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Thought I would post this for those of you that use Arcade Ambiance. I stumbled across this website with some music this guy put together from a bunch of different games. The .mp3 is 50 minutes long so it should be suitable for arcade background sounds if you like. Its kind of different so you will have to judge it for yourself. http://www.bobostertag.com/music-recordings-w00t.htm

I don't use arcade ambiance myself but thought some of you might like to know there are alternatives out there.

Here is the description from the website.



a collage of computer game sound and image

by composer Bob Ostertag and artist John Cooney.

In March of 2006, I put all my recordings to which I owned the rights (14 CDs) up for free download from this site. w00t is my first release to skip the CD-for-sale stage and go directly to free Internet download, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Please download, copy, send to your friends, remix, mutilate, and mash-up. And please support this attempt to build free culture by sending a link for w00t to your friends. w00t consists of a 50-minute sound collage, a 4.5 minute sound â??trailer,â? and associated â??cover art.â? There is, however, no cover. w00t is a free, internet-only release. w00t was composed entirely from fragments of music from these computer games:

Balloon Fight â?¢ Congo Bongo â?¢ Contra â?¢ Earthbound â?¢ Halo: Combat Evolved â?¢ Ico â?¢ Katamari Damacy â?¢ Killer Instinct â?¢ The Legend of Zelda â?¢ Massive Assault â?¢ Myst â?¢ Star Fox â?¢ Super Metroid â?¢ Super Smash Bros.: Melee â?¢ Viewtiful Joe â?¢ WarioWare, Inc: Mega Party Game$ â?¢ World of Warcraft"

Jay T


ahofle has also released a fairly recent ambiance track

Update 9/14/07 -- NEW RELEASE -- 1992!

At long last I have completed the 4th and final volume of Arcade Ambience -- an early nineties edition (1992). This is the first volume to include pinball audio. Check the downloads section for links and the introduction for games list.


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