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[APP] CPWizard v2.35


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I think you misread my post??? I didn't mention GameEx.ini...

I'll post a pic of the panel the cpwizard outputs if you want me too.

Sure okay, but all I do is trace back the keycodes from std.ini, the problem is almost always related to key mappings. But happy to have a look. Let me know what your suspicions on the cause too.

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Well it would seem 1.96 fix my issues. I tested it off and on through out the weekend and so far, so good but everytime I think I have it fixed before... Well... I am hoping for the best but I think you may have got it this time. :D:D:D

Any idea what fixed it?

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Well it would seem 1.96 fix my issues. I tested it off and on through out the weekend and so far, so good but everytime I think I have it fixed before... Well... I am hoping for the best but I think you may have got it this time. :D:D:D

Any idea what fixed it?

It was a very simple fix then. The windows that show while loading were set to TopMost. Then the CPWizard menu is supposed to appear OnTop of that but I didn't set the loading windows TopMost to false first. Keep testing if you can as I'm happier to have the loading windows working than people having to turn them off in Display options.

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Let me know what your suspicions on the cause too.

My guess would be user error... :P

I'm not saying I'm right, I'm saying I don't get it. I started Mame, Tabbed to Input (General) and checked P1-P8 Controls, looking for any instances of Up/down/left/right, and didn't find any. In the default Mame controls, I know that they have

Up/down/left/right for some of the Analog Inc/Dec, but I have changed all of mine to "Q" (an unused letter) That wouldn't cause this would it?

If I need to troubleshoot this in a different way, let me know (Please!)



As I said before, If I delete the joystick reference out of colors.ini, it doesn't happen...

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I'm not 100% sure on this but is there away to make it so when you exit CPWiz it unpause your game in Mame? I thought this was an option in a prior version but maybe I am incorrect...???


You need to apply the bezel_0127.diff patch available from the website. This will enable you to unpause Mame upon exiting. It should work with newer versions of Mame as well.

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You need to apply the bezel_0127.diff patch available from the website. This will enable you to unpause Mame upon exiting. It should work with newer versions of Mame as well.

Ok thanks. I know that is not how I had it working before but then again it never really worked right up until now either. :P

Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't there a way to enter the pause key in the list where you can program keys under the options or setup menu? I know I had it working some other way other than applying that patch. I guess either way I have my answer.

Thanks Again. I have been testing it a fair amount, still working great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a little problem with v1.96 (although it probably has been there for a while...unless it's just me). I have my MAME setup working great, but when I try to create a setup for an emulator, I'm having a problem. I start out with a new layout and select "Add Image". I right click and select "properties" and it brings up the window and the new image is selected. I select the "..." to pick the image and navigate to it (in this case "C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Media\Controllers'\Nintendo 64.png") and click "open". The filename is put in the Name box ("Nintendo 64.png"), but the image doesn't show up. When I look at the included N64 layout, the Name box shows "Controllers\Nintendo 64.png" and the image shows up. I'm not able to manually include the "Controllers\" part. The only thing I can really do is manually edit the xml file and then reopen.

Also, I'm probably missing something obvious, but how do I lock the aspect ratio of images so they don't get skewed?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Only just downloaded the latest version of CPWizard (2.04) here at work so I'll install tonight but what I'm about to say applies to my version (2.02) and I have been experiencing this for a while through the past few revisions.

1) Mainly the problem I seem to be having is that sometimes the CPWizard panel doesn't show.... i.e. most of the time when using 'Display Controls' under GameEx then the CPWizard view displays fine as it also does just after I press the appropriate button to launch a MAME game. However every so often the display doesn't show leaving me with effectively a blank (black) screen. Pressing the CPWizard back button allows me to progress to the game itself (as it would if it had showed). Similarly this happens when I'm in the game as well (pausing the MAME game usually displays the CPviewer screen and again I can press the exit CPviewer button to exit that and then, when I'm ready, depress P again to unpause MAME). It's like the window is hidden below somehow (such as described a few pages back) although the CPWizard log doesn't seem to show anything unusual occurring.

Please note that this doesn't have to occur when switching games... if I try to display the Galaga controls say 10 times in a row, sometimes one or more of them may "fail" to show.

