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Those other exe's are just programs that relate to Mame and arn't needed. Like chdman is a chd manager, ledutil is a program for lighting the caps lock/scroll lock LED's for some games. There are others programs for various Mame related tasks so these can be safely ignored. All your after is mamep4.exe.

The Compile Options are not just for speeding up the compile process. The Dual Core and Quad Core options are only for speeding up compiling on those processors but the "Optimize for" optimize the compiled binary for a particular processor. So if you compile using the Pentium 4 optimization, the compiled binary (mamep4.exe) is optimized to run on a Pentium 4 processor.

Just a couple of quick questions... I have an athalon64 system running 32bit windows xp pro. Do you know if the athalon64 optimizations only work in a 64bit enviornment or would my cpu be helped by these anyway?

The other question I have is about the hiscore.dat. I've downlaoded the latest and poped it into the mame directory however I've noticed in the mame.ini that there is a listing for hiscore_directory just below the cheat-file listing and it just says "hi"... do I need to change or remove this. I don't appear to have any directory named "hi" in my mame folder.


you have to create the "hi" directory and add in the hiscore.dat file to it as I recall. I haven't actually used the hiscore data with vanilla mame before (or any other version for that matter), but that's the way it's supposed to work.

you have to create the "hi" directory and add in the hiscore.dat file to it as I recall. I haven't actually used the hiscore data with vanilla mame before (or any other version for that matter), but that's the way it's supposed to work.

The "HI" folder is created in the MAME folder. The HISCORE.dat is placed in the MAME folder.

The highscore.dat does NOT go into HI folder


So the HI folder contains the files listing the high scores so MAME can grab them each launch and save them on close? I haven't used it, but that would be my next guess. Am I getting close :ph34r:

So the HI folder contains the files listing the high scores so MAME can grab them each launch and save them on close? I haven't used it, but that would be my next guess. Am I getting close :ph34r:

Yes... the given name is the name of the rom followed by the .HI extension

Eg. galaga.hi

Just a couple of quick questions... I have an athalon64 system running 32bit windows xp pro. Do you know if the athalon64 optimizations only work in a 64bit enviornment or would my cpu be helped by these anyway?

You know that is a good question, I'm not sure if you need 64-bit Windows to take advantage of a 64-bit processor. I guess you could just try compiling Mame with Athlon 64 and 64-bit proccessor options and see if you can see any better performance on some of the slower games.

You know that is a good question, I'm not sure if you need 64-bit Windows to take advantage of a 64-bit processor. I guess you could just try compiling Mame with Athlon 64 and 64-bit proccessor options and see if you can see any better performance on some of the slower games.

Well one of my systems is an amd64 and I use xp 32bit... performance increase is not anything to write home about.

However on 64 bit windows there has been alot of improvments and with multithreaded cpus..

The U3 build of 119 has much better support for these new chipsets..

Check this out



Hi folks. I need a little help with this. I've downloaded the source for mame 0.109 , extracted it and placed the src folder in the mame folder. I've set the paths to the source folder and diff file. I then clicked the patch button and i think that it seemed to work ok. But when i click the compile button here's what i get in the text box:

Object Folder...

Compiling Mame...

Using Parameters P4=1

mkdir.exe obj

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/adsp2100

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/alph8201

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/arm

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/arm7

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/asap

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/ccpu

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/dsp32

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/dsp56k

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/e132xs

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/g65816

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/h6280

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/h83002

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/hd6309

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/i386

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/i8039

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/i8051

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/i8085

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/i86

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/i8x41

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/i960

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/jaguar

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/konami

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/m37710

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/m6502

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/m6800

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/m68000

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/m6805

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/m6809

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/mc68hc11

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/mips

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/nec

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/pic16c5x

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/powerpc

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/r3000

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/rsp

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/s2650

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/se3208

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/sh2

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/sharc

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/spc700

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/t11

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/tms32010

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/tms32025

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/tms32031

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/tms32051

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/tms34010

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/tms9900

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/upd7810

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/v60

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/v810

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/z180

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/z80

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/cpu/z8000

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/debug

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/drivers

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/expat

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/layout

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/machine

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/sndhrdw

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/sound

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/vidhrdw

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/windows

mkdir.exe obj/mamep4/zlib

Compiling src/audit.c...

cc1.exe: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-unused-functions"

mingw32-make: *** [obj/mamep4/audit.o] Error 1


0 Hours 0 Minutes and 2 Seconds Elapsed.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


Mame has recently changed its version of compilier. Tho Im not sure it would cause this error.

