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I've got GameEx 8.08 ready with the new favorites and database system.

It should automatically upgrade, but can I have some of the regulars test for me please?

Obviously backup first, and let me know how it goes.

Also check out the new statistics under More Games & Programs.

Please help and give this release a try




Hi Tom,

I'm fairly new to the forum. I ran the update and everything went off like clockwork. All my favorites still remain, the stats page loaded fine after cycling few ROM.



Hey hey hey! Looks like we're all groovin! I had to make a few slight changes but I suspect this was the case before the update. I haven't looked at my favorites for a few weeks.

I'll be tinkering with tweaks now. I'm impressed as I usually am. Great work Tom!

.:EDIT:. I love the new GameExtender content!


.:EDIT 2:. -Fixed...Theme Related-


Hi Tom. I'm no Guru but everything seems to be fine as far as i can tell (favorites/stats).

Thanks !



Just updated there... I only had added 10 favourites after I last messed them up but after updating I've now only 7... 1 of the games it removed was Gunstar Heroes for the Mega Drive though it kept Sonic the Hedgehog 2 which is also for the Mega Drive so the emulator is not the issue

My most played has now also been reset from 20 or 30 games to 3

Also when I go into Statistics and then press back I have 2 new menu items called "Statitics page 2" and "Statitics page 3" notice it's statitics and not statistics :) these 2 new items can't be selected, they can't even be highlighted and if I go back to the main page and go back into More Games & Programs they're gone again until I go back into Statistics

I'll get a good play about with it tommorrow after work and let you know if I find anything else



Sign me up for the Guru list. I'm beta testing this bad boy out on my Vista Ultimate x32 right now. I'm still having some major issues with my ATI card drivers locking up. ATI's publically announced they're aware of the issue though, so hopefully a resolution will soon be at hand. In the mean time, whats yours is mine! I'll get to checking out the stuff shortly. Been trying to get my box back up to the stats it was at before.


Just me here, or did we all lose our custom emu backgrounds? I got Valhalla in and all my settings are correct...

Just updated there... I only had added 10 favourites after I last messed them up but after updating I've now only 7... 1 of the games it removed was Gunstar Heroes for the Mega Drive though it kept Sonic the Hedgehog 2 which is also for the Mega Drive so the emulator is not the issue

My most played has now also been reset from 20 or 30 games to 3

Also when I go into Statistics and then press back I have 2 new menu items called "Statitics page 2" and "Statitics page 3" notice it's statitics and not statistics :) these 2 new items can't be selected, they can't even be highlighted and if I go back to the main page and go back into More Games & Programs they're gone again until I go back into Statistics

I'll get a good play about with it tommorrow after work and let you know if I find anything else


Hi, can you please post C:\program files\gameex\data\backup\gamelist.INI

Also wanted to say the upgrade process and new system checks to see if the files exists and the emulator is enabled. So that could be way. Basically GameEx validates all this data now. Did Gunstar heroes work in favorites?



I've just uploaded release candidate 2:


I still need to hear back more on the data upgrade, mainly when it does not work 100%

But this version should hopefully fix all issues with statistics and GameExtender, and GameExtender "Server" now also shows statistics.



Hi Tom. Last MAME Game Played came up wrong. It should of been Street Fighter 2 CE but instead it's displaying a snap of some other fighting game i've never played before (i don't know what game it is). I'm almost sure GameEX got this right with release candidate 1.




Hi, can you please post C:\program files\gameex\data\backup\gamelist.INI

Also wanted to say the upgrade process and new system checks to see if the files exists and the emulator is enabled. So that could be way. Basically GameEx validates all this data now. Did Gunstar heroes work in favorites?



Here's the contents of the Gamelist.ini in the backup folder... I know that Gunstar Heroe's was working last week but I didn't launch it from the favorites menu so it's possible the link in the favorites wasn't correct


