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I don't know about mightypeniz or others, but I take offense when someone uses our toys, then follows up with a comment like that.

heh, yeah certainly didn't do himself any favours there. As to whichever frontend he uses, to each his own - everyone has their favourites (there'll always been fanbois).. but to denigrate GE in the very post in which he finds a solution to his problem courtesy of the GE community...yeesh. all I can think of is that he's trying to ingratiate himself to the MA community by doing it, lest they accuse him of being a frontend traitor (....).

Don't lose any sleep over people like this, the world has a good supply of them. Ban them; put a http redirect to farmsex.com in their "login successful" page; moderate accordingly; but don't lose any sleep over them.

Now I just need for more GE users to get benefits from this wrapper, so it doesn't feel like I wrote it just for that guy!


I agree fully what Mighty wrote. Bingham is of course a "fan" of the MA frontend, but I see he's very gentle here, he thanked much for the effort of this community, and of course he keeps on being a "fan" of MA. Don't blame on him: each of us has the right to like a frontend or another... let's all be friends! :)

... besides, we all know Maximus Arcade is only used by homose^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H


note to mods: just delete this post, haha.


Many thanks for your great work Brett, tested it there in Windows at work can't wait to get it setup in my cab when I get home

Thanks again



The funny thing is that I was going to try MA before I went with GameEx. The reason I didn't was because they require you to buy it before you can see if you like it. I said NOPE, and moved on. Same cost there and here, just refuse to shell out before I even know if I like it. And, for the most part, they looked very similar feature and user interfacewise.

Either way, from what I've read anyway, both are great front ends. I'm just suprised someone would ask for help and then cut down the community that helped. Oh well...


Id thought Id chime in and raise my post count by one more click.

I see in headkaze's reply there is a comment about MA being far superior.. But in the post I didnt see that at all. Was it edited?!?

***EDIT*** I see it now.... Its on his post over at MA.... Very un-needed

I personally find that to be a cheap comment and very un-needed... Especially when they came here for the fix.

But hey what ever make them sleep well at night....


I am downloading the wrapper tonight..

Thanks alot

Brian Hoffman

The funny thing is that I was going to try MA before I went with GameEx. The reason I didn't was because they require you to buy it before you can see if you like it. I said NOPE, and moved on. Same cost there and here, just refuse to shell out before I even know if I like it. And, for the most part, they looked very similar feature and user interfacewise.

Either way, from what I've read anyway, both are great front ends. I'm just suprised someone would ask for help and then cut down the community that helped. Oh well...

Ill admit it.. I used MA for a week before I figured out It couldnt do everything I needed... And wasnt as flexable.

Then I found gameex and never looked back.

I found gameex through mameworld.net

Ill admit it.. I used MA for a week before I figured out It couldnt do everything I needed... And wasnt as flexable.

Then I found gameex and never looked back.

I found gameex through mameworld.net

Admittedly, i checked it out after i read HK's reply (have to be opened minded - i never heard of it before myself) but needless to say i'm sticking with my guns. Didn't see that comment in any of his posts though.

BTW GameEX 8.89 is released !



Just noticed a problem, the wrapper isn't very compatible at 640x480 :(

My arcade monitor has a max resolution of 640x480 so I can raise it, some games work fine but others are having problems like Donkey Kong (and probably the other multiscreens) selects the sound ok but when it tries to click the case to open the game it misses and clicks above it

Donkey Kong Jr. (Panorama Screen) starts ok but when you press 1 to select Game A it clicks the start menu :) the game really needs to be moved up the screen a bit before the Game buttons can be clicked


Just noticed a problem, the wrapper isn't very compatible at 640x480 :(

My arcade monitor has a max resolution of 640x480 so I can raise it, some games work fine but others are having problems like Donkey Kong (and probably the other multiscreens) selects the sound ok but when it tries to click the case to open the game it misses and clicks above it

