CPmenu and then get hidden behind the mame pause screen).

Totally dumb question possibly slightly related...do I need to apply your bezel patch? It seems to me that I may only need this if I wish to display a pre-stored CP image as one of the MAME control options? Is this true? If so, then that doesn't totally interest me since I like the dynamic appeal of CPWizard displaying the controls according to my current mapping and I wouldn't have to generate (and remember to regenerate when necessary) the CP images. Just mention it in case that's the difference I have to other people's setups.

In mame I use d3d instead of ddraw... would that have an effect for CPWizard? (I use that so as to get the nice resolution artwork overlays on games and clear, crisp mame menus that I don't get if I use ddraw).

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Wombat: I do want to get this problem solved trust me. I have a method which is supposed to force a window into the foreground but it's failing for you. Why? I'm not really sure yet.

One thing I haven't tried is to attempt to bring it to foreground 3 times or something then on the 3rd failed attempt to bring Mame back to the foreground. At least it will allow you get back control.

Another option you have is to export bezels. That creates a bezel for each game and with the bezel patch you can pause Mame and it will display your CP. You don't even need CPWizard running to use this option. A few people have opted to go this way. But yes it's annoying to have to generate them each time you change something around.

It should work fine with d3d although I must admit most of my testing is in ddraw mode. I will do some testing in d3d mode and see if I can get the problem to occur here. If I can replicate the problem it's so much easier to fix it. That has always been my main problem with this "bug" is not being able to replicate it.

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I was having a problem like this when I had an option enabled in CPWizard. I don't remember which one it was, but it was bezel related as I recall. I'll think about it and post the option if I recall (it was something HK suggested earlier in this thread AFAIK).

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That works too, but there's no reason you couldn't edit the cpwizard.ini file as Tempest suggested to see if it works. If not, then HK would need to help. If it does work, then we know what HK needs to do to make things work better. Either way...

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Well, I don't use a mouse on my cabinet, so I never checked. All I was saying is that he could try manually entering what you posted in CPWizard.ini. I've edited my ini before to get all inputs to exit rather than just one button and it worked fine. I probably could have done the same thing inside the setup app, but I wanted to do it the other way. Anyway, whatever works...

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Well, maybe I'm off track. I don't know about exiting, I assumed he just wanted to assign a mousecode to a label...

Is there away to assign (mouse) button presses? For my trackball I have a U-Trak which uses the 3 mouse buttons instead of key presses.
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Well, maybe I'm off track. I don't know about exiting, I assumed he just wanted to assign a mousecode to a label...

Tempest... You are correct but as I said when I tried that drop down box, mouse codes where not present, just kycodes. This I tried on my work PC and I may not have the latest version install there so I will update today and see if anything changes.


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Double-click where it says keycode, and it will activate the drop down list.

I just updated to the newest version and that is what I am doing but everything in that is in that pull down box says "keycode", there is no mouse inputs. I am taking it that you have mouse codes in yours?

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Version 2.1 Released

- Analog inputs now supported. Mame ROM name now lower case. Added Show Retry. Improved Show/Hide

Really important update. I hope I've fixed the show problem for good now. There is a new "Show Retry" option which will attempt to show CPW a number of times if it fails but I don't think I needed to add that in the end. Please let me know if you are still having problems with CPW not showing.

Analog inputs are now supported. I had to do a few changes to implement this but it seems to work well. You have to use the digital input labels in CPW and it will map the analog codes to digital codes.

When the ROM named is passed via command line it now forces it to lower case.

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Thanks for the update!

Just curious if this update fixes the problem I'm having where images from subdirectories don't save the directory name in the xml file? The problem I was having was experienced when you try to add/change an image path. If you select an image in the controllers or logos directory for example, CPWizard only fills in the name of the file. It doesn't also add the subdirectory name as well. So instead of "controllers/Nintendo 64.png" the field is filled with "Nintendo 64.png" and since this file doesn't exist in the root directory, the image doesn't display. I can manually edit the xml file for that layout and add the path back in and things work fine.

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