neodrift_MAME=false|0|Neo Drift Out - New Technology||neodrift||51
MarioKart64UEMU1=False|1|Mario Kart 64|Mario Kart 64 (U) [!].zip|Mario Kart 64 (U) [!]|Racing|1
SuperMario64UEMU1=False|1|Super Mario 64|Super Mario 64 (U) [!].zip|Super Mario 64 (U) [!]|Action, Adventure|2
SuperMarioWorldUEMU2=False|2|Super Mario World|Super Mario World (U) [!].zip|Super Mario World (U) [!]|Adventure|3
20em1EMU8=False|8|20 Em 1|20-em-1.7z|20-em-1||1
SuperMarioWorldEMU2=False|2|Super Mario World|Super Mario World.7z|Super Mario World|Adventure|1
SuperMarioKartEMU2=False|2|Super Mario Kart|Super Mario Kart.7z|Super Mario Kart|Racing/Driving/Racing|3
spinmast_MAME=false|0|Spin Master / Miracle Adventure||spinmast||2
mslug_MAME=false|0|Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001||mslug||3
ContraIIITheAlienWarsEMU2=False|2|Contra Iii The Alien Wars|Contra III - The Alien Wars.7z|Contra III - The Alien Wars||1
AlexKiddinMiracleWorldEMU8=False|8|Alex Kidd In Miracle World|Alex Kidd in Miracle World.7z|Alex Kidd in Miracle World|Unknown|1
1944_MAME=false|0|1944: The Loop Master||1944||1
MarioKart64EMU1=False|1|Mario Kart 64|Mario Kart 64.7z|Mario Kart 64|Atari Jaguar|2
SuperMarioBros2JEMU4=False|4|Super Mario Bros. 2|Super Mario Bros. 2 (J).7z|Super Mario Bros. 2 (J)|Nintendo NES|1
triviaes_MAME=false|0|Trivial Pursuit||triviaes||1
triviag2_MAME=false|0|Trivial Pursuit||triviag2||1
moo_MAME=false|0|Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EA)||moo||19
wfortune_MAME=false|0|Wheel Of Fortune||wfortune||1
snowbros_MAME=false|0|Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom||snowbros||1
bublbobl_MAME=false|0|Bubble Bobble||bublbobl||1
neobombe_MAME=false|0|Neo Bomberman||neobombe||1
SuperBomberman5EMU3=False|3|Super Bomberman 5|Super Bomberman 5.7z|Super Bomberman 5|Action|1
SuperBomberman3EMU3=False|3|Super Bomberman 3|Super Bomberman 3.7z|Super Bomberman 3|Action|1
MarioKart64EMU4=False|4|Mario Kart 64|Mario Kart 64.7z|Mario Kart 64|Racing|2
SuperMario64EMU4=False|4|Super Mario 64|Super Mario 64.7z|Super Mario 64|Action, Adventure|2
simpsons_MAME=false|0|Simpsons, The (4 Players)||simpsons||2
1942_MAME=false|0|1942 (set 1)||1942||3
paperboy_MAME=false|0|Paperboy (rev 3)||paperboy||2
pacplus_MAME=false|0|Pac-Man Plus||pacplus||30
dkongjr_MAME=false|0|Donkey Kong Junior (US)||dkongjr||1
trally_MAME=false|0|Thrash Rally||trally||2
wwfwfest_MAME=false|0|WWF WrestleFest||wwfwfest||3
SuperMarioWorldEMU4=False|4|Super Mario World|Super Mario World.7z|Super Mario World||3
AlexKiddinMiracleWorldEMU7=False|7|Alex Kidd In Miracle World|Alex Kidd in Miracle World.7z|Alex Kidd in Miracle World|Unknown|5
aerofgt_MAME=false|0|Aero Fighters||aerofgt||2
mwalk_MAME=false|0|Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (set 3, World, FD1094/8751 317-0159)||mwalk||2
avsp_MAME=false|0|Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)||avsp||5
MarioKart64EMU5=True|5|Mario Kart 64|Mario Kart 64.7z|Mario Kart 64|Racing|5
galaga_MAME=false|0|Galaga (Namco rev. ||galaga||1
invad2ct_MAME=false|0|Space Invaders II (Midway, cocktail)||invad2ct||1
spacedx_MAME=false|0|Space Invaders DX (US) v2.1||spacedx||2
HamtaroRainbowRescueEMU2=False|2|Hamtaro Rainbow Rescue|Hamtaro - Rainbow Rescue.7z|Hamtaro - Rainbow Rescue|Nintendo GameBoy Advance|1
f1gp2_MAME=false|0|F-1 Grand Prix Part II||f1gp2||1
gpilots_MAME=false|0|Ghost Pilots||gpilots||1
gunbird_MAME=false|0|Gunbird (World)||gunbird||1
SuperMario64EMU5=False|5|Super Mario 64|Super Mario 64.7z|Super Mario 64|Action, Adventure|2
aliens_MAME=false|0|Aliens (World set 1)||aliens||1
punisher_MAME=false|0|Punisher, The (World 930422)||punisher||1
brkthru_MAME=false|0|Break Thru (US)||brkthru||1
sf2ce_MAME=false|0|Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920313)||sf2ce||14
chplftb_MAME=false|0|Choplifter (alternate)||chplftb||2
narc_MAME=false|0|Narc (rev 7.00)||narc||1