Have you tried compiling a new version?

No Brian i haven't tried compiling a recent version of mame. The reason being that the space the romset takes up of recent versions is a lot bigger and the version i'm using (0.109) plays all the games i like.


No Brian i haven't tried compiling a recent version of mame. The reason being that the space the romset takes up of recent versions is a lot bigger and the version i'm using (0.109) plays all the games i like.


Really... I dont use many CHD's but the ROMset is 15 gig. That cannot be too big a diffrence.

Im mean its not that old...

I will look at it. and pm you.

Are you trying to add hiscore and get rid of nags?


I get that too. I just think its the new compilier.

Really... I dont use many CHD's but the ROMset is 15 gig. That cannot be too big a diffrence.

Im mean its not that old...

I will look at it. and pm you.

Are you trying to add hiscore and get rid of nags?

Hi Brian. Thanks. I'm just really trying to add the hiscore and get rid nags but i'd like to learn how to apply the patches for myself as well.

Thanks for your help.


If you download these tools now, you should still be able to build MAME, but you will need to disable -Werror with any version of MAME prior to 0.118u5 (which is not yet released), since there are some new warnings which need to be dealt with (really, not that many).

I'm about to release a version of Mame Compiler that fixes this.

EDIT: Done and uploaded. Use the "Disable WError (<0.118u5)" option.

I'm about to release a version of Mame Compiler that fixes this.

EDIT: Done and uploaded. Use the "Disable WError (<0.118u5)" option.

Thanks HK! I just downloaded version 0.3 but when i try to compile i get this error message:


It seemed to compile fine although i did get an error in the textbox along the way. I'm hoping it's nothing serious (it didn't stop it from compiling anyway).

Compiling src/mame.c...

src/mame.c: In function 'fatalerror_exitcode':

src/mame.c:786: warning: 'noreturn' function does return

src/mame.c: In function 'fatalerror':

src/mame.c:772: warning: 'noreturn' function does return

Compiling src/mamecore.c...




It seemed to compile fine although i did get an error in the textbox along the way. I'm hoping it's nothing serious (it didn't stop it from compiling anyway).

Yep those should be perfectly fine. I tested compiling Mame 109 and I didn't get any warnings but I didn't apply any of the diff's. I'm pretty sure those warnings are from the diff's.

Those are just warnings not errors so it should be fine. The "Disable WError" really just disables the warnings that stop compiling. This is because were using a newer version of GCC.

Yep those should be perfectly fine. I tested compiling Mame 109 and I didn't get any warnings but I didn't apply any of the diff's. I'm pretty sure those warnings are from the diff's.

Those are just warnings not errors so it should be fine. The "Disable WError" really just disables the warnings that stop compiling. This is because were using a newer version of GCC.




I'm gonna try and do this. I've done everything according to your instructions in the first message. However, I'm holding off right now on finish until I get an answer for this question:

Do I need to apply the hi_119u2.diff patch to the 119u2 patch before patching up to 119u3? Or should I continue and patch to 119u3 then apply the hi_119u2 patch? It doesn't seem clear to me because in my eyes, applying an older patch to a newer version shouldn't work.

I just wanted to know for sure which patch I should do next.


Do this.

Download mame 119 source

Download the U1-U3 patches

Do this

1. Apply hi_119diff (included in installer)

2. Apply 119u1.diff (from mamedev)

3. Apply 119u2.diff (from mamedev)

4. Apply 119u3.diff (from mamedev)

5. Compile


Are you sure about that Brian? HK said to apply the u-diffs first, then the hiscore.

Mame Compiler v0.3 - HeadKaze


### Applying Patches ###

To apply them do in this order:

1. Apply xxxu1.diff

2. Apply xxxu2.diff

3. Apply xxxu3.diff

4. Apply hi_xxx.diff

5. Compile

Now I'm really confused!

Are you sure about that Brian? HK said to apply the u-diffs first, then the hiscore.

Now I'm really confused!

100% sure my friend.

download 119 soucre.

Patch using the supplied 119_hi.diff ( I also included it here)

Then patch the u1-u3 official.


