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So, attract mode is awesome. It's great to have it cycle through games and tempt you as you are walking by.

There are 2 things I'm wondering about. If I pop in a coin during attract mode it starts into the game. It doesn't however seem to execute anything in the "shellbefore" so my joysticks, etc are not initialized (Ultimarc 360s) and LEDs are not illuminated. Is there a way I can do this?

Actually, it might be better if there was an "attractmode-shellbefore" as I have other things in there that I might not want occurring while in attract mode (.wav files playing, etc...)

Also, is it possible to enter attract mode after the controls have been idle for a certain amount of time? This would involve exiting from mame somehow.

I haven't looked at the plugin examples- maybe I need to- maybe the hooks are there for this sort of functionality? Or maybe this stuff is in there already and I've missed it...

GameEx is just too cool.


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