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Okay, I'll give the handhelds a try. Just curious though. How many handheld games were designed for more than just the first player though? I know there were a few gameboy games that used the 4 player link system (e.g., faceball 2000), but beyond that?

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probably very few...I'd suggest doing to search and replace changing the default entry from 1-2 players to 1 player...then use the script to make any required changes...ideally only 1 or two of the handhelds will require any real changes.


I'm having a problem running the script. I keep getting an error on line 45 where it's doing the find & replace. I don't know AI, so all I can say is that it's sending ^ERROR rather than a value from the table. It has happened for several DB's, but the last one I tried was PSP. If you could take a look that would be great. I'll try a few more, but this has happened on pretty much all of them.


Well you can tear into Mobiles as I nearly got Handhelds done since bkenobi ran into issues running the script.

After that we need to decide if we will continue to dump data into the db's or try to make them more accessible now (goodname/no-intro/tosec)

...blah bkenobi isn't the only one...PSP is being a pain in the ass.


Heh gottem ;)


So is it just the handhelds that were being resistant then? Pretty much every one I tried barfed. I finished a couple, but they were small...

I'm busy this evening, but if there are any left this weekend, I'll tear them up!


I tried that script on a ton of the databases, but none liked line 45. Anyway, I manually went through all of the mobile ones. I only found a couple games that were more than a single player (makes sense since these are phones...). Anyway, here they are.


  • 4 weeks later...

I've finally managed to drag myself away from my new Wii and I've created a tool that I'm hoping will help match the names in these databases with the standard goodnames, I need you to write or modify your autoit script though Nologic :)

Basically what my plan is:

1. Make sure your roms are named using GoodTool

2. Run my tool (attached)

3. Open the MDB

4. Copy and paste the GoodName column into List1

5. Select all your roms and drag n drop them onto List2 (this will take a moment)

6. I think I have the settings defaulting to what should work best so just hit "Match" (this will take even longer :lol: )

7. A results window will appear, now we start the fun part lol :)

8. This list of matches needs to be confirmed as it will be far from 100% accurate, so we need to look through it and if your happy that the 2 games are the same game then do nothing but if you don't think the 2 games are the same then put a tick in the ignore box

9... This is where I need your help Nologic :) I can output this list in what ever format you like what I'd like you to do is to read the list and then search for the text in the mdb and replace it with the new text... before you say it, I know I should really learn how to read and write to an MDB :)

Let me know what you think, could you upload a zip containing all the most up to date versions of these mdb's




Okay here is the link to the current builds...I think thats all of them.

Genesis is done to match good tools...tho there is a diff...I think like 5 or 6 games not matched in the DB, and 20+ not matched in good tools.

I also noticed that Moby uses the common name for a game...and has notes as to what the game maybe named for certain systems...ran into this on like 5 games.

I know Access accepts SQL commands...and AutoIt does do SQL commands...hehe but I don't know SQL for shit...so I do a butcher job when it comes to chatting with the DB. :( So don't go thinking I'm some sort of wiz at this stuff cause I"m not.

Anyways I'll take a look at what you got.


Hold fire with my program just at the moment, I forgot that good tools use [] brackets and I'm only ignoring () brackets, we'll get a better result if I ignore []'s too, it can be modified easily but the code is on my other pc and I need to head down town a message first

I'll upload a new version later



I've updated my program and replaced the zip in the other post

**Update*** I fixed another error that was causing it crash everytime it was ran... I had cleaned up some code before compiling it looks like I should've have test it again :)

Just to let you know you don't need to have the complete GoodRom set on your drive if you run GoodTools rename in a folder with no roms then just remove the first couple of lines from the Missed text file goodtools creates and drop the file on the list2 box



I just ran my tool on the SNES MDB and it found 405 exact matches and 332 possible matches.