I'm not sure what to post (perhaps from a verbose log) to allow Headkaze to track the "problem" if indeed one exists. I do say "problem" in quotes though because I am unsure about what exactly some of the CPWizard options do. There's a page with about 8 or so checkable options (god, it's hard trying to explain something from memory ;o) ) like "Display Loading Screens" and "Use MAME Output System" that I'm really unsure if I should be using them (and when I uncheck or check some of them I usually don't see what effect they actually have) or not and whether they affect my problem.

I have CPWizard set to start when GameEx starts and it sits in the system tray quite happily, mostly doing its thing when called upon.

2) As a side question I have the option set in CPWizard to ONLY display the control panel. To my mind this looks cleaner for use prior to game launch HOWEVER I wouldn't mind if CPWizard only displayed the control panel either on pre-launch of the game or when called from the appropriate menu option from within GameEX and exit completely when I press the back button in these cases. However when within the game I would prefer it upon pause to throw up the control panel but when I press the back button (or perhaps some other alternate button) place me in the CPWizard menu structure so I can view the extra information like MAME revision notes, extended control.dat information etc.

3) One other problem I have is that I have also enabled the very excellent Ultrastik 360 plugin (also by Headkaze I believe) that changes maps to 4-way, 8-way, mouse etc. as appropriate for each MAME game. My problem usually arises when I play two-way horizontal games like Galaga, Moon Patrol, Circus Charlie etc..... if I pause the game to bring up CPWizard or I use TAB to get to the MAME configurations I cannot navigate the menus therein unless I pull out my USB-connected keyboard to use the arrows keys on it to navigate around (since the U360 remaps effectively takes away my vertical joystick axis)... any thoughts on a way around this so that in a MAME pause state, the full joystick directions are temporarily re-enabled until an exit from pause? This "limitation" is probably another good reason why I currently only display the Control Panel upon pause and not all the other goodies CPWizard offers.

4) And a final question, not specifically about CPWizard, but I notice a recent release of CPWizard came with HiToText... my probably dumb question is this.... do I have to maintain this separately or will it always be a part of the CPWizard installation? Is there a separate version for GameEx and do I need to maintain that as well? And quite a few of my games (Donkey Kong, Galaga) still show the top rank (me!!!! yay! I still got it!) as being rank 0 instead of rank 1 and I'm a little unclear whether the onus is on me to download and install (or manually edit something) to correct this or this will be "fixed" by a new version of HiToText either by my own hand or an update of CPWizard/GameEx.

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1) I really thought I had solved this problem for good. I've spent alot of time trying to figure out why it doesn't sometimes show for some people. I guess I'll need to look into it a bit more. Posting a verbose log might help after it does fail to show.

2) You can do this, there is an option called "Exit to Menu". So you can view the CP only but exit back to the menu if you like.

3) Yes I've heard of this problem before. I have an idea on how to fix this actually. I could simply have the plugin set the U360's to 8way when Mame is paused or integrate the plugin directly into CPWizard.

4) I will try and keep up with HiToText releases myself but you can open CPWizard.ini and change the location of the HiToText.exe that way you can have it point to the one in the GameEx folder. I'm not sure if Tom will keep up with releases. As for the rank showing 0 instead of 1 I don't know if that's intentional or not. You can either post a question in the HiToText thread on this forum or the one on BYOAC and I'm sure Firecrypts will answer that for you.

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1) I really thought I had solved this problem for good. I've spent alot of time trying to figure out why it doesn't sometimes show for some people. I guess I'll need to look into it a bit more. Posting a verbose log might help after it does fail to show.

Will set verbose logging on tonight after the 2.04 install and try to display Galaga controls until it fails and post log from there.

2) You can do this, there is an option called "Exit to Menu". So you can view the CP only but exit back to the menu if you like.

Just so I'm clear... I can have one button set so that a total return to GameEx/Mame is possible (and that's the one I'll tell people about) but then set another one to return to menu so I can view additional info if required? Or only one is set so that pressing that either returns to the menu or not... For the record I have P set to pause MAME (and display CPWizard) and I have joystick button 5 exit CPWizard (but not unpause MAME) and then I unpause MAME by pressing P again (allows me to reaquaint myself with the game so I don't immediately die).

3) Yes I've heard of this problem before. I have an idea on how to fix this actually. I could simply have the plugin set the U360's to 8way when Mame is paused or integrate the plugin directly into CPWizard.

And then back to the original state upon unpause I assume. Yay!... I look forward to that and packing my keyboard away a little deeper into the box.

