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I've been messing around with FretOnFire (Guitar Hero Clone) and I want to use GameEx to browse the song list instead of the games built Slow browser.

The songs are all stored in their own Folders and inside that folder there are a few files but nothing with the songs name besides the folder, so in the GameEx configuration there is nothing I can Filter. And GameEx doesn't see the folders so I get an empty List.

I even tried zipping a few up with with 7zip, which enables me to filter and then see a list, but GameEx doesn't uncompress the file so Frets gives me an error.

The command line to start the song without going through the game is ;

fretsonfire.exe -p "folder"

so I have fretsonfire.exe -p "[ROMFile]" as the command line is GameEx but again it doesn't see folders so it just does nothing.

(After writing this out I'm starting to think this was a dumb idea, but I do have tons of songs and the game only lets you browse one at a time so it can really take forever to find something to play)

I've been messing around with FretOnFire (Guitar Hero Clone) and I want to use GameEx to browse the song list instead of the games built Slow browser.

The songs are all stored in their own Folders and inside that folder there are a few files but nothing with the songs name besides the folder, so in the GameEx configuration there is nothing I can Filter. And GameEx doesn't see the folders so I get an empty List.

I even tried zipping a few up with with 7zip, which enables me to filter and then see a list, but GameEx doesn't uncompress the file so Frets gives me an error.

The command line to start the song without going through the game is ;

fretsonfire.exe -p "folder"

so I have fretsonfire.exe -p "[ROMFile]" as the command line is GameEx but again it doesn't see folders so it just does nothing.

(After writing this out I'm starting to think this was a dumb idea, but I do have tons of songs and the game only lets you browse one at a time so it can really take forever to find something to play)

if you want a Folder you would probly have to use "[ROMPath]" as "[romfile]" points it to a file not the folder

not sure if it will work but worth a try

I've been messing around with FretOnFire (Guitar Hero Clone) and I want to use GameEx to browse the song list instead of the games built Slow browser.

The songs are all stored in their own Folders and inside that folder there are a few files but nothing with the songs name besides the folder, so in the GameEx configuration there is nothing I can Filter. And GameEx doesn't see the folders so I get an empty List.

I even tried zipping a few up with with 7zip, which enables me to filter and then see a list, but GameEx doesn't uncompress the file so Frets gives me an error.

The command line to start the song without going through the game is ;

fretsonfire.exe -p "folder"

so I have fretsonfire.exe -p "[ROMFile]" as the command line is GameEx but again it doesn't see folders so it just does nothing.

(After writing this out I'm starting to think this was a dumb idea, but I do have tons of songs and the game only lets you browse one at a time so it can really take forever to find something to play)

I've been trying to think of a way to get GameEx to display a list of folders for a while now but I haven't came up with anything either.

I want it so I could set an emulator as a mp3 player as GameEx shits itself and takes like 20 mins to load my MP3 collection so I'd like to just browse through folders and play a whole album folder



Create a Map file for ether case. :)

<folder name>|<song name>

fretsonfire.exe -p "[RomPath]\[RomFile]"

For the media it would probably be some thing like:

player.exe "[RomPath]\[RomFile]\[RomFile].m3u"

Course thats taking for granted you would be creating a play list that matches the album folder name.


Hey Nologic,

Thanks alot for that help. It worked great.

I've attached my map file. I my folders are probably named differently, but I never renamed anything, they are all straight from the downloads.

I did just realize though that when you start a song through the command line you don't get a chance to pick the difficulty. I'm sure that will be fixed sometime in a future release of the mod.

Thanks again for the help.

Anyone interested in doing the same thing;

You can get Frets On Fire HERE

And the Mod Needed to use the command line is HERE

Can you use a guitar from the console GuitarHero with FretsOnFire or is it keyboard only?


You can use the Guitar no problem... is you have a PS2 to usb converter like the Superjoy Box

You can use the Guitar no problem... is you have a PS2 to usb converter like the Superjoy Box

Cool I must look into getting one, is the wireless guitar for the 360 out yet? wonder will it work



i just picked up a used 360 guitar for $40, works like a champ. all i needed to do was install 360 drivers and i was in business.


how did you create your map file, some of my folder names are different so not all my songs are populating?


is there a way to generate the map file automatically, or do i have to add each folder i want it to include manually? new songs come out all the time and would be a pain to have to manually update every time. thanks for all the help.


Not sure if this would be easier or not...the the following AutoIt script should generate a new map file based off folder names.

#include <File.au3>

$FileList = _FileListToArray( @ScriptDir , '*' , 2 )

$file = FileOpen( 'FretsonFire.map' , 2 )

For $i = 1 to $FileList[0]
FileWriteLine( $file , $FileList[$i] & '|' & $FileList[$i] )

FileClose( $file )

Not sure if this would be easier or not...the the following AutoIt script should generate a new map file based off folder names.

#include <File.au3>

$FileList = _FileListToArray( @ScriptDir , '*' , 2 )

$file = FileOpen( 'FretsonFire.map' , 2 )

For $i = 1 to $FileList[0]
FileWriteLine( $file , $FileList[$i] & '|' & $FileList[$i] )

FileClose( $file )

Wow, I wish I had that script before

I actually just copied the folder names from the command prompt and used Excel to sort out the names, and Word to clean it up. I didn't rename anything (I think) those are the names that came from the Torrent I downloaded. (ummm and I used a torrent because I'm too lazy to rip all my CD's... of the songs I downloaded :huh: )

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