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I want to start a xpadder profile on the start of vpinmame but exists already "vpauto" , I would not want to remove it

How to start 2 "also launch" simultaneously ?


Launch the two from ether a batch file, autoit script, autohotkey script, wsh, vbs, js, ... hehe take your pick. :)

Basically all it amounts to is spawning one process to spawn multiple others...a little bit more complexity than what normally is desired, but simple to achieve all the same.

AutoIt Script

Run ( "C:\My_Path\My_1st_Executable.exe" )
Run ( "C:\My_Path\My_2nd_Executable.exe" )
Run ( "C:\My_Path\My_3rd_Executable.exe" )
Run ( "C:\My_Path\My_4th_Executable.exe" )


There maybe a way to pass multiple values through GameEx...but I'm not aware of how to do it...I'm rusty at best when it comes to batch script commands and syntax.

Brian or HK maybe able to help you better...but what I suggested far as using an AutoIt script will work fine.

Batch file should be fine.


start vpauto.exe
start xpadder.exe

I would also recommend a batch. Except I would use it to run the specific profile rather then just run the program.


WOW ! Your batch works well with a specific profile also

This is my batch :


start vpauto

start xpadder "profiles\vpinmame_joy.xpadderprofile"

I want to kill xpadder to the escape of the emu .

Do I must create an other batch and insert it in LAUNCH AFTER ?

If yes what is the string ?


you are supposed to be able to kill xpadder with an argument (xpadder.exe /C as I recall), but I've never tried it. I know that using tskill works just fine.

tskill xpadder


ok thanks bkenobi !!!

Now I have a new "launch" question

I don't want autostart cpwizard with windows but i want cpwizard autostart with gameex "LAUNCH ON ON STARTUP DON'T WAIT"

Sometimes it starts minimized (ok)

but sometimes not, can be resolved this ?


"Launch on startup don't wait" will launch one process and then the other without waiting for the first to load and exit. As a result, you will get cpwizard and MAME launching at the same time in a race. I don't know what GameEx will do with the first one, but I imagine that it will minimize one of them.

In any case, I suspect what you really want is for the CPWizard to launch to show the keys, then when you hit a button, kill it and launch MAME, right? If so, then you don't want "launch on startup don't wait", you want "launch on startup wait". This will wait until CPWizard is exited before it launches MAME.


not not , thanks bkenobi but my problem is an other.

I want cpwizard minimized to icon but when it start is maximized and gameex minimized automatically.

Exists an option in cpwizard for starting reduced it to icon?

Not interest to me mame, with mame works ok

not not , thanks bkenobi but my problem is an other.

I want cpwizard minimized to icon but when it start is maximized and gameex minimized automatically.

Exists an option in cpwizard for starting reduced it to icon?

Not interest to me mame, with mame works ok

I'd contact headkaze about it.. He is a great guy. Not to mention the author of the program. This is really aquestion that should have its own thread as it is not nessarly about launching at start up anymore...

"How to make Cpviewer launch to taskbar" Short and to the point.




Run ( "C:\My_Path\My_1st_Executable.exe" , "" , @SW_MINIMIZE )

Don't know if that would send it to the System Tray...but it should Minimize it to the taskbar.


I don't think you can send anything to the system tray unless it's designed to go there. If it is, then I doubt that the minimize command would send it to the system tray unless it was set to minimize there. Basically, that command should just tell the program to minimize and it will decide what the correct action is.

I don't think you can send anything to the system tray unless it's designed to go there. If it is, then I doubt that the minimize command would send it to the system tray unless it was set to minimize there. Basically, that command should just tell the program to minimize and it will decide what the correct action is.

It does.. See attached pic.


CPWizard.exe -minimized

headkaze many thanks, this was what I wanted !

Now with gameex + cpwizard together , my cab is a bomb :lol:

Thanks to all

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