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Hi all i'm a noob,

Can you guys help me setup model 2 and zinc, i cant even get these things to work in Mame much less in GameEx. Do they need to be in their own seperate folders? or under the roms directory or where? Please help very confused


I generally have a roms folder for each Emu I wish to use...this add's up to a fair amount of dup's...but it also makes sure that every thing works as expected in case one of them updates and changes files used or naming.

Also keep in mind that Mame is one emu of its own, and Model2 & Zinc are also their own Emu's...Mame has the same games as Model2 & Zinc...however both tend to play their given games faster than Mame currently....and this is the only reason to use them. In do time Mame will likely play those games just as fast or maybe even faster...but thats down the road some time.

Keep in mind also that Zinc is completely CLI based...and you will likely find that you need a FE (frontend) of some sort to get it to play.

Model2 does have its own interface tho limited and buggy...so it should be fairly easy to get up and going without resorting to any FE ahead of time.

I'd suggest heading over to easyEmu to get the basics down for these two fine Emu's...and then suggest you come back here once you start running into issues dealing strictly with GameEx integration of these Emu's.

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