Donkey Kong Jr. (Panorama Screen) starts ok but when you press 1 to select Game A it clicks the start menu :) the game really needs to be moved up the screen a bit before the Game buttons can be clicked


Argh.. good point. I only tested this on my dodgy dual widescreen box, not on my GameEx machine. Thanks for the feedback, I'll correct the Donkey Kong Jr thing and see what can be done about the resolution issue.... with NoLogic's help, heheh :)


Okay going to go through this in steps...so you can see the difference in how to do things...or at least how I do things. :)


Func Dkongjrp()
WinWaitActive ("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama")
WinWait("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","")
If Not WinActive("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","") Then WinActivate("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","")
WinWaitActive("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","")
If Not WinActive("Form1","") Then WinActivate("Form1","")
While ProcessExists ("Dkongjrp.exe")
If _IsPressed("31", $dll) Then
If _IsPressed("32", $dll) Then
If _IsPressed("35", $dll) Then
If _IsPressed("20", $dll) Then

Thats 53 lines of code...that we are going to reduce by using the function "MouseClick" to trim it down to 36 lines. :)


; Make Global

Func Dkongjrp()
WinWaitActive ("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama")
WinWait("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","")
If Not WinActive("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","") Then WinActivate("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","")
WinWaitActive("About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama","")
MouseClick ( 'left' , 227 , 302 , 2 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 130 , 337 , 1 , 1 )
If Not WinActive("Form1","") Then WinActivate("Form1","")
MouseClick ( 'left' , 189 , 300 , 1 , 1 )
While ProcessExists ("Dkongjrp.exe")
If _IsPressed("31", $dll) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 217 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
If _IsPressed("32", $dll) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 256 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
If _IsPressed("35", $dll) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
If _IsPressed("20", $dll) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 295 , 506 , 1 , 1 )


Not sure if those are the same through out all the functions as of yet...but if they are...they should be posted once at the top of the script and left there...if there are changes from that, then only the option thats changed should be posted in the function...saves coding..and makes it easier to trouble shoot. :)


Next adding some comments, being more aggressive about how we handle windows by simplifying code, and doing the same for If\Then statements.

Func Dkongjrp()
; About Dialog
$title = "About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama"
If Not WinWaitActive ( $title , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate ( $title )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 227 , 302 , 2 , 1 )
Send ( "w" )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 130 , 337 , 1 , 1 )

; Game Window
If Not WinWaitActive ( "Form1" , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate ( "Form1" )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 189 , 300 , 1 , 1 )

While ProcessExists ( "Dkongjrp.exe" )
; 1 Key Pressed
If _IsPressed( "31" , $dll ) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 217 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
; 2 Key Pressed
If _IsPressed( "32" , $dll ) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 256 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
; 5 Key Pressed
If _IsPressed( "35" , $dll ) Then MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
; Spacebar Pressed
If _IsPressed( "20" , $dll ) Then MouseClick ( 'left' , 295 , 506 , 1 , 1 )


Now to really address whats likely the issue of this failing...past this its simply a matter of learning a bit more about how to make better use of AutoIt.

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) is likely the correct pick...however we are dealing with a skinned window...which is never good.

If Not WinWaitActive ( "Form1" , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate  ( "Form1" )

Would likely be a fine use for typical applications...that aren't skinned...but since we are...its far better to call upon its class name.

If Not WinWaitActive ( "[CLASS:TForm1]" , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate  ( "[CLASS:TForm1]" )

So current function should look like so:

Func Dkongjrp()
; About Dialog
$title = "About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama"
If Not WinWaitActive ( $title , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate ( $title )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 227 , 302 , 2 , 1 )
Send ( "w" )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 130 , 337 , 1 , 1 )

; Game Window
If Not WinWaitActive ( "[CLASS:TForm1]" , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate ( "[CLASS:TForm1]" )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 189 , 300 , 1 , 1 )

While ProcessExists ( "Dkongjrp.exe" )
; 1 Key Pressed - Game 1
If _IsPressed( "31" , $dll ) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 217 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
; 2 Key Pressed - Game 2
If _IsPressed( "32" , $dll ) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 256 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
; 5 Key Pressed - Reset Game
If _IsPressed( "35" , $dll ) Then MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
; Spacebar Pressed - View Current Time
If _IsPressed( "20" , $dll ) Then MouseClick ( 'left' , 295 , 506 , 1 , 1 )

Its not known that will solve the problem...but more than likely it will given my past experiences.


