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I've written a wrapper which accomodates a handful of MADrigal's Game & Watch emus/sims (a lot of them require mouse clicks to start a game, etc), and decided I'd expand on that and handle every game MADrigal has up on his site.. (then I discovered the HandHeld Remakes site.. argh.)

Before I waste my time: has anyone done this already, or alternatively, Is there any interest out there for this sort of thing?



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I've written a wrapper which accomodates a handful of MADrigal's Game & Watch emus/sims (a lot of them require mouse clicks to start a game, etc), and decided I'd expand on that and handle every game MADrigal has up on his site.. (then I discovered the HandHeld Remakes site.. argh.)

Before I waste my time: has anyone done this already, or alternatively, Is there any interest out there for this sort of thing?




Thats great! I have downloaded a handfull of these and never really go into setting it up in GE.. Not because I hadnt wanted to but lack the motivation to do it. I genreally make most things for myself and then share... Though ive been known for going on a few mission impossables.

If you make it... I as well as other in the same situation or maybe dont have the nessary experince to do it will really appreciate this.

I would not consider it a waste of time.. And to my knowlege this HAS been brought up before... But no loaders/wrappers exist.

If you have the time it will be one more great contribution to gameex...

Take care

Brian Hoffman


Yeah I downloaded Donkey Kong Game&Watch a couple of weeks and I've been meaning to try and get something up and going to get it working in GameEx but just haven't had the time, so I'd certainly be interested in 1 of you manage it


Yeah I downloaded Donkey Kong Game&Watch a couple of weeks and I've been meaning to try and get something up and going to get it working in GameEx but just haven't had the time, so I'd certainly be interested in 1 of you manage it


same here i got all the game and watch games i could find and gave up there sempt to be no way to use them in gameex

i would be intrested and im willing to test a wrapper out :D


I also have a collection of simulated G&W games, but I estimated that the time that was needed for getting them to work in GameEx, could be better spent setting up other emulators. Instead, a buddy of mine, who's also nuts about G&W, went on Ebay, and bought a bunch of the originals. :)

I'd be very interested in a wrapper though.

I also have a collection of simulated G&W games, but I estimated that the time that was needed for getting them to work in GameEx, could be better spent setting up other emulators.

Very true.. but there's always some loser on the other side of the world who's bored enough to do it.. oh wait...



Yeah, I've seen those (hint for those interested: "0659 - Game & Watch Gallery Advance (E).zip").. Madrigal's collection is a jumble of games from different vendors though, so I'll persist.. its only taken a 3-4 hours so far, and I've got half the games done, so i'll keep going and finish them off anyway..

Very true.. but there's always some loser on the other side of the world who's bored enough to do it.. oh wait...

Exactly! :P

GBA has some Game & Watch games and you can play the originals or ones with updated graphics.

Oh thats right! I stumbled upon those once and was ecstatic.. but couldn't remember what it was called so I totally forgot about them again. :) Who could have figured it was called Game & Watch Gallery...


I'm not familiar with the GameEx interface... I don't even have a MAMEcab, so it's no use for me. :huh:

But today I've been asked to modify all of my simulators by a Southafrican gent, who's willing to play my games on his MAMEcab - and he probably uses GameEx. I pointed him to this thread, maybe he'll tell you his ideas ;)

I've been asked to add a few options to all 38 of my games, in order to use games with keyboard only, no mouse.

I can't do that for my previously released games, because it's an *huge* job and I don't have so much time for my hobbies.

But I promise that I'll add this feature to my forthcoming "Sleep Walker" game from the "VTech Time & Fun" series, and to any other game in the future.

So you'll be able to start game with both keyboard and mouse. :)

Take care and have fun! :)



I would love a wrapper to be available for Game & Watch games. I have been hacking around with AutoHotKey as a solution, and its clumsy and not a repeatable solution for this.

Thanks MADrigal for offering to make future games cab friendly. Looking forward to them.


Well I know little about AHK, but AI can be clumsy if using SendKey's...which a lot of beginners do...a well written AI script will work 99.9% of the time while shit is hitting the fan. :)


AHK code is very similar to AI code. The main advantage of AI is that API's seem a little easier to get ahold of. But then again, I don't really know AI or AHK very good.


FYI I'm writing this wrapper in AutoITv3.. Haven't made much progress in the last day or two due to Real Life interruptions.

FYI2: The structure of this wrapper is basically:

While (some timeout value)

if ProcessExists (SomeGame.exe)


end if


Function SomeGame ()

Do initial mouse clicks to get to game main screen

While ProcessExists (SomeGame.exe)

map keys for things like Game A, Game B, ACL (reset), etc.