bbmanw_MAME=false|0|Bomber Man World / New Dyna Blaster - Global Quest||bbmanw||2
ssprint_MAME=false|0|Super Sprint (rev 4)||ssprint||7
superpac_MAME=false|0|Super Pac-Man||superpac||1
usg182_MAME=false|0|Games V18.2||usg182||1
fredmem_MAME=false|0|Fred Flintstones' Memory Match||fredmem||1
flstory_MAME=false|0|FairyLand Story, The||flstory||2
finalb_MAME=false|0|Final Blow (World)||finalb||1
gotcha_MAME=false|0|Got-cha Mini Game Festival||gotcha||1
genix_MAME=false|0|Genix Family||genix||1
magdrop2_MAME=false|0|Magical Drop II||magdrop2||1
mario_MAME=false|0|Mario Bros. (US)||mario||1
megaman2_MAME=false|0|Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (US 960708)||megaman2||1
wjammers_MAME=false|0|Windjammers / Flying Power Disc||wjammers||3
otwalls_MAME=false|0|Off the Wall (Sente)||otwalls||1
speedspn_MAME=false|0|Speed Spin||speedspn||1
sslam_MAME=false|0|Super Slam (set 1)||sslam||1
trackfld_MAME=false|0|Track & Field||trackfld||1
88games_MAME=false|0|'88 Games||88games||2
goldmedl_MAME=false|0|Gold Medalist||goldmedl||1
numanath_MAME=false|0|Numan Athletics (World)||numanath||1
ptblank_MAME=false|0|Point Blank||ptblank||14
FinalFantasyMysticQuestEMU4=False|4|Final Fantasy Mystic Quest|Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest.7z|Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest||1
sonicwi3_MAME=false|0|Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3||sonicwi3||6
offroad_MAME=false|0|Ironman Stewart's Super Off-Road||offroad||1
alpham2_MAME=false|0|Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian||alpham2||1
flipshot_MAME=false|0|Battle Flip Shot||flipshot||4
robocop_MAME=false|0|Robocop (World revision 4)||robocop||1
robby_MAME=false|0|Robby Roto||robby||1
roboarmy_MAME=false|0|Robo Army (set 1)||roboarmy||1
starwars_MAME=false|0|Star Wars (rev 2)||starwars||1
jedi_MAME=false|0|Return of the Jedi||jedi||1
esb_MAME=false|0|Empire Strikes Back, The||esb||1
lazercmd_MAME=false|0|Lazer Command||lazercmd||1
seawolf_MAME=false|0|Sea Wolf||seawolf||1
tank8_MAME=false|0|Tank 8 (set 1)||tank8||1
boothill_MAME=false|0|Boot Hill||boothill||1
dragrace_MAME=false|0|Drag Race||dragrace||1
sprint4_MAME=false|0|Sprint 4 (set 1)||sprint4||1
skydiver_MAME=false|0|Sky Diver||skydiver||1
bking_MAME=false|0|Birdie King||bking||1
bbbxing_MAME=false|0|Best Bout Boxing||bbbxing||1
sfex2p_MAME=false|0|Street Fighter EX 2 Plus||sfex2p||2
sfa3_MAME=false|0|Street Fighter Alpha 3||sfa3||2
charlien_MAME=false|0|Charlie Ninja||charlien||1
ecofghtr_MAME=false|0|Eco Fighters (World 931203)||ecofghtr||1
ftsoccer_MAME=false|0|Fighting Soccer||ftsoccer||1
socbrawl_MAME=false|0|Soccer Brawl||socbrawl||1
spnchout_MAME=false|0|Super Punch-Out!!||spnchout||1
bigstrik_MAME=false|0|Big Striker||bigstrik||1
bottom9_MAME=false|0|Bottom of the Ninth (version T)||bottom9||1
UtsurunDesuEMU3=False|3|Utsurun Desu|Utsurun Desu.7z|Utsurun Desu||1
finallap_MAME=false|0|Final Lap (Rev E)||finallap||1
fround_MAME=false|0|Final Round, The (version M)||fround||1
tron_MAME=false|0|Tron (set 1)||tron||1
wmatch_MAME=false|0|Water Match||wmatch||2
ssideki4_MAME=false|0|Ultimate 11 - The SNK Football Championship / Tokuten Ou - Honoo no Libero, The||ssideki4||1
excitebk_MAME=false|0|Vs. Excitebike||excitebk||1
rallybik_MAME=false|0|Rally Bike / Dash Yarou||rallybik||1
armwrest_MAME=false|0|Arm Wrestling||armwrest||1
ar_dart_MAME=false|0|World Darts (Arcadia, V 2.1)||ar_dart||1
shootbul_MAME=false|0|Shoot the Bull||shootbul||1
arlingtn_MAME=false|0|Arlington Horse Racing (v1.21-D)||arlingtn||1
jockeygp_MAME=false|0|Jockey Grand Prix||jockeygp||1
wwfsstar_MAME=false|0|WWF Superstars (Europe)||wwfsstar||1
astdelux_MAME=false|0|Asteroids Deluxe (rev 3)||astdelux||3
cubybop_MAME=false|0|Cuby Bop (Location Test)||cubybop||1
sbrkout_MAME=false|0|Super Breakout||sbrkout||1
twinsqua_MAME=false|0|Twin Squash||twinsqua||1
cbtime_MAME=false|0|Burger Time (Cassette)||cbtime||1