After checking possible matches and exporting them there were 292 valid matches, thats almost a 90% success rate :) even I wasn't expecting it to work that well :)

It didn't take that long either, about 15 or 20 mins to check through the results

I don't want to do anymore though until I know we have some way of making the changes in the MDB



I worked out how to read and write to an MDB, woohoo :) It actually wasn't all that hard Microsoft seem to do most of the work for you in VB Express :)

So I've created a 2nd app which will load in the matches file created by my 1st tool and apply the changes to the MDB, I don't want to combine the 2 tools as I use the FuzzyTextMatch at work for other tasks

It's straight forward to use, just select the mdb and the matches txt file and hit go, just make sure you export the matches txt file from FuzzyTextMatch with the default options

It's also important that when you first load the data into the FuzzyTextMatch that you put the Database names on the left and the GoodNames on the right




Dang I won't be able to jump onto this till at least tomorrow. :(

However I'm very excited about the progress you've made. :)

Maybe before to long we'll have new stock db's for GameEx. :D


I'd like to help, but I'm swamped with work on the house for at least the next week or two then vacation. :blink: If this is still going in September, I will definitely be available. In the interim, I'll see if I have a few minutes here and there, but unlikely.

Either way, looks good guys!


I've updated the FuzzyMatchTool again today to include a few things to help nail a few more matches... I had noticed a few games in those 2 rom sets I done last night that I thought my program should be able to match better than it was doing... though what I thought it would be a half job has turned into 6hrs of getting lost in code :) in the process of improving it I managed to make it take over 10 times longer than it was before so I've spent most of my time trying to speed it up, I think I've got it back to being as fast probably even faster than it was before and hopfully it'll be nailing even more matches



[Console] Nintendo N64 - Complete

I noticed there that my MDBEditor isn't replacing strings with symbols like ¦ ° é so for the mean time if anyone else is doing any of these you'll have to modify them yourself (there shouldn't be many), I'll maybe get a look at it tomorrow... we could probably replace all ¦ with - and all é with e using access' search and replace function




[Console] Atari 2600 - Complete

[Console] Atari 5200 - Complete

[Console] Atari 7800 - Complete

[Console] Atari Jaguar - Complete

[Console] Coleco Vision - Complete

[Console] GCE Vectrex - Complete

[Console] Mattel Intellivision - Complete

[Console] NEC TurboGrafx-16 - Complete

[Console] Sega Genesis - Complete

[Console] Sega Master System - Complete

[Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy - Complete

[PC] Microsoft MSX - Complete














I've updated the MDBGoodNameEdit to handle those strange characters it was missing before

There was a problem running FuzzyTextMatch on the Amstrad CPC set so I've fixed that and uploaded a new version of FuzzyTextMatch, this version also handles dashed words better eg. "off-road" and "off road" in the last version would be 50% now its a 99% match

[PC] Amstrad CPC - Complete



  • 1 month later...

I see nobody else got around to finishing these off so here's the rest :)

[Console] Fairchild Channel F

[Handheld] Atari Lynx

[Handheld] Bandai Wonderswan

[Handheld] Bandai WonderSwan Color

[Handheld] Nintendo Game Boy Advance

[Handheld] Nintendo Virtual Boy

[Handheld] SNK Neo-Geo Pocket

[Handheld] SNK Neo-Geo Pocket Color

[Handheld] Tiger Electronics Game.com

[PC] Tandy TRS-80 CoCo

As far as I can see there's only 1 more left that has a GoodTool counterpart thats [PC] Commodore 64

It's taking a bit longer to run so I'll leave it untill the morning... I need my beauty sleep now :)













Thanks Stu...yeah sorry about that...between being mildly side tracked with doing those icon's and tied up with other things...hehe well thats my lie and I'm sticking to it. ;)

Anyways good work.

Thanks Stu...yeah sorry about that...between being mildly side tracked with doing those icon's and tied up with other things...hehe well thats my lie and I'm sticking to it. ;)

Anyways good work.

No worries the logos are looking great C64 finished processing just as I was about to turn the screen off so I thought I'd get it totally finished before bed

[PC] Commodore 64

Whats next now? :)



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