Basiclly your downloading 119 non updated.. Then your removing the nags and adding hiscore for the same version.

then your updating to the newer version.

If you were to use the 119u2_hi.diff then you would need to be on U2 before applying the patch. Then you would need to update to U3..

I find the first way less confusing.


OK great. Then I'm glad I stopped. I almost patched up to u3 then go back and patch the hi. Thanks a lot!

I del the whole SRC folder and re extract it from the ZIP from MAMEDEV. Just because you stop the compile doesnt mean it undoes your changes. Its really not too bad.. let us know how it works for ya


Yeah, I actually had a bit of trouble but I came out on top eventually! What I tried to do first, was just compile what diff's I had done... to see if it would even work. It came out ok, but I didn't really like the fact that it compiled everything into the "Mame Compiler\MAME" folder, where I also had the source files. I didn't remember which ones were new, and which ones were source. So, I deleted everything in that folder, and created a new subfolder called "!SOURCE". I figured that would be obvious enough for me to know which folders are new, and which were source. I re-extracted the 119 source to the new folder, and proceeded with patching. For some reason, the compiler didn't like the source in a nested subfolder like I had it. It gave me a whole bunch of RED ERROR txt in the readout. I tried to uninstall the compilre, but one of the files were locked and wouldn't allow me to delete it. I shrugged it off anyway, and reinstalled again. This time, it gave me an error that a file already existed, and when I tried to overwrite it, it gave me permission errors. I decided to ignore that too. Another attempt at compiing and it completed. However, the compiled version was now in the "!SOURCE" folder as well! UGH! Then I noticed it didn't actually create the executable. Something very wrong here. I tried another uninstall, had the same file come up protected an undeleteable. I tried manually deleting it, still no go. Then I tried to adjust the permissions of the file so I could grant myself delete permission. That wouldn't even happen. It came back on the permissions tab saying I didn't have permission to edit the permission settings of that file! WHAT GIVES!?! Is that file now permanetly locked on my computer? LOL! I ended up doing a complete shutdown. Had dinner. Came back and cold booted. Manually deleted the file, and it worked! I then reinstalled the compiler and put the source in the MAME subfolder as originally stated. I also opened a NotePad and wrote down the names of the 4 things in that folder so I would know which ones NOT to copy to my MAME drive. Then I began to apply the patches once more. Here's how I did it:






Then for compiling, I selected "Pentium M/Dual Core" from the drop down, and checked the Dual Core box. I wasn't sure about the other options, like force direct input, debug, clean version, etc. So I just left those blank. The compile took about 8 minutes for me. I brushed my teeth while I waited. Then I copied over the new files to my MAME drive, in it's own \MAME\ folder. I erased everything I had so far in that folder because I have my roms and extras and chd's backed up on another drive. I wanted to make sure nothing from previous MAMEs would interfere. The I launched the program. "mamepm.exe -cc" I don't know why it's mamePM, but oh well. It created my config file. Then I copied over my roms to the ROMS folder. Then I launched the command-line (this is a first for me, I've always used MAME32 with the GUI). It came up instantly with the little in game menu box, displaying a list of games randomy. If you start typing letters, it displays the games that match. Every letter further shrinks the list of games found. I tried to play a game, and although it ran fine, I couldn't get the controls to work. I have a gamepad I'll eventually use (in reality, I'll eventually be using a real joystick control panel), but right now I just wanted keyboard functionality. I already know 5 coins and 1 starts. But nothing else happened. I hit TAB for the menu and could move the bar with my cursor keys, but now I can't go into the Input options. It's like the "Press enter to select option" [ENTER] key is remapped some how. Any ideas?

Oh, and yes. I was successful in compiling MAME (yes!) and getting GameEx to work with it (yes!) and able to launch games via GameEx (YES!).


:::::::::EDIT:::::::: Nevermind, I figured it out! :)


The I launched the program. "mamepm.exe -cc" I don't know why it's mamePM, but oh well. It created my config file.

Mamepm for mame compiled for pentium M, mameat for mame compiled for athlon etc. Just rename it to mame if you like.



Im having a issue compiling mame .120 using the compilier... I gives me a libemu.a error...

I can compile using the mingw32 from mamedev... The only reason I bring this up is I know your version is special because of the output...

Have you tried this new version?

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