4) I will try and keep up with HiToText releases myself but you can open CPWizard.ini and change the location of the HiToText.exe that way you can have it point to the one in the GameEx folder. I'm not sure if Tom will keep up with releases. As for the rank showing 0 instead of 1 I don't know if that's intentional or not. You can either post a question in the HiToText thread on this forum or the one on BYOAC and I'm sure Firecrypts will answer that for you.

Will do... I think I downloaded FireCrypt's latest HiToText today as well so I'll check that out tonight as well.... I just assumed (since you and he talked about its front-end incorporation post some other discussion about rank 0) that he'd put in and you'd incorporated the latest version into CPWizard that may correct this.

5) If I can be so bold, the page with the 8 or so options I refer to in my original question... from past conversations I've had with you I feel you may have a similar setup to mine... what should they, or rather... what do YOU have them set to? Forgive me if these options are buried in documentation somewhere but I'm a programmer too (albeit on a dinosaur mainframe - Adelaide, South Oz... I believe you're an Aussie too?) and documentation is the last thing I enjoy doing too. I remember someone (Tempest?) offering to do CPWizard documentation at one point (which a fair while back, with a few responses from yourself as well, allowed me to get up and running) but I haven't checked lately if it describes these features.... i.e. what does "Hide Desktop" under CPWizard actually do? (I don't notice any visible difference checked or unchecked on my system but then I have a plain black background with only a few icons on it)

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Okay...if it helps here's my CPWizard.ini file for my initial test. Whilst I'm here, I have another question about HiToText... there's one in the GameEx directory and one in the CPWizard directory. I'm assuming I can get rid of one of them but I can't find where in CPWizard to point to the version in the GameEx directory... and of course, HiToText won't work otherwise if I don't leave a version in the CPWizard directory... is there a setting I can place in CPWizard.ini to point to the GameEx location?


GhostScriptExe=C:\Program Files\gs\gs\bin\gswin32c.exe
ControlsDat=5/01/2008 2:38:54 AM
ColorsIni=12/11/2007 6:14:28 AM
Mame=9/09/2008 11:56:47 AM
HallOfFame=1/01/2009 1:45:42 AM
CatVer=23/12/2008 8:34:50 AM
NPlayers=17/10/2008 1:47:36 PM
ControlsDat=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\controls.xml
ColorsIni=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\colors.ini
CatVer=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\catver.ini
NPlayers=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\nplayers.ini
ListInfo=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\ListInfo.xml
MiniInfo=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\MiniInfo.xml
CommandDat=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\Command.dat
HistoryDat=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\History.dat
MameInfoDat=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\MameInfo.dat
HallOfFame=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\HallOfFame.xml
StoryDat=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\Story.dat
StdIni=C:\Program Files\CPWizard\Data\Std.ini

Here's the verbose log of my first run... note that I displayed the control panel from the GameEx menu screen - no problems. I then launched the game (galaga) and again the CPWizard screen display no problems. However once inside the game I press P for Pause and ever-so-briefly I believe I see the CPWizard display flash before my eyes but then I am left looking at a blank/black screen. When I unpasue i can continue my game but press pause again and the same thing happens. Please note I am on MAME 0.127 (I'll upgrade to the stable version of 0.129 when that comes out soon after I update all the damn roms that will likely change again including my NEO GEO favourites) if that plays into this at all.