pbobble2_MAME=false|0|Puzzle Bobble 2 (Ver 2.2O 1995/07/20)||pbobble2||1
pbobble4_MAME=false|0|Puzzle Bobble 4 (Ver 2.04O 1997/12/19)||pbobble4||1
pbobblen_MAME=false|0|Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move||pbobblen||5
greatgun_MAME=false|0|Great Guns||greatgun||2
lbowling_MAME=false|0|League Bowling||lbowling||1
googleearthEMU10=False|10|Googleearth|googleearth.exe|googleearth|Nintendo SNES|18
RidgeRacerRevolutionEMU9=False|9|Ridge Racer Revolution|Ridge Racer Revolution.cdz|Ridge Racer Revolution|Sony Playstation|3
DeadOrAliveEMU9=False|9|Dead Or Alive|Dead Or Alive.cdz|Dead Or Alive|Sony Playstation|2
OverboardEMU9=False|9|Overboard|Overboard.cdz|Overboard|Sony Playstation|2
RageRacerEMU9=False|9|Rage Racer|Rage Racer.cdz|Rage Racer|Sony Playstation|1
arknoid2_MAME=false|0|Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World)||arknoid2||1
galaxian_MAME=false|0|Galaxian (Namco set 1)||galaxian||23
asteroid_MAME=false|0|Asteroids (rev 2)||asteroid||7
simpsn2p_MAME=false|0|Simpsons, The||simpsn2p||2
wgp_MAME=false|0|World Grand Prix (US)||wgp||1
kotm_MAME=false|0|King of the Monsters (set 1)||kotm||1
GunstarHeroesEMU8=True|8|Gunstar Heroes|Gunstar Heroes.7z|Gunstar Heroes|Shooter|1
radikalb_MAME=false|0|Radikal Bikers||radikalb||1
tekken_MAME=false|0|Tekken (TE4/VER.C)||tekken||18
fvipers_MAME=false|0|Fighting Vipers||fvipers||2
aquarush_MAME=false|0|Aqua Rush||aquarush||1
ts2_MAME=false|0|Battle Arena Toshinden 2||ts2||1
sfex_MAME=false|0|Street Fighter EX||sfex||1
rvschool_MAME=false|0|Rival Schools (USA 971117)||rvschool||2
mrdrillr_MAME=false|0|Mr Driller||mrdrillr||1
hyperath_MAME=false|0|Hyper Athlete||hyperath||1
tekken3_MAME=false|0|Tekken 3||tekken3||2
pltkids_MAME=false|0|Pilot Kids||pltkids||1
outrun_MAME=false|0|Out Run||outrun||1
|OutRun2006Coast2Coast|PC Games|3
CrazyTaxiEMU6=False|6|Crazy Taxi|Crazy Taxi.bat|Crazy Taxi|PC Games|1
CrazyTaxiPCexeEMU6=False|6|Crazy Taxi Pc.exe|Crazy_Taxi_PC.exe.lnk|Crazy_Taxi_PC.exe|PC Games|3
CopyofOutRun2006Coast2CoastEMU6=False|6|Copy Of Out Run 2006 Coast 2 Coast|Copy of Out Run 2006 Coast 2 Coast.bat|Copy of Out Run 2006 Coast 2 Coast|PC Games|1
DaytonaUSADeluxeEMU6=False|6|Daytona Usa Deluxe|Daytona USA Deluxe.bat|Daytona USA Deluxe|PC Games|5
YouDontKnowJack6TheLostGoldEMU6=False|6|You Don't Know Jack 6 The Lost Gold|You Don't Know Jack 6 - The Lost Gold.bat|You Don't Know Jack 6 - The Lost Gold|PC Games|5
bigbucks_MAME=false|0|Big Bucks||bigbucks||1
wizzquiz_MAME=false|0|Wizz Quiz||wizzquiz||1
profpac_MAME=false|0|Professor PacMan||profpac||2
gunblade_MAME=false|0|Gunblade NY||gunblade||1
schamp_MAME=false|0|Sonic The Fighters||schamp||3
zerogun_MAME=false|0|Zero Gunner||zerogun||1
opwolf_MAME=false|0|Operation Wolf (World)||opwolf||2
SuperMarioLandEMU1=False|1|Super Mario Land|Super Mario Land.7z|Super Mario Land|Action|3
FZeroEMU2=False|2|F Zero|F-Zero.7z|F-Zero|Nintendo GameBoy Advance|2
BreakoutBreakawayIVEMU11=False|11|Breakout Breakaway Iv|Breakout - Breakaway IV.7z|Breakout - Breakaway IV||1
AmazingSpiderManTheGottlieb1980EMU11=False|11|Amazing Spider Man, The|Amazing Spider-Man, The (Gottlieb) (1980).zip|Amazing Spider-Man, The (Gottlieb) (1980)|Pinball|1
AlienvsPredatorEMU1=False|1|Alien vs Predator|Alien vs Predator.7z|Alien vs Predator|Action/Adventure|4
BubsyFracturedFurryTailsEMU1=False|1|Bubsy Fractured Furry Tails|Bubsy - Fractured Furry Tails.7z|Bubsy - Fractured Furry Tails||1
AtariKartsEMU1=False|1|Atari Karts|Atari Karts.7z|Atari Karts|Racing/Driving|1
PowerDriveRallyEMU1=False|1|Power Drive Rally|Power Drive Rally.7z|Power Drive Rally|Racing/Driving|1
UltraVortekEMU1=False|1|Ultra Vortek|Ultra Vortek.7z|Ultra Vortek|Action|1
DoubleDragonVEMU1=False|1|Double Dragon V|Double Dragon V.7z|Double Dragon V||2
twinadv_MAME=false|0|Twin Adventure||twinadv||2
teetert_MAME=false|0|Teeter Torture||teetert||10
androdun_MAME=false|0|Andro Dunos||androdun||1