Now since I absolutely HATE SendKeys namely when they are being used blindly (blind=bad). We'll be making use of ControlCommand...which has a host of options that simply kick ass. :)

Blind SendKeys has broken more scripts than I care to recall...took a short while before it sank it...but when it did...it did hard. :)

If you have to send blind...then you have to...but if you can get around having to...by all means do so.

Now since I prefer to deal with actual controls rather than using MouseClicks...as its less error prone...and generally quicker....we'll make use of ControlClick simple fast & effective.

So now the "About" dialog has been changed to make use of these commands.

Func Dkongjrp()
; About Dialog
$title = "About Donkey Kong Jr. - Panorama"
If Not WinWaitActive ( $title , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate ( $title )
ControlCommand ( $title , '' , 'TComboBox1' , 'SelectString' , 'Windows MM' )
ControlClick ( $title , '' , 'TButton1' )

; Game Window
If Not WinWaitActive ( "[CLASS:TForm1]" , '' , 3 ) Then WinActivate ( "[CLASS:TForm1]" )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 189 , 300 , 1 , 1 )

While ProcessExists ( "Dkongjrp.exe" )
; 1 Key Pressed - Game 1
If _IsPressed( "31" , $dll ) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 217 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
; 2 Key Pressed - Game 2
If _IsPressed( "32" , $dll ) Then
MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
MouseClick ( 'left' , 256 , 498 , 1 , 1 )
; 5 Key Pressed - Reset Game
If _IsPressed( "35" , $dll ) Then MouseClick ( 'left' , 236 , 544 , 1 , 1 )
; Spacebar Pressed - View Current Time
If _IsPressed( "20" , $dll ) Then MouseClick ( 'left' , 295 , 506 , 1 , 1 )

Past this its more about design than making better use of stuff....so unless your interested in what may or may not be a better design plan...I'll leave things where they are at.


Okay I regex'ed the piss out of this, along with a few edits of my own to hopefully white space things out correctly.

Anyways line count went from 1761 down to 850...so a far amount of code savings.

Ideally everything should still work as it did...and hopefully better...but since I regex'ed this rather than crawling through it manually editing things...stuff could have gotten broken. So bang on it and see if anything is broken...if not please comment things as suggested prior, and fix up the "About" dialogs as suggested prior...after that we can further tweak things & maybe toy around with other design idea's if your interested.

Anyways over all you did a good job on it...past that its just a matter of lack of exposer to AutoIt...which hopefully we'll be making you a badass at it in a short while. :)


Man.. this must have taken a lot of time and work. What programming skills I have are limited really to DOS Batch's and basic. :) I was learning a little C code but became overwhelmed. The same is true with AutoIT. I can sit here, and read the lines of code on their own and understand how they all work. It's plain and simple, black and white. But to sit there, for instance, with a blank sheet of paper or notepad, and just start writing from nothing, has got to be a task. I wouldn't even know where to begin! I just wanted to say that, because even though I understand it, I couldn't write it. And I for one appreciate this effort, even though I haven't started on a Game & Watch section for my own GE.

Okay I regex'ed the piss out of this, along with a few edits of my own to hopefully white space things out correctly.

Anyways line count went from 1761 down to 850...so a far amount of code savings.