5/01/2009 6:40:16 PM: CPWizard v2.04
5/01/2009 6:40:16 PM: OS: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
5/01/2009 6:40:16 PM: Version: 5.1.2600
5/01/2009 6:40:16 PM: Build: 2600
5/01/2009 6:40:16 PM: RAM Total: 3072 MB
5/01/2009 6:40:16 PM: RAM Used: 438 MB
5/01/2009 6:40:17 PM: CPU: Intel® Core(tm)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz
5/01/2009 6:40:17 PM: Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
5/01/2009 6:40:17 PM: Video Driver:
5/01/2009 6:40:17 PM: Video RAM: 512 MB
5/01/2009 6:40:17 PM: Sound Card: Realtek High Definition Audio
5/01/2009 6:40:17 PM: .NET: .NET Framework 2.0 Installed
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing InterComm Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Cmd Line Watcher
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Starting InterComm Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Display Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Program Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Reading Config
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Main Menu
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Layout Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Controls Data
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Input Codes
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Layout Maps
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Game Info
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing History Dat
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing MameInfo Dat
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Command Dat
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Story Dat
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing HiToText
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Artwork Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Mame Manuals
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Emulator Manuals
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Emulator OpCard
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing NFO Viewer
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing IRC
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing SendKeys
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Mame Interop
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Mame Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Emulator Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Keyboard Hook
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Direct Input
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Joystick 1: Ultimarc Ultra-Stik Player 1
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Joystick 2: Ultimarc Ultra-Stik Player 2
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing MCE Remote
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Input Manager
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Profiles
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Bezel
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Reading Mame Data
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Reading MiniInfo Xml
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Mame Version 0.127
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Reading Mame Ini
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Mame Cfg
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Initializing Mame Command Line
5/01/2009 6:40:18 PM: Reading History Dat
5/01/2009 6:40:19 PM: Reading MameInfo Dat
5/01/2009 6:40:19 PM: Reading Command Dat
5/01/2009 6:40:19 PM: Reading All Mame Cfg's
5/01/2009 6:40:19 PM: Reading Mame Ctrlr File
5/01/2009 6:40:19 PM: Creating MainBitmap
5/01/2009 6:40:19 PM: Starting Mame Interop
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> ShowScreen: Layout (Display Mode) False (Layout Override) False (Exit To Menu) False (Dynamic Load)
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Mame Mode
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Getting Game Details
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout Form
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> frmLayout hWnd: 0x328502
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Already Foreground hWnd: 0x328502
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Success! Foreground hWnd: 0x328502
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Display Mode is Layout
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Hiding Main Menu
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Resetting Menu
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Setting Exit To Menu False
5/01/2009 6:40:33 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout
5/01/2009 6:40:34 PM: CPForm_FormClosing (frmLayout) -> Closing
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> ShowScreen: Layout (Display Mode) False (Layout Override) False (Exit To Menu) False (Dynamic Load)
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Mame Mode
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Getting Game Details
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout Form
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> frmLayout hWnd: 0x262968
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Already Foreground hWnd: 0x262968
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Success! Foreground hWnd: 0x262968
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Display Mode is Layout
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Hiding Main Menu
5/01/2009 6:40:41 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Resetting Menu
5/01/2009 6:40:42 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Setting Exit To Menu False
5/01/2009 6:40:42 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout
5/01/2009 6:40:43 PM: CPForm_FormClosing (frmLayout) -> Closing
5/01/2009 6:40:44 PM: OnMameStart (MameManager) -> OnMameStart
5/01/2009 6:40:44 PM: OnMameStart (MameManager) -> GameName: galaga
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: OnMamePaused (MameManager) -> OnMamePaused
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: OnMamePaused (MameManager) -> Showing Mame
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Show
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Mame Running
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Searching for Mame
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Mame Running hWnd: 0x328504
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Window Rect: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1200}
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Command Line: mame.exe galaga -rompath "C:\mame\roms" -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Game Found: galaga
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Getting Game Details
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Sending Pause Key
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: PauseMame (MameManager) -> Sending Pause State to Mame
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Taking Screenshot
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Minimizing Mame
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: MinimizeMame (MameManager) -> Minimizing Mame hWnd: 0x328504
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout Form
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> frmLayout hWnd: 0x131874
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Foreground hWnd: 0x0
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Failed! Foreground hWnd: 0x0
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Show CP Only is True
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Exit To Menu is True
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Display Mode is Layout
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Hiding Main Menu
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Resetting Menu
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Setting Exit To Menu True
5/01/2009 6:40:54 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout
5/01/2009 6:41:02 PM: CPForm_FormClosing (frmLayout) -> Closing
5/01/2009 6:41:02 PM: RestoreMame (MameManager) -> Restoring Mame hWnd: 0x328504
5/01/2009 6:41:02 PM: UnPauseMame (MameManager) -> Sending UnPause State to Mame
5/01/2009 6:41:04 PM: OnMameUnPaused (MameManager) -> OnMameUnPaused
5/01/2009 6:41:09 PM: OnMameOutput (MameManager) -> OnMameOutput: led1,0
5/01/2009 6:41:09 PM: OnMameOutput (MameManager) -> OnMameOutput: led0,0
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: OnMamePaused (MameManager) -> OnMamePaused
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: OnMamePaused (MameManager) -> Showing Mame
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Show
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Mame Running
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Searching for Mame
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Mame Running hWnd: 0x328504
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Window Rect: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1200}
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Command Line: mame.exe galaga -rompath "C:\mame\roms" -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Game Found: galaga
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Getting Game Details
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Sending Pause Key
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: PauseMame (MameManager) -> Sending Pause State to Mame
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Taking Screenshot
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Minimizing Mame
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: MinimizeMame (MameManager) -> Minimizing Mame hWnd: 0x328504
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout Form
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> frmLayout hWnd: 0x1638630
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Foreground hWnd: 0x1638630
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Success! Foreground hWnd: 0x1638630
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Show CP Only is True
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Exit To Menu is True
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Display Mode is Layout
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Hiding Main Menu
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Resetting Menu
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Setting Exit To Menu True
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: CPForm_FormClosing (frmLayout) -> Closing
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: RestoreMame (MameManager) -> Restoring Mame hWnd: 0x328504
5/01/2009 6:41:11 PM: UnPauseMame (MameManager) -> Sending UnPause State to Mame
5/01/2009 6:42:09 PM: OnMameUnPaused (MameManager) -> OnMameUnPaused
5/01/2009 6:42:10 PM: OnMameStop (MameManager) -> OnMameStop
5/01/2009 6:42:10 PM: OnMameStop (MameManager) -> Success