ctomaday_MAME=false|0|Captain Tomaday||ctomaday||1
BeautyandtheBeastEMU13=False|13|Beauty and the Beast|Beauty and the Beast.7z|Beauty and the Beast|Action|3
BangaiOEMU14=False|14|Bangai O|Bangai-O.cdi|Bangai-O|Sega Dreamcast|3
CrazyTaxiEMU14=False|14|Crazy Taxi|Crazy Taxi.cdi|Crazy Taxi|Sega Dreamcast|2
kinst_MAME=false|0|Killer Instinct (v1.5d)||kinst||5
kinst2_MAME=false|0|Killer Instinct 2||kinst2||1
MarioKart64EMU6=False|6|Mario Kart 64|Mario Kart 64.7z|Mario Kart 64|Racing|6
Choplifter1984AtariEMU15=False|15|Choplifter|Choplifter (1984) (Atari).7z|Choplifter (1984) (Atari)|Action|1
MariosTennisEMU17=False|17|Mario's Tennis|Mario's Tennis.7z|Mario's Tennis|Sports|3
AerialAssaultEMU18=False|18|Aerial Assault|Aerial Assault.7z|Aerial Assault|Action|2
Choplifter1987AtariEMU16=False|16|Choplifter|Choplifter (1987) (Atari).7z|Choplifter (1987) (Atari)|Action|1
Galaxian1982AtariEMU15=False|15|Galaxian|Galaxian (1982) (Atari).7z|Galaxian (1982) (Atari)|Action|4
Kangaroo1982AtariEMU15=False|15|Kangaroo|Kangaroo (1982) (Atari).7z|Kangaroo (1982) (Atari)|Action|1
MissileCommand1983AtariEMU15=False|15|Missile Command|Missile Command (1983) (Atari).7z|Missile Command (1983) (Atari)|Action|1
TrackandField1984AtariEMU15=False|15|Track And Field|Track and Field (1984) (Atari).7z|Track and Field (1984) (Atari)||1
pbballex_MAME=false|0|Powerful Pro Baseball EX||pbballex||1
vivdolls_MAME=false|0|Vivid Dolls||vivdolls||1
starsldr_MAME=false|0|Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth||starsldr||1
SuperMarioWorldEMU10=False|10|Super Mario World|Super Mario World.zip|Super Mario World|Nintendo SNES|2
theroes_MAME=false|0|Thunder Heroes||theroes||1
WormsWorldPartyEMU17=False|17|Worms World Party|Worms World Party.bat|Worms World Party|PC Games|7
SuperMario64EMU11=True|11|Super Mario 64|Super Mario 64.zip|Super Mario 64|Nintendo N64|4
unsquad_MAME=false|0|U.N. Squadron||unsquad||1
xmvsf_MAME=false|0|X-Men Vs. Street Fighter||xmvsf||2
twinspri_MAME=false|0|Twinkle Star Sprites||twinspri||1
WCWvsnWoWorldTourEMU11=False|11|Wcw Vs. Nwo World Tour|WCW vs. nWo - World Tour.zip|WCW vs. nWo - World Tour||2
brvblade_MAME=false|0|Brave Blade||brvblade||1
bublbob2_MAME=false|0|Bubble Bobble II||bublbob2||1
ganryu_MAME=false|0|Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki||ganryu||1
cshift_MAME=false|0|Chicken Shift||cshift||2
combasc_MAME=false|0|Combat School||combasc||1
blswhstl_MAME=false|0|Bells & Whistles||blswhstl||1
bishi_MAME=false|0|Bishi Bashi Championship Mini Game Senshuken (ver JAA)||bishi||4
blazstar_MAME=false|0|Blazing Star||blazstar||1
blmbycar_MAME=false|0|Blomby Car||blmbycar||1
splatter_MAME=false|0|Splatter House||splatter||1
SonicTheHedgehogEMU14=False|14|Sonic The Hedgehog|Sonic The Hedgehog.zip|Sonic The Hedgehog|Sega Mega Drive|3
VirtuaTennisEMU17=False|17|Virtua Tennis|Virtua Tennis.bat|Virtua Tennis|PC Games|4
BishiBashiSpecialEMU16=False|16|Bishi Bashi Special|Bishi Bashi Special.cdz|Bishi Bashi Special|Sony Playstation|1
OverboardEMU16=False|16|Overboard|Overboard.cdz|Overboard|Sony Playstation|1
1941_MAME=false|0|1941 - Counter Attack (World)||1941||2
LegoStarWarsIIEMU17=False|17|Lego Star Wars Ii|Lego Star Wars II.bat|Lego Star Wars II|PC Games|2
smashtv_MAME=false|0|Smash T.V.||smashtv||1
inthunt_MAME=false|0|In The Hunt||inthunt||2
rtypeleo_MAME=false|0|R-Type Leo||rtypeleo||1
BacktotheFutureEMU9=False|9|Back To The Future|Back to the Future.zip|Back to the Future|Nintendo NES|1
AlexKiddinMiracleWorldEMU13=False|13|Alex Kidd In Miracle World|Alex Kidd in Miracle World.zip|Alex Kidd in Miracle World|Unknown|7
MicroMachinesEMU14=False|14|Micro Machines|Micro Machines.zip|Micro Machines|Sega Mega Drive|1
bucky_MAME=false|0|Bucky O'Hare||bucky||1
wwfmania_MAME=false|0|WWF: Wrestlemania||wwfmania||1
footchmp_MAME=false|0|Football Champ||footchmp||1
SonicTheHedgehog2EMU14=True|14|Sonic The Hedgehog 2|Sonic The Hedgehog 2.zip|Sonic The Hedgehog 2|Sega Mega Drive|1