... so its a fairly easy process to add additional games. I'll spend some time on it tonight and post a beta version (compiled + AU3 source) for testing.



FYI I'm writing this wrapper in AutoITv3.. Haven't made much progress in the last day or two due to Real Life interruptions.

FYI2: The structure of this wrapper is basically:

... so its a fairly easy process to add additional games. I'll spend some time on it tonight and post a beta version (compiled + AU3 source) for testing.



That sounds great. Quivering with anticipation. btw - I love AHK - use it for all sorts of things, but I had heard some programs handle the dreaded interrupt better for this specific type of need ;)


OK, here it is..

MADWrapper v0.1a

handles all of Madrigal's collection (as of today) with the exceptions DkongC (this game gives me an access violation on quitting - not sure if thats just me or if the game has a problem), and Pengland (the idea of a *simulatenous* 2 player handheld was too much for me last night).

note: I've not yet tested this within GameEx, just within Windows. Doing some work on the cabinet atm..

What it does:

- automates credits screen where you're being asked to specify a sound system to use

- replaces Game A, Game B, ACL (reset), & Time buttons with "1","2","5","space" respectively. For some, I've put a reset in before every Game A Game B start so you can restart in the middle of an existing game.

What it does not do:

- most of Madrigal's games use arrows + CTRL for fire/jump etc. Some use:



...as diagonal keys. I've not accommodated these. Tried to map them against the first 2 rows of buttons on a slikstik, but AutoIT didn't like the way I was doing it. Just map these accordingly in your keyboard encoder.


(not complete by any means, I just made a note of some things as they came up)


Your keyboard encoder might need reprogramming for this one. Uses



layout (top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right)


uh.. kind of works.. reset button (5) does.. I can't make head or tail of this game.. shift + alt keys needed.


Your keyboard encoder might need reprogramming for this one. Uses



layout (top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right)


Your keyboard encoder might need reprogramming for this one. Uses



layout (top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right)

has a game a+b button also....?! I've mapped that to "X"


Your keyboard encoder might need reprogramming for this one. Uses



layout (top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right)


Game select ("2") button is a bit dicky.. seems to hit it a couple of times instead of once...


Your keyboard encoder might need reprogramming for this one. Uses



layout (top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right)


ACL function seems to be broken in this game, so Reset = double toggle of on/off switch. didn't bother handling sound toggle button.


Your keyboard encoder might need reprogramming for this one. Uses



layout (top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right)


1 = start game, 2 = select difficulty

Usual disclaimer applies: if you find a bug, report it here. All embarassing faults with above wrapper will be blamed on whatever scapegoats are available at the time.




That sounds great. Quivering with anticipation.

I didn't post it last night after all, just to prolong your anticip.................................................................ation.


This is awesome. It works up a treat! Thanks.

I've tested it with Donkey Kong, Snoopy Tennis and Parchute and it worked perfectly on all of them. Thanks!!!


Hi there, sounds like great work, but can you tell a technologically challenged person like myself what to do with the .exe and .au3 file to run my g&w games?



BTW, if you are looking for nice boxscans of Game&Watch games, try the following link


Go to "Game and Watch" and then "Reviews"

Hi there, sounds like great work, but can you tell a technologically challenged person like myself what to do with the .exe and .au3 file to run my g&w games?

To test it, just run the wrapper .exe, then launch one of the games. The wrapper will do its job while the game is in memory.

As far as setting it up in GameEx, I'll put together a tutorial soon on this, along with (hopefully) a bunch of extras like screenshots, etc.

BTW, if you are looking for nice boxscans of Game&Watch games, try the following link


Go to "Game and Watch" and then "Reviews"

Holy shit - that guy even tries to show pics of the foam packaging and the plastic bags..

Thanks for the link mate - I'll see if I can put together a snap/box/cart package for this collection also.




I've got the wrapper and G&W games working perfectly in my cabinet now.

I've also done remappings for keys and joystick (I use the IPAC and Ultrasticks from Ultimarc) and setup a script that checks to see if it is a MADrigal G&W game requiring the wrapper (there are several that don't need the wrapper from other authors of G&W e.g. Luke Skywalker...). It all works perfectly - I'm just adding them and testing as I go along. I haven't tested the ones you say might be problematic.


  • Donkey Kong
  • Octopus
  • Parachute
  • Donkey Kong 2
  • Tom and Jerry
  • Snoopy Tennis
  • Egg
  • Mickey Mouse

I use Maximus Arcade, though the principles of setting up G&W are pretty much the same for Gamex and Maximus.

Here is the link to the post with all instructions:


Thanks again for the wrapper!!!

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