I tried again with Moon Patrol i.e. displayed fine before the game commenced but when using pause within MAME, I very briefly saw my control panel shot before again being presented with the black screen until I hit pause again just to be returned to my game. However this time the log does have a line "in error"

5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Failed! Foreground hWnd: 0x0

5/01/2009 7:28:04 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> ShowScreen: Layout (Display Mode) False (Layout Override) False (Exit To Menu) False (Dynamic Load)
5/01/2009 7:28:04 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Mame Mode
5/01/2009 7:28:04 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Getting Game Details
5/01/2009 7:28:04 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout Form
5/01/2009 7:28:04 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> frmLayout hWnd: 0x590700
5/01/2009 7:28:05 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Foreground hWnd: 0x590700
5/01/2009 7:28:05 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Success! Foreground hWnd: 0x590700
5/01/2009 7:28:05 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Display Mode is Layout
5/01/2009 7:28:05 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Hiding Main Menu
5/01/2009 7:28:05 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Resetting Menu
5/01/2009 7:28:05 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Setting Exit To Menu False
5/01/2009 7:28:05 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout
5/01/2009 7:28:06 PM: CPForm_FormClosing (frmLayout) -> Closing
5/01/2009 7:28:07 PM: OnMameStart (MameManager) -> OnMameStart
5/01/2009 7:28:07 PM: OnMameStart (MameManager) -> GameName: mpatrol
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: OnMamePaused (MameManager) -> OnMamePaused
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: OnMamePaused (MameManager) -> Showing Mame
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Show
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Mame Running
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Searching for Mame
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Mame Running hWnd: 0x656236
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Window Rect: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1200}
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: FindMame (MameManager) -> Command Line: mame.exe mpatrol -rompath "C:\mame\roms" -nowindow -joy -skip_gameinfo
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Game Found: mpatrol
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Getting Game Details
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Sending Pause Key
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: PauseMame (MameManager) -> Sending Pause State to Mame
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Taking Screenshot
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Minimizing Mame
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: MinimizeMame (MameManager) -> Minimizing Mame hWnd: 0x656236
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout Form
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> frmLayout hWnd: 0x328796
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: ForceForegroundWindow (HideDesktop) -> Foreground hWnd: 0x0
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (frmLayout) -> Failed! Foreground hWnd: 0x0
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Show CP Only is True
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Exit To Menu is True
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: Show (ProgramManager) -> Display Mode is Layout
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Hiding Main Menu
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Resetting Menu
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Setting Exit To Menu True
5/01/2009 7:28:10 PM: ShowScreen (ProgramManager) -> Showing Layout
5/01/2009 7:28:20 PM: CPForm_FormClosing (frmLayout) -> Closing
5/01/2009 7:28:20 PM: RestoreMame (MameManager) -> Restoring Mame hWnd: 0x656236
5/01/2009 7:28:20 PM: UnPauseMame (MameManager) -> Sending UnPause State to Mame
5/01/2009 7:28:25 PM: OnMameUnPaused (MameManager) -> OnMameUnPaused
5/01/2009 7:28:27 PM: OnMameStop (MameManager) -> OnMameStop
5/01/2009 7:28:27 PM: OnMameStop (MameManager) -> Success

P.S. I see what you mean about the exit to menu keys etc... that works flawlessly so far in CPWizard's preview mode but sadly I can't get to it within MAME/GameEx yet as per the above.

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