ffight_MAME=false|0|Final Fight||ffight||1
pow_MAME=false|0|P.O.W. - Prisoners of War||pow||1
hyperspt_MAME=false|0|Hyper Sports||hyperspt||2
GunstarHeroesEMU14=False|14|Gunstar Heroes|Gunstar Heroes.zip|Gunstar Heroes|Shooter|2
JetSetWillyEMU4=False|4|Jet Set Willy|Jet Set Willy.7z|Jet Set Willy|MSX|1
tankbatt_MAME=false|0|Tank Battalion||tankbatt||1
timecris_MAME=false|0|Time Crisis (Rev. TS2 Ver.||timecris||2
dkong_MAME=false|0|Donkey Kong||dkong||1
fghthist_MAME=false|0|Fighter's History||fghthist||2
sdodgeb_MAME=false|0|Super Dodge Ball / Kunio no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu||sdodgeb||1
spyhunt_MAME=false|0|Spy Hunter||spyhunt||1
stonebal_MAME=false|0|Stone Ball||stonebal||1
dblplay_MAME=false|0|Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby||dblplay||1
strider2_MAME=false|0|Strider 2||strider2||1
techromn_MAME=false|0|Tech Romancer||techromn||1
pasha2_MAME=false|0|Pasha Pasha 2||pasha2||2
SnoopyvsTheRedBaronEMU17=False|17|Snoopy Vs The Red Baron|Snoopy vs The Red Baron.bat|Snoopy vs The Red Baron|Flight|8
GridWarsEMU17=False|17|Grid Wars|Grid Wars.bat|Grid Wars|Sony Playstation|7
SuperMarioWarEMU17=False|17|Super Mario War|Super Mario War.bat|Super Mario War|PC Games|3
avspirit_MAME=false|0|Avenging Spirit||avspirit||1
OutRun2006Coast2CoastEMU17=False|17|Out Run 2006 Coast 2 Coast|Out Run 2006 Coast 2 Coast.bat|Out Run 2006 Coast 2 Coast|Racing|3
SuperMarioBros3EMU9=True|9|Super Mario Bros. 3|Super Mario Bros. 3.zip|Super Mario Bros. 3|Nintendo NES|2
ChipnDaleRescueRangersEMU9=False|9|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.zip|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers|Nintendo NES|1
SuperMarioLandEMU6=False|6|Super Mario Land|Super Mario Land.7z|Super Mario Land|Nintendo GameBoy Mono\Color|2
ThrustXtremeEMU17=False|17|Thrust Xtreme|Thrust Xtreme.bat|Thrust Xtreme||2
PlusOrMinusEMU17=False|17|Plus Or Minus|Plus Or Minus.bat|Plus Or Minus||1
Worms4MayhemEMU17=False|17|Worms 4 Mayhem|Worms 4 Mayhem.bat|Worms 4 Mayhem||2
BloodRayne2EMU17=False|17|Blood Rayne 2|Blood Rayne 2.bat|Blood Rayne 2||2
DevilMayCry3SpecialEditionEMU17=False|17|Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition|Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition.bat|Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition|PC Games|1
BoogermanAPickandFlickAdventureEMU14=False|14|Boogerman A Pick And Flick Adventure|Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure.zip|Boogerman - A Pick and Flick Adventure||1
ddr2ml_MAME=false|0|Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix - Link Ver (GE885 VER. JAA)||ddr2ml||6
sonicwi2_MAME=false|0|Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2||sonicwi2||1
dino_MAME=false|0|Cadillacs and Dinosaurs||dino||1
sf_MAME=false|0|Street Fighter||sf||1
sf2_MAME=false|0|Street Fighter II - The World Warrior||sf2||1
sbishi_MAME=false|0|Super Bishi Bashi Championship||sbishi||1
cupfinal_MAME=false|0|Taito Cup Finals||cupfinal||1
bbusters_MAME=false|0|Beast Busters (World ?)||bbusters||1
lethalen_MAME=false|0|Lethal Enforcers (ver UAE, 11/19/92 15:04)||lethalen||5
salarymc_MAME=false|0|Salary Man Champ (GCA18 VER. JAA)||salarymc||1
searchp2_MAME=false|0|Search Eye Plus V2.0||searchp2||1
ghlpanic_MAME=false|0|Ghoul Panic (OB2/VER.A)||ghlpanic||1
claypign_MAME=false|0|Clay Pigeon (version 2.0)||claypign||5
cracksht_MAME=false|0|Crackshot (version 2.0)||cracksht||2
critcrsh_MAME=false|0|Critter Crusher (EA 951204 V1.000)||critcrsh||1
lghost_MAME=false|0|Laser Ghost (set 2, World, 317-0166)||lghost||1
duckhunt_MAME=false|0|Vs. Duck Hunt||duckhunt||1
dsftkd_MAME=false|0|Dancing Stage featuring TRUE KiSS DESTiNATiON (G*884 VER. JAA)||dsftkd||2
bm2ndmix_MAME=false|0|beatmania 2nd MIX (ver JA-||bm2ndmix||1
VirtuaFighterEMU17=False|17|Virtua Fighter|Virtua Fighter.bat|Virtua Fighter||1