Ideally everything should still work as it did...and hopefully better...but since I regex'ed this rather than crawling through it manually editing things...stuff could have gotten broken. So bang on it and see if anything is broken...if not please comment things as suggested prior, and fix up the "About" dialogs as suggested prior...after that we can further tweak things & maybe toy around with other design idea's if your interested.

Anyways over all you did a good job on it...past that its just a matter of lack of exposer to AutoIt...which hopefully we'll be making you a badass at it in a short while. :)

MASTER! Teach me the ways!

Legendary effort, thanks mate. It was my first, so I was sure it could be improved 100% - I shall study your new code and learn for my next wrappers :)




Guys, I'm about to release a new handhelds simulators, and I'll also update 2 "older" ones.

The 3 games will be 100% compatible with any MAME cabinets, since they can be operated completely with keyboard (including browsing instructions manual and splash screens) :-)

I'll release them next monday, nov 12th, 2007, so stay tuned! :-)

Guys, I'm about to release a new handhelds simulators, and I'll also update 2 "older" ones.

The 3 games will be 100% compatible with any MAME cabinets, since they can be operated completely with keyboard (including browsing instructions manual and splash screens) :-)

I'll release them next monday, nov 12th, 2007, so stay tuned! :-)

i have a few old handhelds in my basement (tho i have no idea if they works or not they been down there for xx years)

the ones i can remember are :

Monster Panic (Epoch) one of the greatest games i had (well my oppion) you had to kill differents monsters on your way up the stairs or avoid them :o

Mickey & Donald (Nintendo) something there you controlled mickey and donald to put out a fire one should stop holes in the pipe the other put out the fire

Green House (Nintendo i think) well kill bugs with your sprayer :) i tho think its already similated...

some i might have forgotten ...

but the question are would you like to have them to simulate them i dont need them back they would serve a good cause them :)

anyway just a thought


Guys, I'm about to release a new handhelds simulators, and I'll also update 2 "older" ones.

The 3 games will be 100% compatible with any MAME cabinets, since they can be operated completely with keyboard (including browsing instructions manual and splash screens) :-)

I'll release them next monday, nov 12th, 2007, so stay tuned! :-)


Madrigal sei mitico...:D :D :D

i have a few old handhelds in my basement (tho i have no idea if they works or not they been down there for xx years)

the ones i can remember are :

Monster Panic (Epoch) one of the greatest games i had (well my oppion) you had to kill differents monsters on your way up the stairs or avoid them :o

Mickey & Donald (Nintendo) something there you controlled mickey and donald to put out a fire one should stop holes in the pipe the other put out the fire

Green House (Nintendo i think) well kill bugs with your sprayer :) i tho think its already similated...

some i might have forgotten ...

but the question are would you like to have them to simulate them i dont need them back they would serve a good cause them :)

anyway just a thought


This is very kind of you, thanks! But at this moment your games would be unuseful to me.

I do have the Mickey & Donald game and no, I won't make the simulation for it because it's not my favourite game, so I prefer keeping other games on my schedule (I usually code the games I like first, then I consider other highly-requested games).

I also have Green House. A simulator for that has been coded long ago (by another Italian programmer) but ti's just a beta-version, never finished.

I don't have Monster Panic, but I doubt I'll include it in my schedule.

You see, I dont have all the time in the world, and in this time I'm focusing my attention (and simulations) on VTech games - which are almost my favourite games. I decided that I'll simulate all the ones I have here, then I'll eventualyl switch back to some Nintendo games from the Tabletop and Panorama series (Popeye and Mario's Cement Factory).


You see, I dont have all the time in the world, and in this time I'm focusing my attention (and simulations) on VTech games - which are almost my favourite games. I decided that I'll simulate all the ones I have here, then I'll eventualyl switch back to some Nintendo games from the Tabletop and Panorama series (Popeye and Mario's Cement Factory).

You're bringing back repressed childhood memories :) I used to love Mario's Cement Factory, I played it all the time then my 3rd year teacher confiscated it from me and I never seen it again :(

I'll look forward to playing it again when you get around to it


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