dstage_MAME=false|0|Dancing Stage (GN845 VER. EAA)||dstage||2
hitnmiss_MAME=false|0|Hit 'n Miss (version 3.0)||hitnmiss||1
StepManiaEMU17=True|17|Step Mania|Step Mania.bat|Step Mania|Sony Playstation|11
HouseOfTheDeadEMU17=False|17|House Of The Dead|House Of The Dead.bat|House Of The Dead|Gun|4
YouDontKnowJack1EMU17=False|17|You Don't Know Jack 1|You Don't Know Jack 1.bat|You Don't Know Jack 1|Trivia|2
YouDontKnowJack2EMU17=False|17|You Don't Know Jack 2|You Don't Know Jack 2.bat|You Don't Know Jack 2|Trivia|1
YouDontKnowJack3EMU17=False|17|You Don't Know Jack 3|You Don't Know Jack 3.bat|You Don't Know Jack 3||1
armwar_MAME=false|0|Armored Warriors (Euro 941024)||armwar||1
toobin_MAME=false|0|Toobin' (rev 3)||toobin||1
YouDontKnowJackMoviesEMU17=False|17|You Don't Know Jack Movies|You Don't Know Jack - Movies.bat|You Don't Know Jack - Movies|Trivia|1
FreakOutExtremeFreerideEMU17=False|17|Freak Out Extreme Freeride|Freak Out - Extreme Freeride.bat|Freak Out - Extreme Freeride||1
vr_MAME=false|0|Virtua Racing||vr||1
vfkids_MAME=false|0|Virtua Fighter Kids (JUET 960319 V0.000)||vfkids||1
MarioTennisEMU11=False|11|Mario Tennis|Mario Tennis.zip|Mario Tennis|Tennis, Action, Sport|1
Excitebike64EMU11=False|11|Excitebike 64|Excitebike 64.zip|Excitebike 64|Racing, Action|1
GridWarsEMU18=False|18|Grid Wars|Grid Wars.bat|Grid Wars|Action|7
VirtuaTennisEMU18=False|18|Virtua Tennis|Virtua Tennis.bat|Virtua Tennis|Sports|2
SuperMarioWarEMU18=False|18|Super Mario War|Super Mario War.bat|Super Mario War|Action|2
LEGORacersEMU18=False|18|Lego Racers|LEGO Racers.bat|LEGO Racers||1
Typhoon2001EMU18=False|18|Typhoon 2001|Typhoon 2001.bat|Typhoon 2001||2
TonyHawkProSkater4EMU18=False|18|Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4|Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4.bat|Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4||1
Super4WDTheBajaEMU10=False|10|Super 4wd The Baja|Super 4WD - The Baja.zip|Super 4WD - The Baja||1
ghoshunt_MAME=false|0|Ghost Hunter||ghoshunt||1
sncwgltd_MAME=false|0|Sonic Wings Limited (JAPAN)||sncwgltd||1
cbaj_MAME=false|0|Cool Boarders Arcade Jam||cbaj||1
surfplnt_MAME=false|0|Surf Planet||surfplnt||1
dimahoo_MAME=false|0|Dimahoo (USA 000121)||dimahoo||2
crshrace_MAME=false|0|Lethal Crash Race (set 1)||crshrace||1
ghouls_MAME=false|0|Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)||ghouls||1
3countb_MAME=false|0|3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex||3countb||1
rtype2_MAME=false|0|R-Type II||rtype2||1
chukatai_MAME=false|0|Chuka Taisen (World)||chukatai||1
chopper_MAME=false|0|Chopper I (US set 1)||chopper||1
007GoldenEyeEMU11=False|11|007 Goldeneye|007 - GoldenEye.zip|007 - GoldenEye||1
MarioKart64EMU11=False|11|Mario Kart 64|Mario Kart 64.zip|Mario Kart 64|Racing|1
Pilotwings64EMU11=False|11|Pilotwings 64|Pilotwings 64.zip|Pilotwings 64|Action, Simulation|1
SuperMarioWorld2YoshisIslandEMU10=False|10|Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island|Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island.zip|Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island||1
edf_MAME=false|0|E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force||edf||1
horshoes_MAME=false|0|American Horseshoes (US)||horshoes||1
kchamp_MAME=false|0|Karate Champ (US)||kchamp||1
gaxeduel_MAME=false|0|Golden Axe - The Duel (JUETL 950117 V1.000)||gaxeduel||1
kageki_MAME=false|0|Kageki (US)||kageki||1
ProEvolutionSoccer6EMU18=False|18|Pro Evolution Soccer 6|Pro Evolution Soccer 6.bat|Pro Evolution Soccer 6||2
SuperTennisEMU10=False|10|Super Tennis|Super Tennis.zip|Super Tennis|Sports|1
YouDontKnowJack2EMU18=False|18|You Don't Know Jack 2|You Don't Know Jack 2.bat|You Don't Know Jack 2|Trivia|3
YouDontKnowJack1EMU18=False|18|You Don't Know Jack 1|You Don't Know Jack 1.bat|You Don't Know Jack 1|Trivia|3
RoadRashEMU14=False|14|Road Rash|Road Rash.zip|Road Rash|Racing (motorcycle)|2


Does "Gunstar Heroes.7z" exist in the rom folder for emulator 8?

That's the problem "Gunstar Heroes.zip" exists in that directory I'd forgot that I had recently changed back from 7zip because I felt it was too slow waiting to extract every game in the 7z file

Sorry for the false alarm :) though what the deal with the most played deleting so many entries as most of them where mame games that still exist


That's the problem "Gunstar Heroes.zip" exists in that directory I'd forgot that I had recently changed back from 7zip because I felt it was too slow waiting to extract every game in the 7z file

Sorry for the false alarm :) though what the deal with the most played deleting so many entries as most of them where mame games that still exist


Thank Stu, I got the MAME most played issue fixed now, and am ready for the public relase.

Thanks again for your help.

Hi, can you eleborate on that please?

Sure. My custom emulator screens (like Valhalla has one for NES, SNES, etc. You know.) don't come up at all. Instead emubak.png comes up for all of them. I set them in the Theme.ini and the Advanced Config. I'm going to try the new build right now and I'll let you know what happens.

.:EDIT:. No dice. The emulator backgrounds don't show up. Not sure why that is.


I think this may be some kind of other issue as I cant think of anything thats changed that would affect that.

Have you turned off advanced gfx in the config?


Yes as a matter of fact it was. I don't know how that happened since I don't recall disabling that option. My bad. :)

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